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Dr. Gonzalez opened a private medical practice in 1987 in New York and treated patients for nearly 30 years. That caught my interest and moments later was inspired to search here for a possible review. (NaturalHealth365) In my previous article, I addressed the "ketogenic enthusiasts," as I call them, who appear to be promoting the ketogenic diet as a cancer treatment despite the lack of convincing human data. During both of my healing journeys, I ingested many pancreatic enzymes every hour on the hour and as my health improved, I cut back to 5 times per day. Lie in the bath 20 to 30 minutes. What's Your Metabolic Type? Take the Gonzalez Metabolic Type Test So, whatever other effect a vegetarian diet has, in terms of autonomic nervous system function, such a diet will reduce sympathetic activity and stimulate the parasympathetic system. Mary Beth is a digital marketing executive with decades of experience in the advertising industry. However, recent evidence demonstrates that orally ingested pancreatic proteolytic enzymes are acid stable, pass intact into the small intestine and are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream as part of an enteropancreatic recycling process. His legacy as well as his work lives on! Even health nuts. On behalf of them and all real humans who care more about that than about the money to be made, I say: Thank you, Dr. Gonzalez. PDF his own pancreatic enzymes. This article appeared inWise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. These include trans fats, simple sugars preservatives, processed foods, and the like. All it takes is the right diet, lifestyle, and supplement protocol. Although his peers met him with ridicule, his work is now ecognized as being 100 years ahead of his time. Currently they are enrolling 72 to 90 patients, half of who will receive chemotherapy with the drug gemcitabine, and half of whom will be treated with the nutritional treatment program. Skin brush once or twice daily and up to four times daily in times of intense toxicity. There also appears to be unique personalities and temperaments that reflect autonomic balance. I prepared for presentation 25 cases with poor prognosis or terminal illness who had either enjoyed long-term survival or tumor regression while following my program. Jonathan Landsman of Natural Health 365.com, wrote: "The sudden death of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is still such a shock to me. The whole goal is to balance ones autonomic nervous system so that your body can fight truly any disease.. I subsequently completed a year of internship in internal medicine, and a fellowship in immunology. A graduate of Cornell Medical College, with post-graduate training at Vanderbilt University, Gonzalez is well grounded in traditional medical training, but refreshingly open to the theories that are often apart of non-traditional healing. Each is tested for freedom of contamination and for potency tests of 30 to 80 USP units or proteolytic activity per milligram with 15 to 40 units of lipolytic activity per milligram. The intricacies of metabolic typing can be confusing, especially since there have been several other natural health practitioners over the years who have used it as the basis for their own programs besides Dr. Gonzalez. Why? In the world of natural health and cancer, nobody compares to the late Nicholas Gonzalez. : Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and His Fight for a New Treatment for Cancer, Nutrition, and the Autonomic Nervous System: The Scientific Foundations of the Gonzalez Protocol. By Nicholas J. Gonzalez Over the course of his career, Dr. Gonzalez worked with patients who had many kinds of cancer, including Breast Cancer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dr. Pottenger, in his book Symptoms of Visceral Disease, described how disease could be caused by autonomic imbalance.1 Dr. Pottenger theorized that in some individuals, either the sympathetic or parasympathetic system was overly active, bringing about disease states that could be ameliorated if the overactive system was toned down. Ratings based on results of the 2023 ConsumerLab.com Survey of Supplement Users. Do not brush the face. It also showed in the results of his cancer treatment where he had significantly higher success rates than his mainstream competition. Use a long-handled natural vegetable bristle brush or loofah sponge available in the health food store. Insights You Won't Hear Anywhere Else - Matt Janes Enable collaborative features and customize widget: An error on our end has caused the item you were trying to add to your cart to fail, please try again or call, Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count (CBC). Those of his patients who were optimistic and didnt second-guess or question the protocol consistently did the best. So what exactly were the discoveries that made Dr. Gonzalezs work so successful? We discussed his work, continuing his legacy through The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation and a new, exciting autobiography about his life. In one case, not only were cancer symptoms resolved, but a longstanding cat allergy disappeared. Price Foundation. Patients in the trial came from all over the country, and because our approach is still alternative, patients were not allowed to continue the treatment when hospitalized. Beard believed enzymes had to be injected to prevent destruction by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez addresses this conundrum in his posthumously published book, "Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System." The book explains the Kelly Metabolic Types which range from Sympathetic Dominant to Parasympathetic Dominant, each calling for a specific diet and supplement regimen. Christopher Lee Mertz - Physician Assistant, Morrisville NC He was a clinical genius, an activist, and a visionary that changed the course of medicine for all those willing to let go of the old paradigm. The coffee enemas seem to enhance this processing of toxic metabolic waste. The answer was 100 percent biochemical-nutritional in every single patient. After an impish pause, Kelley continued, Its also 100 percent psychological and 100 percent spiritual in every single patient. In keeping with this view, Dr. Gonzalez did not shy away from addressing the psychological and spiritual issues of his patients. The author of this book, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, and I were professional colleagues for more than twenty-five years. M.D. Being tuned to the truth is like having supersonic hearing. The Gonzalez program is divided in various aspectsdetoxification, diet, supplements and proteolytic enzyme therapyeach having an importance to the overall success of the patients therapeutic program. Dr. Gonzalez was also a firm believer in using a method called metabolic typing for finding ways of eating that are best for each person. Required fields are marked *. The Weston A. Your metabolic and nutritional food type is determined by your genetic ability to metabolize various foods into energy. One important point that I see, not just with Dr. Gonzalez but other successful alternative practitioners, is how the medical industry reacts to success achieved outside of medical orthodoxy. These cells were thought to be left over from early embryonic stages and were kept under control by circulating pancreatic enzymes. Sympathetic dominants are aggressive, ambitious, energetic Type A personalities. In a nutshell, Dr. Gonzalez promoted the concept that cancer is really a metabolic disease. Keep the brush or sponge dry. The treatment centers around taking high doses of special enzymes that could once only be gotten from these physicians - we now have full access to this approach! The nutrient-dense Wise Traditions diet can provide important protection against illness and can support recovery and healing. These later titles are packed with evidence-based research and case studies, but they also present the information in a way that is more user friendly for the lay audience. During the 1920s and 1930s coffee enemas were prescribed for a variety of conditions since they help to stimulate gallbladder emptying and enhance liver function. Gonzalez met Kelley and did an extensive student project studying his treatment, eventually carrying on the work of Beard and Kelley for the rest of his life. We believe that blood-based cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma, only occur in patients that have an overly developed parasympathetic nervous system, and a correspondingly weak sympathetic nervous system. Nestec (the Nestle Corporation) agreed to fund the trial, which began in January 1994. At Apex WeightLossMD, our board certified physician will perform a comprehensive history check and a physical examination on each potential weight loss patient before recommending the hCG weight loss protocol. Salt and soda baths helps vegetarian and balanced type patients mobilize toxins out of the skins during times of intense toxicity. Other allergies in other cases also cleared up. Be sure to check out this latest Wellness Warrior podcast. In subsequent models, there are 9 different metabolic types: Sympathetic Fast, Sympathetic Mixed, Sympathetic Slow, Balanced Fast, Balanced Mixed, Balanced Slow, Parasympathetic Fast, Parasympathetic Mixed, and Parasympathetic Slow. such a diet will reduce sympathetic activity and stimulate the parasympathetic system. For cancer patients the main anti-cancer supplements are pancreatic enzymes. Particularly during the 1920s and 1930s coffee enemas were used in the US and abroad to treat a variety of conditions, and I have put together a library of articles from that time discussing the wide ranging effects on patients. Read the guide on any device, online and off. Gonzalez once asked Kelley what percentage of disease is biochemical-nutritional, psychological and spiritual. After the session, Dr. Friedman suggested we pursue a pilot study of our methods in 10 patients suffering inoperable adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, with survival as the endpoint. According to Gonzalez, maintaining a balanced autonomic system is crucial to health and the success of treatment. A second aspect of the Gonzalezs program is autonomic balance and metabolic typing. Armed with this information, a natural health professional trained in the protocol can help you create a diet that suits your unique biochemistry and health situation. In these two volumes, Dr. Gonzalez briefly describes his theory of what is really going on with cancer and how his views differ from the conventional understanding. 415-793-4575. Frankly, the side effects tend to be very minimal. Reading this manuscript brought back memories of the first time I reviewed it, many years ago. Because Dr. Gonzalezs patients lived considerably longer than the average mainstream victimI mean, patientand he spent more time with them, he had less capacity to take on new patients. Tim Boyd was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in computer engineering, and worked in the defense industry in Northern Virginia for over 20 years. It involved using sonic forces to gently realign the atlas in particular, and the results were usually long-term or permanent. The medical industry seems to view patients like machines. In a warm bath, add one cup of organic apple cider. John Etcheverry, D.C. hbspt.forms.create({ What matters is that many not all, by any meansof my patients are alive when they should be dead. Conquering Cancer By Nicholas Gonzalez - The Weston A. Price Foundation Dr. Gonzalez studied Dr. Kelleys concepts thoroughly during the 1980s when he was just starting out in oncology. He is featured in Suzanne Sumers book on cancer and on the TV program 20/20. I dont know how many total patients Dr. Gonzalez saw in his career, but given such a low number of new cases per year, I would have to believe that the cases presented in these two volumes must represent a significant percentage of the total. https://nourishingtraditions.com/weird-diets/, TN Action Alert SB 123 Support Local Meat (March 1 at 11:30am CST), TN Action Alert HB 814 Support Local Businesses in Tennessee, IA Action Alert HF 338 House SubCmte Vote 2/28 Support Raw Milk Sales. When they are healthy, the cells are healthy too and are able to adapt to any kind of stress. Gonzalez continues to be indebted to Kelleys pioneering work, but the origins of much of his current work with enzyme therapy dates back to the early 1900s and the theories of Scottish biologist, John Beard. Psychiatry. stimulates and cleanses the lymphatic system and detoxifies the skin. Dr. Colin Ross states in the introduction to Conquering Cancer that no oncologist in any medical school in the Western world has achieved comparable survival times. It is a really good beginners course in the Gonzalez Protocol as well as the story of this brilliant man who gave his life for science.. }); Where should we send the free digital download? A teacher at the University of Edinburgh, Beard proposed that the digestive function and pancreatic enzymes represent the bodys main defense against cancer. Now for the first time, everyone can figure out what diet is best for them, based on their Gonzalez Metabolic Type. She is also the Executive Director of AgArts, a non-profit that helps promote healthy food systems through the arts. how can we keep our teeth strong and vibrant? This must include looking at an individuals entire health and hereditary profile, and often includes diverting from typical status quo standards on defining the ideal healthy diet. Is stress keeping you up at night? Press release. Brush in the direction of the abdomenup the legs, up the arms and down the neck and trunk. Blood-based cancers: leukemia, lymphoma andmultiple myeloma, only occur in patients that have an . NJG: I didnt come up with the idea to use pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer. Wellno. Scientifically reviewed by: Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in January 2021. The first section of Volume I covers pancreatic cancer cases. The self-test costs $100 (U.S. funds) and should take about 30 minutes. Whatever the individuals underlying problem, people who employ the coffee enemas into their detoxification program will most commonly experience flu-like symptoms such as low grade fevers, muscle aches, pains and rashes, as a response to waste material being released from body tissues. Please enter your e-mail address. NJG: Pancreatic cancer patients are notoriously medically unstable, and some patients in the study were so weak they had difficulty complying fully at times, although many of the patients did comply well. We discussed his work, continuing his legacy through The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation and a new, exciting autobiography about his life. In collaboration with College Health Stores and Kettle Moraine Publishing, we are now pleased to offer The Gonzalez Metabolic Type Test in a digital format. All doses are taken in capsule form, away from meals and evenly distributed throughout the day. Developed by New York City immunologist, Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, it focuses on the use of biochemical individuality and the incorporation of pancreatic enzymes, nutrition, detoxification and autonomic nervous system balance. KH: Is it possible that the positive effects from the coffee enemas are a result of a "caffeine high" versus a metabolic benefit? To date, the Protocol has helped thousands with cancer and other serious illnesses. This is done primarily through diet and supplements. It is common to see our patients with previously diagnosed cancer to be on no more than a few supplements! Throughout his career, Dr. Gonzalez took metabolic typing to the next level with his own patients. Certain vitamins, minerals and trace elements, such as many of the B vitamins and, as mentioned above, magnesium and potassium, tone down the sympathetic nervous system and stimulate the parasympathetic nerves. Amazon.com: Different Diets for Different Types : Nicholas J. Gonzalez It is within the mitochondria where metabolism happens at the cellular level since mitochondria are responsible for cellular respiration.