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YTNiYTM4N2IxMTAxZDY1NWQ5YTE0ZGE0Yjk5MmZlZDc4YjQ5NTRiZDE3MDYy Egypt's antiquities authorities on Thursday unveiled a newly discovered, sealed-off chamber inside one of the Great Pyramids at Giza, just outside of Cairo, that dates back some 4,500 years ago. Its not a complicated shape, so its not a special coincidence either. You have already liked this page, you can only like it once! Just last week scientists discovered a massive object lurking beneath frozen wasteland in Antarctica. Or rather, the remains of one that had been damaged by a glacier. Not quite, say geologists. QFSWALLETS!! And this could have been Atlantis, a mythical cityfounded by people who were half god and half human which wasfirst mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in 360BC. Antarctica: How have temperatures varied since the last - ScienceDaily As the ice sheets of Antarctica continue to melt, experts believe that the lessening snow is revealing a mysterious truth about the South Pole. An estimate of the ruins size, usingGoogle Earth, is roughly 2500 feet (about 830 meters). . Antarctic Atlantis? | Field Notes | North Coast Journal If you reserve your departure after 3/17/23, you must pay in full by 3/31/23 to receive the 10% savings. Three oval shaped motherships about 30 miles in diameter were discovered nearby revealing that the Pre-Adamites were extraterrestrial in origin, and had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago. Archaeologist Jonathan Gray claimed the US government is trying to block the video from being seen because it reveals there is a "massive archaeological dig under way two miles beneath the ice". To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Some may wonder why JP was given the coordinates of these ancient ruins by the USAF officer and told to release it publicly. Speaking about a similar Antarctica pyramid near the Ellsworth Mountains, the geologist told IFLScience: The peaks are clearly composed of rock, and its a coincidence that this particular peak has that shape. The ruins are in an elevated area that is ice-free and appears to have a runway or very long hangars from which aerospace vehicles can take off and land. That separation created the Antarctic circumpolar current that effectively isolated the continent from the others. The team left behind a video documenting an apparent ancient ruin found below the Antarctic ice. Episode one of season 11 of Ancient Aliens, explored the remote possibility such pyramids were left behind by ancient alien visitors or human civilisations. An Antarctic mountain with a unique, pyramid-like shape is suddenly internet-famous, with countless theorists contemplating its origin. Furthermore, satellite data help to homogenise the airborne data, which were acquired over a period of more than 60 years with varying accuracy and resolution. Back in January 2012, a mysterious dome structure appeared out of nowhere in the icy continent of Antarctica.It is believed by many that this Mysterious Dome Structure could be home to an entire ancient civilization. But designed by whom that to in one of the most remote and untouched places on Earth, eastern Antarctica will remain a mystery. He works in the building where the gates are that takes you to different places in our solar system.. Whistleblower Corey Goode says there is an ancient alien civilization that is flash frozen and buried under two miles of ice in Antarctica. In 2016 the World Wide Web was all abuzz with Google Earth images of Antarctica that appear to show pyramids in the icy landscape. . Savor wonderfully diverse cuisine from tender Argentine asado to the acclaimed Chilean wines. NTU2ZjU5NDczYTAxMDgwNTQxZmNjZmJjNzBiZjRiZWRkZWU3YWQyNGFkYTYx The only problem is that these photographs were taken in Antarctica under 2 kilometres of ice. Ancient Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization An ancient underground complex discovered in Southern California that included star charts on aluminum sheets. YzA4MWM5YyJ9 How did the ancient civilization in Antarctica collapse? - Quora An ancient map dating back to the 1500s seems to show Antarcticas coastline in unprecedented detail. The theory goes thatthe Nazis claimed an area of Antarctica as German territory and sent an expedition there. Dr Mitch Darcy, a geologist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, argued mountains like this are known as nunataks. Quatrian Ruins Melting Out of the Ice in Antarctica 10 Bizarre Things Hidden Right Underneath The Antarctic (10 - TheTravel Is it possible Antarctica has not always been covered under such an ice sheet? But what if there is another lost city that is waiting to be fully discovered? You can unsubscribe at any time. It may lead to explanations on whether Antarctica has always been barren, or if it was differentin ancient times. OGJjOTk3NDUzMTYwNzFkNGQyMzY0MzMyYjliYTYxYWUzNTUyODY4YjU5MWZi The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from natural geomorphological formations found in nature. It has been published in Archaeology News Flash. Spanning more than 13,000 miles across some of China's most challenging terrain. Speculation over the location of the legendary long-lost city is rife, with others believing it to have been near the Greek island of Santorini. Two UFOs were discovered in the middle of a rocky area in Antarctica June 27, 2021 Scientists have discovered pyramids in Antarctica: experts said that the history of mankind may be completely different May 9, 2021 Conspiracy theorist discovered an alien ship in Antarctica Using Google Maps? MmU4NzdiZmFhYWNlZjA1YTZmNTU5ZjRmNDA2NDFiMDllODAwNThiZWE1YjQ4 Recently discovered satellite photos from Google Earth show that an ancient civilization built pyramids in Antarctica 100 million years ago. It is possible that the ruins were recently handed over to the US military by China. So far the researchers have uncovered the foundations of a massive columned structure that may have stood as high as 30 meters, says group member Harvey Sampson, who last year had proved by DNA analysis that Piltdown Man was not an elaborate hoax but in fact the skeleton of the murdered St. Nicholas, the last Russian Tsar (ScienceNOW, 1 April 1997). East Antarctica's crust is thicker than West Antarctica's: It's between 25 miles and 37 miles (40 and 60 kilometers) thick, compared with the West's 12 miles and 22 miles (20 and 35 km) thick. It just shows us how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of past human settlements.. USAF Colonel leaks coordinates of ancient Antarctic Ruins Interestingly, the ancient ruins found in South Africa are surrounded by several gold mines.It has been suggested by the researchers that a vanished civilization from the distant past, could have lived and proposed in that part of the world while mining gold.This and other shreds point to the Ancient Anunnaki. This ancient square consists of the ruins of four Roman Republic temples, including Pompey's Theater, the Roman Senate. This incredibly bizarre theory was presented on the History Channels TV series Ancient Aliens, which investigates various extraterrestrial theories. The Strange Mystery Of The Pauli Effect: What Happened To The Austrian Scientist? OThmNGUxMGJhMWU0MjMwZjE1YWQ5NjdkZjlkNjdkMmZhNWZiN2M2NzczY2E5 From January 1 to 31, 2023, the company also experienced 18 of its all-time top 20 booking days, including the strongest single day . MjNhOGUzNjhmZmU4OGM3NGQ2ZDRiODdmNGRjMTMxZmI4OGQ1MzI5ODMwMWM1 MjIxYWQzMjE3NDA1ZjM4NjY2YjU4NTEwZGRiODNlYjU1ZDU2MWFiNmIzNTZk 4 - The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids. Its location at an elevated ice-free area makes it quite suitable as an airbase that was used by its former occupants: Germans, extraterrestrials, or an ancient civilization. Exploring Mexico's ancient ruins - Lonely Planet But that's not the wildest claim - with several online websites claiming thatthere is a city in Antarctica and HITLER knew about it, making it a secret Nazi base. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! Researchers were baffled by the discovery, which some people claim could be a evidence hidden civilisation with "traces of a human settlement underneath the ice" revealed in photographs released by Nasa. Icy Atlantis: Does this mysterious dome structure hidden in Antarctica But even more perplexing is that the map shows the frozen continent much more eastern than it is today, and with less snow and ice coverage. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. Antarctica - December Eclipse Ceremonies within Ancient Ruins beneath the Ice Copyright of the image by Corey Goode Dozens of Cabal Elites from around the world arrived in Antarctica for a tour of recently excavated ruins beneath the ice that included libraries and temples. Long-lost ice core provides direct evidence that giant ice sheet melted off within the last million years and is highly vulnerable to a warming climate Date: March 15, 2021 Source: University of. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Came up to me and said to share the information. It is important to point out that in 2017, Air Force operatives, on several occasions, instructed JP on where to look up to the sky to take photographs of flying triangles and rectangles in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base. And Mohammad Ziaul Mushtafa Khan said: No evidence, only a bunch of authors referred them as extraterrestrial theorists claimed everything on Earth is conspired by some aliens, now latest victim is Antarctica. There are possibly many other additional sites that are covered over with ice. I have high confidence in JPs reliability as a witness and as a conduit of information releases tacitly approved by senior military officials. Tejidos biolgicos aliengenas estaran ocultos en un Centro Mdico Militar de EE. It involved a civilization led by 10-12 foot tall Pre-Adamites with elongated skulls. Embark on this state of the art, all inclusive expedition cruise into a journey to discover the crown jewels of the Norwegian Fjords on a 10-day tour through the most magnificent scenery. Corey Goode was made aware of the discovery of epic new Antarctic ruins approximately three months ago, and wasn't even authorized to tell David what was going on. Antarctica 1964 Satellite Photos Show Ancient Ruins Sunday, April 18, 2021 11:30 Antarctica Mysteries NEW 2021 - Recently declassified U.S. satellite photographs taken above most areas of the world have been causing a stir amongst archaeologists. The theory alleges that movements in the Earth's crust meant that large parts of Antarctica were ice-free 12,000years ago and people could have lived there. 2K. One theory is that Antarctica was not always as cold and covered in snow. Ancient meteoritic impact over Antarctica 430,000 years ago Date: March 31, 2021 Source: University of Kent Summary: A research team of international space scientists has found new evidence of. NzZmOTAxYjA3ODcxODg5YzM4NTQxNDgwMWRlNWE4ZDEzODYzYmQ3ZDk5YWYw Teams of archeologists have been working with what is left, and told to keep secret what else they had seen. This raises the question, "how old are the ruins being currently discovered in Antarctica?" The unfavorable living conditions of Antarctica makes it a difficult place to inhabit. ZWEzNDBiZjJkMjhkZjdmODViZmM2ZTM3YTU1NDkwOGQyYjkxYmQ3ZjMyMTdm 2021 - 05:05. "It's a well-kept secret, but they did discover a pyramid there. Based on this connection, researchers were able to identify the niches as all that remained of cupboards built to house an ancient library's roughly 20,000 scrolls. Los Angeles (February 28, 2023) - As Viking ( continues to celebrate its 25th anniversary, the company has marked a new milestonethe most successful single month of bookings in its history. according to Stephen Hannard ADGUK The continent of Antarctica was seperated from South America around 23 million years ago. pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space, Over 30,000 of Government UFO Reports Now Available at Canadian University, Giant Alien Head Found On Mars And Labeled By NASA As Chryse Alien!, White Spiral Cigar Shaped UFO Filmed Over Florida | Im Out My Comfort Zone, Physicist Claims Aliens Can Communicate Using Starlight. The US Navy SEALs were the ones who found the video while on their rescue mission for the missing TV crew. It appeared to show extensive ancient ruins hidden in the ice, and was a video supposedly . Their new study shows that combining satellite and aeromagnetic data provides a key missing link to connect Antarcticas hidden geology with formerly adjacent continents, namely Australia, India and South Africa keystones of Gondwana. The continent of Antarctica was seperated from South America around 23 million years ago. A Mysterious Dome Structure In Antarctica: Is it Evidence Of A Lost In this video interview, Ive only included the audio to protect his identity. A US Navy SEALs mission is also a clue to the said newly discovered ruins. Y2E5NDIxNWEzOGViNTZjOTkzYjY5ZWExN2QyYmM1OGY2YWFjZmZmN2M0NTFj This information is from Jonathan Gray, an adventurer and archeologist from World Education Research Ltd. While you might think the plaza was named for the South American country, it actually . OGNhMDQ5YWMzYjYzMTU2NGY2YzBjMTZmMjczMGE4NjRkNGE3NjU1NjViNjBj Perhaps the most significant item on the map is the depiction of Antarctica despite Antarctica not officially being discovered until until 1773 by Captain James Cook. Navy Seal Reveals Secret Mission to Ancient Buried Structure in Antarctica, Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice (Linda Moulton Howe Documentary on Antarctica Preview), Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice from Linda Moulton Howe on Vimeo, Copyright 2023 - UNARIUS is a registered trademark owned by the Unarius Educational Foundation dba Unarius Academy of Science, The Orion Conspiracy And Antarctica Revelations. ESA - Antarctica's magnetic link to ancient neighbours 2 - The Hole at the Pole. Fausto Ferraccioli, Director of Geophysics at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics in Italy, and also affiliated with the British Antarctic Survey, said, We have been trying to piece together the connections between Antarctica and other continents for decades. It has been estimated that the continent adopted its climate 6,000 years ago and it has been ever since. But it has only been since 2002 that excavations by archaeologists and other scientists have been allowed on the site. To this day, the Atlantis TV crew who filmed the archaeological dig remains missing. West Antarctica's Weak Underbelly Giving Way. All rights reserved. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. That separation created the Antarctic circumpolar current that effectively isolated the continent from the others. Fortunately, satellites orbiting above can see where humans cannot. Ruins of Ancient City Found in Antarctica | PDF - Scribd To keep this resource 100% free, we receive compensation for many of the products and services listed on the site. Historical mysteries and rumors of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrds ill-fated Operation Highjumpexpedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organizations of all: theThule Society, Vril Society and the Ahnenerbe., Your email address will not be published. MjRmZTc0NTViODQ4YWZjNWFlYmM3Mzc2MDI1ZjQ4ZmFlYjZhMGM5MDU1NjFl THE PRE-ADAMITES WENT TO ANTARCTICA TO RE-INHABIT ANCIENT BUILDER RACE RUINS. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! does not include the entire universe of available offers. In addition, select ancient artifacts from other locations will be brought in from vast warehouses and seeded into the archeological site for public release. Jrg Ebbing, from Kiel University, explains, With the available data, we only had pieces of the puzzle. Short Film: Antarctica & Origins of the Dark Fleet, Highlights from Antarctica, the Dark Fleet & Human Liberation Webinar. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You can unsubscribe any time. Sicily Travel | Dates & Prices | Overseas Adventure Travel It comes just months after a huge pyramid-like shape was discovered on the freezing continent. Allegedly, a society could have existed before coming to an end with the last Ice Age which froze over the continent. MDE0YTI2NGNkYWJmOWYwMjU4OGQ0Mzg1MjQ2ZTRjNzY0ZGFiZGIyZTE4NDcw Historian and cartographer at the University of Cambridge, Christopher Adam, said: One of histories most puzzling maps is that of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD which successfully mapped the coastline of Antarctica over 500 years ago. Nzk4ZTBhY2ZhMDg4ZWIwZWEzNGNhZjc1ZDVmNzQ0OTNkYjIzODJmNTU2ZDNk ZDJmNjcxZWU2NDUyZmQzOWI0MzJhZmY4ZWY4NGU2OWUxMWJiN2FkYTM3MDk2 This information is from Jonathan Gray, an adventurer and archeologist from World Education Research Ltd. 18, Copyright 2022 NEWSPUNCH, LLC. Ruins Of ANCIENT CITY Found In ANTARCTICA? - Soul:Ask I only saw him once in the rooms that we do the meetings. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Not only is Antarctic sub-ice geology important to understand global supercontinent cycles over billions of years that have shaped Earths evolution, it is also pivotal to comprehend how the solid Earth itself influences the Antarctic ice sheet above it. How is this possible when images of the subglacial coastline of Antarctica were only seen for the first time after the development of ground-penetrating radar in 1958? Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Admiral Byrd, a 33 degree Freemason led the expedition of 30 ships and 4700 militarized soldiers. Conspiracy theorists, in particular, point to a vaguely pyramid-like structure near the Shackleton mountain range on the icy continent. -----BEGIN REPORT----- An artist's impression of how a city in Antarctica could look. MDQxMGQyYWJlM2Q4NjRmZTQ4YWVlOGY4YzI3NzA1YjA3MzkxZDc2N2FlZmYx eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNDk2ZjYyMTRhZGMzMzQ2ZjAyNmYwOTVjNTcwMmZlZmYw MWIwZGNhYWVjN2QyMTg3NTAzYzkiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIyMDAxOWIwNzYz NmNjNmVkYzk5YjgzYjM3OGRjNzA0ZDFhMTE4ODgyMGM2MTlkYzUyMWZmNzdl It appears to show the Antarctic coast hundreds of years before it was discovered, but was denounced by many scholars at the time. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, And Twitter For More Interesting Content Also Subscribe To Our Youtube Channel. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, The mysterious oval-shaped building can be seen from satellite images, The claims come just months after an image appeared to show apyramid onAntartica, Sastrugi is a natural phenomenon which occurs when high winds blow across the snow, creating sharp, stiff peaks, Antartica is largely uninhabited except for penguins, Antarctica is huge and mostly uninhabited, with its few residents being scientific researchers, New satellite images reveal mysterious dome structure hidden in Antarctica fuelling shock claims an ancient civilisation once lived there, Inside sinister rise of pink cocaine sweeping UK nightclubs as warring cartels battle to control 'Coca Cola of drugs', Inside sick Honeytrap plot that left man dead after women seduced and drugged him to steal his Rolex watches, 'Bubbly' nightclub worker, 31, killed after her Audi crashed into a bridge on her way home from work. JP created the below video that shows the structure on Google Earth for the coordinates he was given and compares its size toMachu Picchu(JPs video starts at 3:08 in below video): This would have been especially the case if it housed a portal enabling instantaneous travel in our solar system and beyond. This is an area that was claimed byHitlersThird Reichand where anAntarctic Colony,Base 211, was secretly established during World War 2. This is an area that was claimed by Hitler's Third Reich and where an Antarctic Colony, Base 211, was secretly established during World War 2. Interestingly, this society could have been Atlantis, a lost legendary ancient city discovered by people who were half humans and half Gods.The only primary sources for Atlantis are Platos dialogues, a Greek Philosopher. ZDVlYzRlNjIxOTU1N2NiOWVlMGExZTFjYzhiNjExZjYyZGZmMDhkOGRiMmQw An ancient rocky structure found at the heart of the Ross ice shelf helps determine where Antarctica's ice melts and where it stays firm and frozen. If you have faced any supernatural or unexplainable event then you can submit your own story to reach out to more people using our website as a medium. "I simply don't believe it," says archaeologist H. P. Lovelock of the University of Dallas, Fort Worth, well known for his work in the Transantarctic Mountains. The huge icy continent is thought to have once been home to the Lost City of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when large parts of Antartica were ice-free. The mission had 3 task forces that were sent out in different directions and was to last 6-8 months Does melting snow reveal ancient human settlement in Antarctica? This stops people from the Almost-South-Pole-Station from falling in the hole and keeps out immurgrunts. The coordinates given to JP (723112S 33626W) appear to show a large building complex located about 150 miles (240 km) from the Antarctic coastline inQueen Maud Land. The one coin to contain them all! USA government tried to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice. It was originally serialized in the February, March, and April 1936 issues of Astounding Stories.It has been reproduced in numerous collections. That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment. Ancient Reincarnational Civilizations: Seth Speaks - Chapter 15 -1of2