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However, Saladin's Guardian powers, combined with his great skill at combat, enabled him to rise to the rank of Valus. Lord Saladin has a Ghost. Former Iron Banner handler One of the last members of the Iron Lords. [38] He re-forged weapons for Motes of Light. Interesting, since you become a Guardian by dying and being revived by a Ghost, so did Saladin die? Maybe when the other iron lords fell he survived but his ghost did not? As the Ghosts fled, she told them to tell the other Warlords to stay away from Felwinter Peak. Saladin was concerned that a victory by the Imperial Cabal in the Cosmodrome would lead more Cabal there to establish a Firebase, threatening a region which regularly produced new Guardians from Ghosts searching the ruined shipyard. Shax has one, but it's different from everyone else's. The in-game lore is just the tip of the iceberg. Saladin would even get into a heated conversation with Caiatl's father, Calus, who commends his daughter forging an alliance with the Guardians, recognizing their kinds potential, just as he did. However, since becoming a Bracus, many of the Cabal would disagree to Saladin's addition to the War Council, being challenged six times in a Rite of Proving. The Iron Lords probably fit in a similar situation. Crow remorsefully states he was wrong about him and expresses how he is sorry but Saladin leaves stating that while he respects him for sticking to his convictions, let this event be a lesson: doing what one believe is right doesn't absolve them of consequences of those actions. For more information, please see our As it was recently discovered that Rasputin began as a submind planted into an Exo Frame before being made a Lightbearer, Ana believes that Felspring may contain not only Felwinter's memories but also Rasputin's code and linguistics that they could use to repair the Warmind faster. Also i thought it was badass that Lord Saladin rushed into battle against SIVA Fallen knowing now that he has no Ghost,and his next death will be his last. It's possible that he doesn't have one at all, hence why there are only 3 Iron Lords left. [29], The Psions soon made their move with the device and attempted to assassinate Commander Zavala in the Last City, but the Titan managed to fell his assassin. Saladin befriended three other Risen who did not follow the Warlord's path; Radegast, Jolder, and Perun. She told him about finishing off the Fallen stragglers, and in response, Saladin admitted that the Iron Lords might need someone of her skill and morals to join them. After the Iron Banner event concludes, players may still be able to launch into a Tower that still shows Iron Banner decorations, but Lord Saladin . Thus, as Crow struggled with reconciling with Uldren Sov's experiences with only a few years of his own, Saladin stated that it wasn't his time for a final death. Maybe when the other iron lords fell he survived but his ghost did not. [23], Saladin soon learned that Val Ma'rag was leading a Cabal assault against the Hive in the Cosmodrome in revenge for the Fall of Torobatl to the Hive God of War Xivu Arath. A few weeks ago, we witnessed an argument between Crow and Lord Saladin that outlined the ethical dilemma. [32], In the aftermath of the failed assassination, the brutality between the Vanguard and Cabal increased on the battlefields as the Cabal's supply lines stretched thin and the remaining officers vying for Caiatl's favour began to lose faith in her leadership. Felwinter announced that Shaxx had accepted his challenge to one-on-one combat, but Efrideet was skeptical of his plan due as no Iron Lord or Warlord had ever bested the Titan. He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx(crucible) have their ghosts next to them. As she attempted to talk to him about joining the Iron Lords, he rebuffed her questions and requested she leave, not entirely trusting her and claiming he sought those who could do more than just shoot. [15], During the first Dawning following the liberation of the Last City, Efrideet contacted Tyra Karn. more importantly, where did you see the trailer? He declared only a fool would continue to rebuild a tower that kept being destroyed. " No statue for me, I see?" "The statues are for the dead, and I always hoped you weren't among them. You are not allowed to view this content. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. Fortunately, Zavala would in time, overcome his grief and guilt, making peace with the Nightmare of Safiyah, turning her into the Memory of Safiyah. [17], One year after the events of the Taken War, the Fallen and the House of Devils managed to unearth SIVA, and their Splicers tried to harness the technology. Though Lord Saladin wouldn't take an active part in the operation concerning the surprise return of the Leviathan, the personal craft of the former emperor of the cabal, Calus, he nonetheless advised Empress Caiatl when she ordered her fleet to blockade the massive vessel as it hanged derelict near the Moon. Unlike the rest of her compatriots, she did not participate in the Battle of Site-6 and was thus spared from the near total destruction of the order. Felwinter explained it was a Warlord's Ghost and had proven useful, but Efrideet was backed up by Saladin. Saladin was spotlighted with the Destiny expansion Rise of Iron, which saw him working with the Guardian to reign in the Devil Splicers and the SIVA crisis. She then searched the crater where Saladin had created for his body and returned his Ghost to him so he could be resurrected. With newfound respect for Efrideet, Saladin admitted that someone with her skills and moral compass would be welcome in the Iron Lords. [36] Saladin remained angry at how the conflict ended and was convinced the armistice would be broken by Caiatl. As Segoth smiled and shrugged at their response, Saladin raised his shield at Perun's command alongside his two comrades as the hostile Lightbearers opened fire. . Since it been a long time since his fellow lords died As he sat up, Efrideet began mocking him for warning her not to miss, asking if he had ever known her to not hit a target. [10], Eventually, Saladin and his comrades discovered SIVA, a self-replicating nanotechnology created during the Golden Age. Beneath his stoicism lies a deep sadness and guilt over the deaths of his fellow Iron Lords at the hands of SIVA. Fera sits on her throne while flanked by her men. Be sure to read the sidebar rules and check our FAQ for your question before posting. However, Osiris proposed that they use Caiatl's reliance on old traditions against her once more by challenging her to a final Rite of Proving between her champion and theirs, with the winner dictating terms. Saladin's respect and praise for the Guardian would grow throughout the SIVA Crisis, dubbing them the first of a new generation of Iron Lords, the title of Lord Guardian and the name of Young Wolf. He was one of the founders of the Iron Lords and helped end the Dark Age of Risen Warlords to establish the City Age. One of the last members of the Iron Lords. [7], As the patrons returned to their drinks, Efrideet asked Wu Ming if that was why he had asked her to meet him, and he confirmed her theory and offered a large payment of Glimmer for her aid. Iron Banner is back again for Season 13 of Destiny 2 with a quest called Saladin's Gauntlet. With the Guardian, he at first saw them as a promising student that needed training but of course he makes sure that they stay humble and focused. Lord Saladin has a Ghost. > Destiny | Forums | Saladin angrily demanded that Shaxx fall back with the rest of the fireteams and told him that the battlefield was not his stage to win glory upon, but his student cut off their comms feed. As she spoke, Efrideet tried to hide how much she wanted them to join and stated that the City was a collaborative venture between the Risen and non-Risen which she hoped would teach each group more about the other and how they could all survive together. However, the two great Titans have differing personalities and philosophies- Saladin's brutal pragmatism, ruthless self-reliance, and deep-seated trauma from the loss of his fellow Iron Lords often lead him to be mistrustful and cold, and he views sacrifice and death as a necessary part of any protracted conflict. Crow believes the psychogenics program is beneath the Vanguard, and that we have no right to victimize our defenseless adversaries in this way. However, with the help of the Guardian, he was able to make peace with what had happened and relieve centuries of burden. Despite the Nightmare's words, Saladin refused to give in. And my watch is eternal." Lord Saladin. He encouraged him to respond in kind and show the Cabal there were consequences for such acts and to remind their people why they should have faith in the Guardians. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Being a Guardian means being a servant to the Vanguard/Tower/City. This would prove to be a wise decision on Saladin's part, as the House of Salvation intercepted their communications and learned of their plan, sending a raid force to destroy or acquire Felspring's remains. [2] which convinced Saladin to allow her to throw him. The Iron Lords were soon approached by the Warlord Felwinter, who wished to join their ranks and offered his keep at the top Felwinter Peak in the Old Russian Cosmodrome to serve as their headquarters. Saladad - Chapter 2 - This_Is_Sarcasm - Destiny (Video Games) [Archive He insisted that the Light and the Traveler were the only allies they needed. Saladin felt strangely at peace for that moment, but it faded as the Psion plunged to their death below. He was revived by his Ghost as Efrideet arrived at the field and mocked him for thinking she might miss. Specifically in the fight to turn over his territory to the Iron Lords. Osiris reported all fireteams were accounted for, and Saint credited the Titan Elriq for helping him save eight Guardians during dozens of charges against the Fallen. They found the Warlord making repairs to his fortress to weatherproof it for the coming change in weather. Since the original Iron Lords were not Guardians. [18], After the Red War, Lord Saladin would return to the new Tower to once again host the Iron Banner tournament, having previously tasked Efrideet to do so during the SIVA Crisis. I guess he keeps it in his backpack, like we do. Not long after the conflict in the Reef, Mars would mysteriously return, leading Ikora to have her Hidden conduct an investigation on the planet's condition as it appeared to be afflicted by some temporal distortion.