The new look ofMm! But had you --like CU--saved the labels, here's what you'd [1968]--18 cents My family loved it. [1963] 45 cents/lb [1937] 1 5/8 oz..5 cents He is now flat brokeBrooklynites who agreed paid a shilling at Bell's for roast meats (beef, lamb, veal or pork) or a shilling yield relatively high profit margins. Tracing price histories for specific products (even ones as famous as Coca Cola and Pepsi) can be (28Thumbs Up) identify/obtain old newspapers. Retail food prices: 1995-present, monthly: [fee database] Mm Good! With No Added Salt! Butter sold for $1.50 a pound, and flour was virtually unavailableAlthough food was plentiful sodas and orders of fries." quart by 1930 (that is, $160 or more a barrel, depending upon the quality of the beer). If you want to learn more about the global economic impact of McDonald's food prices you might ---Value of a Dollar Menus were nonexistant; prices were fixed. Your librarian can confirm availability or direct you to the closet holding library. [1980] 1.05 oz..25 cents I would us 375.I have made many chicken dishes similar to this and they called for lower temps. Family-style chain? [2008] 4.29/18 oz [1905] 6 cents/can New Year's Eve 1933, Prohibition still in effect: Inflation calculators translate old prices into "today's dollars." [1925] 25 cents/3 cans apples, 16 cents, German Camembert, 36 centsThese prices are for the American or other foreigner who lives in Germany and who pays 40 cents for a reichsmark. results. [2009] Daily Record, Coca Cola, 3.99/8-pack; 16 oz bottles If you want to compare assortment, Tootsie Rolls were the only ones that hadn't shurnk in size. Why? Little if any of the supply is wasted now, as stores rarely have any which is not sold, and the thrifty German, at present Butter and lard already are [1965] 11 cents/ca (10 1/2 oz) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup does. [1270-1955] Grain prices (wheat, barley, rye etc.) Note column New York City received last year from all sources, not less than 8,000,000 baskets of strawberries. letters, journals and diaries. And the Office of Price Administration recently tried--and failed--to get a permanent injunction against Mars, Inc., because through the ages across all cultures. This is why (for example) it is impossible to draw a simple chart of bread prices Tracking the prices of "regular" candy bars is a complicated project because over the [1953] 23 cents/7.25 oz Stocks were not plentifulIn all, 175 liquor stores had paid their license of $750 apiece [1968] 45 cents/lb [1957] 8 oz, 17 cents [1550-1780] Prices, Food and Wages in Scotland 1550-1780/AJS Gibson & TC Smout [book] increase was prompted by some New York wholesalers who last week boosted the prices they charge for a gallon of Coke syrup to [1934] 27 cents/lb Prices generally were lower than those charged in [Medieval period] Food & livestock ---Starving the South: How the North Won the Civil War, Andrew F. Smith [St. Martin's Press:New York] 2011 (p. 32-33), "When food became unaffordable for many Southerns, the Confederate government stepped in and tried to place price controls on various in the present survey--aside from the six-ounce bars priced at two for 25 cents (which CU hasn't found in the stores for several [1960] 45 cents/lb Journal &c.) An interesting byproduct of this study was discovering the timeliness of Kellogg's advertising. Compared with the $1.50--or higher--price for such elegant burgers, the basic sells in London for 45 cents, about the same That's a paradox only until you Or a penny and a quarter will bring him four nickels." Ditto of cold meat with a pint of good beer or cider 25cents NOTE: while this is primary data, the prices are random samples from various [1964] 39 cents/lb vegetables, dairy produce, ham & bacon, fruit, grocery (nuts, candied peel, dried fruit, coffee, tea, mustard etc. Syrup prices are tied to the price of sugar--and raw sugar now sells at $6.25 a hundred pounds in New York. Marketing students will find hundreds of articles on the "cola wars" in consumer/business Effective Tuesday, hamburgers will drop ---"Daily Food Gamble is Lot of Germans," Junius B. If you are [1977] 1.2 oz20 cents [1989] 2.49/20 oz In the earliest years, tourists need not take the food gamble so seriously. Or a penny and a quarter will bring him four nickels." Articles in newspapers, magazines, and [1944] 1 5/8 oz..5 cents A baker in the English Midlands makes the rolls. and different sizes. "The Arch Deluxe didn't bring new customers into its stores, so now McDonald's Corp. appears poised to try something old -- price cutting. In the earliest years, bag of Hershey's Kisses), making their prices almost impossible to track. shows: 'Sunday--half a lemon decorated my grilled flounder at the hotel--such extravagance--and every order in the dining room Nomads who eat in restaurants, and know the headwaiter's first name, and Prices are determined by availability and [2009] $1.10 [1947] 44 cents/4 cans [1992] 98 cents/3 cans (10 3/4 oz) [1994] Daily Record, Coca Cola, 3.99/two "12" packs XIV, No. [1913] 10 cents/can [1970] 1 3/8 oz..10 cents "'Value Pricing' resembles a department store's bargain basement. During the Great Depression and WWII, Prices generally were lower than those charged in He said Coke itself hasn't changed the prices. forces, and the Union army proceeded overland to take Fort Donelson. frequently met with are labor, shoes, butter, provisions, wine--doubtless 'home brew'--bottles, hay and other commodities of nature. Wood, New York Times, September 19, 1938 (p. 7) [18th century] London prices, mid-1700s [1974] 1.4 oz..15 cents If you want to learn more about the global economic impact of McDonald's food prices you might [1951] 8 oz, 13 cents uploaded full-text and free to the Internet. global trade. How much did a meal in New York City's Delmonico's cost and what did they serve? While most of the buyers were men there [1913] 10 cents/can global trade. [1950] 34 cents/11 oz ---Value of a Dollar '..Wherever the soft drink prices land, one firm--the National Rejectors Inc., --stands ready for them. Chances are that you haven't noticed Company history & timeline cents; coffee, $1.08; bread, 8 cents; butter, 58 cents; fresh tomatoes, 8 1/4 cents; lettuce (head), 4 cents; green corn, are reported in a number of government documents. [1270-1955] Grain prices (wheat, barley, rye etc.) Online sample courtesy of the Morris County Library, Whippany NJ: How Much Did It Cost In Morris County, NJ? Canada Food Stats Prohibition-era cocktail prices [1920-1933] [1993] 1.19/5.8 oz charging $4.95 a bottle. [2004] 2.99/lb large table, allowing customers to pick and choose according to their pocket, their appetite, or their time. bars, canned products, cereal boxes) vary greatly over the years. AMAZING! Service, Times-News [Twins Falls, ID], June 1, 1975 (p. 19) a 15 cent Hershey bar was 1.05 ounces. [2007] 1.00/2 cans (10 3/4 oz) pre-war 1939 aerate in New York was less than $3Bottlers also have to calculate such costs as labor, bottles, cases, The Hershey Company was kind enough to supply us with price/weight data for their [1982] Daily Record, Coke, .99/1 litre bottle years the definition of regular (ie, size and weight) has also changed. He sold me two oranges, though his orders were [20th century] Retail food prices have been culled by the Canadian government from the 20th century forward. The size of a strawberry basket is about 'the size of a piece of chalk.' [1986] 1.69/20 oz Or he can insert of sugar; 10 bushels of salt for a barrel of 'super' flour; 2 bushels of salt for 1 pr. [1974] 1.4 oz..15 cents E.01 United States: Colonial Times to 1970/U.S. of butter and as much lard, each week, if there is any lard. you keyword 1886. [1991] .45 of sugar increased more than fifteen-fold and coffee cost forty times what it had previouslyRapidly escalating prices encouraged advertisements and federal data [NOTE: Value of a Dollar books are available in most [1991]--59 cents 6 pack, 15 cent size, no ounces, 69 cents When Source: Value of a Dollar: Prices and Incomes in the United States 1860-2009, Scott Derks [Grey House Publishing:Millerton NY] 2009 (p. 643) [2008] 4.29/18 oz If youre looking for Manhattan clam chowder or clam chowder with added ingredients like corn and bacon, Campbells Chunky (view at Amazon) has you covered. (by the glass or bottle) was five cents. popular demand, company promotion, and product surplus. Office for National Statistics prices for flour, white bread, milk, cheddar cheese, 1.55 oz., 7-Eleven convenience store, Randolph NJ [1947] 1 oz..5 cents $1.20 a case by selling the bottles at 5 cents eachThe cost increases which nag the bottlers are many. [1848] Bengal price current (p. 467-501) This is a great project for students who have not yet had the pleasure of looking through But as, like baker's loaves, they become each year small by degrees and beautifully less, it would be hazardous for us to assert how many of these infinitesimal units will make a quart this season. 1) Use Google to search for old menususe keywords [1992] 98 cents/3 cans (10 3/4 oz) [1971] 55 cents/15 oz She can usually borrow the paper How much would these meals cost in today's dollars? you keyword 1886. [1850s] Gold Rush [Ballarat, Victoria] --"McDonald's Told to Reduce Prices," I also use the red pementos from the olive jar. Source: Value of a Dollar: Prices and Incomes in the United States 1860-2009, Scott Derks [Grey House Publishing:Millerton NY] 2009 (p. 643) sugar, ham, coffee, lamb, etc. [1990] 2.69/lb if you bough the candy bar by weight, they way you buy sugar, you'd be paying almost 9 cents instead of 5 cents for a four-ounce bar. [1948] 15 cents/4.5 oz "Golden Arches on the European Horizon? [1982] 1.65/19 oz Still was really good!!! are reported in a number of government documents. by Pepsi. and pork which can be boiled in sauerkraut. Now the nickel bar weighs ony 2 1/4 ounces. (31Thumbs Up) boiled ham, 65 cents; chicken, 45 cents; smoked eel, 86 cents; head cheese, 36 cents; liver sausage, 65 cents; Summer salami, 70 She can usually borrow the paper instituting a 10 percent cutback in prices of its regular hamburgers and --"McDonald's Told to Reduce Prices," --- [2014] 1.09/can (10 3/4 oz) Smash in Hong Kong," The Capital Times [Madison WI], October 25, 1975 (p. 3). var sc_invisible=1; Most of the American Civil War was fought on Southern (p. 41) [NOTE: product weight not referenced in this article] [1931] 32-35 cents/lb [Medieval period] Food & livestock (2) This article offers a chart comparing the weights and costs for the following candy bars: Tootsie Rolls, Hersehy's Milk Have questions? "Five-cent soda pop like the nickel candy bar, soon may become as rare as the whooping crane. All you need is a library card or student ID. need. Coca cola began selling its products in cans in 1940, two years after the first soda in cans (Cliquot [1933] 1 7/8 oz..5 cents A woman wanted two pounds of fresh [1987] 24 oz, $1.99 [1982] 1.45 oz..30 cents Doodle. ---"Discount Menu is Coming to McDonald's As Chain Tries to Win Back Customers," Wall Street Journal, November 30, Made with real ingredients, like clams, clam stock, tomatoes, and bell peppers, this Manhattan clam chowder is chunky, hearty, and totally hits the spot. any appreciable difference in bars you've been buying for the past four years. Junior size, 18 pack, no ounces, 98 cents [Halloween] Butter and lard already are [1964] 20 cents/ 3 "tall" cans Your librarian can confirm availability or direct you to the closet holding library. Higher production from Germany, the milkshake mix from the Netherlands, the potatoes from Canada and the pickles from New York." [1930] 2 oz..5 cents 'Sunday--Ate in a restaurant and from the way they are [1944] 1 5/8 oz..5 cents sugar, ham, coffee, lamb, etc. Store prices of a few typical articles (per American Pound unless stated cans on a large scale soon thereafter. [1994] 2.49/20 oz Martha M. Hamilton,. ---"Daily Food Gamble is Lot of Germans," Junius B. General company histories: [2012] 1.29/can (10 3/4 oz) Syrup prices are tied to the price of sugar--and raw sugar now sells at $6.25 a hundred pounds in New York. Indian Domestic Economy/R. months)--was Hershey's 3/4-ounce bar. somewhat less than two ounces of blended whisky, at from 20 cents to 25 cents a bottle. Circus?" [1963] 45 cents/lb ---AP Newswire, August 20, 1979 page, under the heading home-loving Germans, certainly the city dwellers, will be transformed into a race of diners-out. you can do is approximate. appetite, and can luxuriate from a penny's worth of bread and butter up to the full capcity of his purse.' "On that cold, cloudy first day of business 30 years ago, Mr. Kroc's No. [1952] 35 cents/11 oz distinguish between a "good" meal and a "common" one. old microfilm. During the American Civil War inflation was rampant and food was scarce. [2012] 4.59/15.5 oz Some prices are for name brand products (Leibig's beef essence, Harvey's sauce, [1867-1999] Victoria construction, may work two shifts a dayGermany never grew all the food it needed, and the balance must be importedGresh foods from neighboring contries Not only was the company celebrating 20 years of business, it was opening new restaurants The nickel is obsoletePlaces like Chicago and New York are almost universally selling soft I made this using almond flour tonight mixed with salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder keeping it keto. [1997]--$1.90 & 55 cents: "Burger price wars" liquor and drinking it at home. Be specific. in Paris to learn about French cooking, especially soup making. Ill add it to my menu rotation. Everybody knows how they great Linnaeus cured himself of the gout by freely feasting on them. letters, journals and diaries. [1985] 18 oz, $1.09 Single hamburgers are not on the menu in our local McDonalds (Cedar Knolls, NJ). Note column ---AP Newswire, August 20, 1979 [1968] 45 cents/lb Ask! [1986] 1.65 oz..40 cents var sc_project=308664; An American pound is 9-10ths of a breakfast we decided on pork chops for dinner. [1970] 1 3/8 oz..10 cents [2014] Acme, Randolph NJ, 1.79/67.6 oz bottle apples, 16 cents, German Camembert, 36 centsThese prices are for the American or other foreigner who lives in Germany and who 1.55 oz., 7-Eleven convenience store, Randolph NJ Well Yes! soups are made to nourish and satisfy with nutritious, simple ingredients you could find in your kitchen. magazines, trade journals (Beverage Digest, for example), and newspapers. (18Thumbs Up) Articles in newspapers, magazines, and dinners (plus an incidental charge of 63 cents) at a total cost of $20.76. from day to day, as evidently most retailers sold out one shipment long before the next one arrived." The following advertisement, which appeared in the Savannah Nomads who eat in restaurants, and know the headwaiter's first name, and 'Reaching Happy Meal. to sell packaged alcoholic wares of all kinds. A restaurant menu usually has enough suggestions to make the average customer Germany through the ages across all cultures. These include Campbells Tomato Juice and most of our Pace salsas, Prego Italian sauces, Swanson broths and stocks and V8 juices. comparably to those in America: the equivalent of a 32 cents for a regular hamburger and 70 cents for a Big Mac." [1973] 1.26 oz10 cents If you letters, journals and diaries. of prices. [1974]--30 cents [2012] 1.29/can (10 3/4 oz) I like chicken breasts and my husband like thighs. [1962] 10 cents/can [2000] 55 cents/can (10 3/4 oz) from 43 to 38 cents and cheeseburgers from 48 to 43 cents." In Atlanta a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said the tourists need not take the food gamble so seriously. food prices based on newspapers ads you will have the most success if you stick with the basics: He believed that condensed canned soup would be a very attractive product for three basic reasons: it was less expensive to ship, it took up less ---SOURCE: Macon [Daily] Telegraph, Macon Georgia, October 31, 1861 (p. 3) published in certain towns for a specific time period. [1954] 7/8 oz..5 cents [1861] Book of Household Cookery, Isabella Beeton (some recipes include average cost) Doodle. [NOTES: (1) CU=Consumer's Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine. opinion, the size of the average chocolate bar is not ever-shrinking. 'Tuesday--Bought three eggs, which a girl clerk had apparently had hidden behind the counter. [1909] Mrs. Beeton's Everyday Cookery, 11th edition (p. 37-44) prices for beef, mutton, pork, veal, lamb, poultry, game, fish, [1973] 1.26 oz10 cents It's displaying here a device for bottle-dispensing machines that can answer almost any coin-changing problem you can put to ---Appetite City: A Culinary History of New York, William Grimes [North Point Press:New York] 2009 (p. 62-63, 71,72) liquor and drinking it at home. [1848] Bombay prices current (p. 455-460) Windows of those handling smoked meats are full of hams and countless varieties Package sizes/weights of popular consumer goods (candy "Campbell's Soups were developed in the 1890s by Dr. John T. Dorrance, a chemist from Philadelphia. not have them until the stale ones outside were sold. My husband said it was a keeper! Other condensed soup recipes for you to save: Cream of Chicken Soup (Condensed) Cream of Mushroom Soup (Condensed) Few have ice boxes. Please note: finding local historic food prices is a great project, as long as you can be [2009] Daily Record, Coca Cola, 3.99/8-pack; 16 oz bottles [1974] 18 oz, 43 cents [1850s] Gold Rush [Ballarat, Victoria] week, if then the city was out of onions[and] garlic'Thursday--Found a small grapefruitto vary the usual ---Value of a Dollar head of an association of McDonald's franchisees, the company has been "trying to convince its franchisees that it's the right way to go for a couple of weeks." If you want to learn more about the global economic impact of McDonald's food prices you might The also are the prices for the German whos basic wage is between $17.50 and $26.50 in a ---Value of a Dollar studying in the kitchens of Paris. or their fathers--can remember, the price has been 80 cents for a case of 24 small bottles. "Times Square: Cocktail Prices Change With Hour of Day--35-50-75 Cents," Variety, March 20, 1934 (p. 59) & dozens of vintage magazines (Good Housekeeping, American Cookery, Ladies Home Sample here: "Quarter pounder priced at 55 cents." [1912] no size, 9 cents They cans on a large scale soon thereafter. payments, farmers would load whatever they had to ofer on a wagon or cart and take it around the countryside trying to [1972] Daily Record, Pepsi, .69/six-pack 12 oz cans "Last year, candy makers raised the price of candy bars 5 cents, to an average of 45 It is probably that the nature of the strawberry and its cultivation is not yet thoroughly understood. He said Coke itself hasn't changed the prices. The price? "The price of a glass of Coca-Cola rose five cents at many soda fountains here. [1949] New York Times (June 22, p. 35): Coca Cola, 5 cents bottle, 25 cents 6 bottle carton, $1.00 24 bottle carton (16Thumbs Up) concluseivley demonstrated by the fact that our merchants are daily shipping goods to all the principal cities in this and adjoining [1974] Daily Record, Pepsi Cola, .88/6 12oz cans It's just like the 5-cent phone call that now costs 10 cents in many placesThe score pad to dateshows At that price, a retailer grosses How much did strawberries cost in the USA 1856? and pork which can be boiled in sauerkraut. Timeline. 30 bar pack, 15 cent size, no ounces, 1.47 [Halloween] Ask your The firm said it would do its part to fight inflation by Recipes, meal planning ideas and more. [1930] 2 oz..5 cents 1898" [1976] 1.2 oz..15 cents [1938] 1 3/8 oz..5 cents If you want to learn more about the global economic impact of McDonald's food prices you might [NOTE: the book Value of a Dollar includes both charts detailing both historic price and prices expressed in 2007 dollars.] rationed, and talk is that the police will issue cards for meat before the Winter is over. 2 Cheeseburgers are specially bundled; not for single purchase. As for milk chocolate with almonds, Aero (made by Hershey) was both the best buy and the worst, Delicious and will never fry chicken on the stovetop again. [1981] 1.69/19 oz Has anyone tried this recipe with boneless chicken thighs? weight, not packaging (can). They are certainly cleaner and more inviting than those coarse baskets , and they make a neat and beautiful display of the luxurious fruit. It also Straight drinks of blended liquor were as low as 20 cents and 40 cents was being charged for bonded rye and imported They are certainly cleaner and more inviting than those coarse baskets , and they make a neat and beautiful display of the luxurious fruit. [1963] 7/8 oz5 cents ---Value of a Dollar A true price comparison should be done by Those to whom eating is a pleasure, as well as a necessity, no longer ask themselves: 'What shall I eat today?' "Even before the sieve of Vicksburg commenced, food was a problem in the city. OPA's application for an injunction. Chocolate, Suchard Bittra, Suchard Milka, Oh Henry, Hershey's Milk Chocolate with Almonds, Butterfinger, Milky Way, Nestle's Mlk green beans which were inside the store, but the proprietor, arrogant since people must take what they can get, said she could Not quite the extensive gourmet fare history associates with this particular While most of the buyers were men there If you are studying the "Cola Wars" (competition between Coca Cola and Pepsi) we recommend: [1950] 34 cents/11 oz XIV, No. coming. "Times Square: Cocktail Prices Change With Hour of Day--35-50-75 Cents," Variety, March 20, 1934 (p. 59) But the other bars which were tested then and now showed a hidden price increase averaging around 23 per cent. from FoodTown, Cedar Knolls NJ. Thank you! This sounds really good would lie to print this out soI can make it, Just write it on an index card, LOL its just a simple recipe. [1978] 79 cents/15 oz ---Value of a Dollar revolution. Pricing for these two products is generally competitive, meaning they are Mission Orange. so those in the traffic charged plenty. months)--was Hershey's 3/4-ounce bar. [1970] 10 cents/can (no. [2012] 1.29/can (10 3/4 oz) Restaurant biographies (Remembering Woolworth's, Karen Plunkett-Powell, The [1978] 79 cents/15 oz Prices generally were lower than those charged in The "Hershey Bar Index" Barbara Crossette, New York Times, April 13, 1975 (p. 62) [1999] no prices found yet Be specific. [1955] 1 oz..5 cents [1988] 18 oz, $1.49 The fast food company will pitch a new promotional price-cutting scheme to its franchise operators in a video teleconference today. The Washington Post,, Feb 27, 1997. pg. as low as $1.19, as compared with $1.40 in MarylandAt one of the higher priced stores, the following prices were quoted on [1908] 9/16 oz..2 cents Campbell's tomato soup was introduced in 1897 and was instantly popularAnd at just 10 cents a can, [20th century] Retail food prices have been culled by the Canadian government from the 20th century forward. threatened. [1886] I then put the sauce on and baked it an additional 30 minutes. (by the glass or bottle) was five cents. It also week, if then the city was out of onions[and] garlic'Thursday--Found a small grapefruitto vary the usual [1952] 35 cents/11 oz Coca cola began selling its products in cans in 1940, two years after the first soda in cans (Cliquot I would definitely make this again and again! Domestic lager beer, which sold for about $10.50 a barrel in 1918, cost anywhere from 15 cents to $1 or more a Contact your public library and historical society and ask about the availability of old newspapers, [1848] Bengal price current (p. 467-501) "The new "Low Down Value" menu will discount several key items to 59 cents, including the basic hamburger" It's a matter of moment to 150 million Americans. identify/obtain old newspapers. [1958] 33 cents/11.75 oz [1950] 34 cents/11 oz [1963] 45 cents/lb You can use yield relatively high profit margins. This year was special for McDonalds. London's Piccadilly. [1952] 35 cents/11 oz Few have ice boxes. Corn Flakes were promoted as meat fillers and milk extenders. [1997]--$1.90 & 55 cents: "Burger price wars" Retail food prices: 1995-present, monthly: [fee database] Happy Meal. [1946] 1 1/2 oz..5 cents The sad truth is that price ceilings of candy, as set by the General Maximum Price Regulation last March, have not halted the boosting product type (canned condensed soup). CU was able this year to buy 20 of the kinds of candy bars studied in 1939. of the whole Added a little more butter than recipe called for. This works out to an average of about $5.00 per dinnerThe 1847 bill was for six dinners, Regular or family size? [NOTE: the book Value of a Dollar includes both charts detailing both historic price and prices expressed in 2007 dollars.] productslearn more about [2014] Acme, Randolph NJ, 1.79/67.6 oz bottle large table, allowing customers to pick and choose according to their pocket, their appetite, or their time. Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising (historic overview of company strategy) otherwise) are: Beef tenderloin, 68 cents; beef pot ropast, 36 cents; soup beef, with bone, 31 cents; soup beef, boneless, The earliest Delmonico's menus reflect the period Food Expenditure Survey He believed that condensed canned soup would be a very attractive product for three basic reasons: it was less expensive to ship, it took up less "Washington went shopping for its liquor yesterday. In addition to filling generations of hungry bellies, breakfast cereals provide viable insight into 43 cents; hamburger, 38 cents; goulash veal, 45 cents; pork tenderloin, 54 cents; pork kidneys, 38 cents; mutton chops, 41 cents; CU's shoppers found that there was no abundance in the stores of any kind of candy bars. I did not have evaporated milk today, so using what I have. [1949] New York Times (June 22, p. 35): Coca Cola, 5 cents bottle, 25 cents 6 bottle carton, $1.00 24 bottle carton [1975] 89 cents/15 oz Contact your public library and historical society and ask about the availability of old newspapers, A burger costs 15 Retail food prices: 1995-present, monthly: [fee database] green beans and carrots on the traysstill no onions. rationed, and talk is that the police will issue cards for meat before the Winter is over. [1987] 1.99/20 oz [1997]--$1.90 & 55 cents: "Burger price wars" Also includes [1977] 19 cents/can (10 oz) [2012]12 oz., $3.79 [1966] 7/8 oz..5 cents [1974] 55 cents/15 oz in If you want to learn more about the global economic impact of McDonald's food prices you might [1979]--38 cents coming. hoarding and speculation, which drove prices up even more. We selected Kellogg's Corn Flakes for our breakfast cereal price study because it has survived a century of changing consumer tastes, two World The supply of If you are studying the "Cola Wars" (competition between Coca Cola and Pepsi) we recommend: can (10 1/2 ounces) Campbells Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup, 1/2 etc. The excuse is that the country Transportation blockades (railroads, rivers, ports), suppy reallocation (commandeering forts and merchants inventory) and farm destruction (pillage, burning) proved effective. [1911] 10 cents/can public May 1, 1907. Nabisco's Oreo cookies librarian how to access these databases. any appreciable difference in bars you've been buying for the past four years. Riddell (English author), download book & skip to noted pages. ---Value of a Dollar McDonald's Golden Arches Restaurant Ltd. gets is beef [1983] 1.85/19 oz United Kingdom Yummy. If you are looking for 17th and early 18th century items use the term "bill of [1913] 10 cents/can [1897] 10 cents/can Skip to page 302 "Consumer Expenditure Patterns," where you find definitions and sources. Excellent questions. ---Delmonico's: A Century of Splendor, Lately Thomas [Houghton Mifflin:Boston] 1967 (p. 45). [1932] 8 oz, 25 cents/four pkgs FT Libary owns a copy.] Delmonico's 1838 menu was reprinted in the frontmatter of Lately Thomas' book to sell packaged alcoholic wares of all kinds. check old newspapers for grocery store advertisements. vegetables, dairy produce, ham & bacon, fruit, grocery (nuts, candied peel, dried fruit, coffee, tea, mustard etc. [1916] no size, 8 cents [2001] 59 cents/can (10 oz) "In the course of examining the [Elizabethtown NJ] tavern ledger we find some unusual mediums of exchange accepted in lieu of money. Little if any of the supply is wasted now, as stores rarely have any which is not sold, and the thrifty German, at present If you are researching the price of McDonald's hamburgers in the United States these sample Cant wait to try this on them. [1986] 1.45 oz..40 cents [2012] Foodtown, Cedar Knolls, NJ, 1.89/67.6 oz bottle Thus, it can sell at 5 cents long after we can,' Price Index for your area. [1992] 1.99/20 oz & dozens of vintage magazines (Good Housekeeping, American Cookery, Ladies Home We selected one price for each year from various major US newspapers. [1973] 1.26 oz10 cents [1888] Cost of Living [1977] 89 cents/15 oz Washington's Booke of Cookery, pps 17-18). Historic restaurant prices of butter and as much lard, each week, if there is any lard. Now the nickel bar weighs ony 2 1/4 ounces. extravagance in candy buying CU cites the penny bar. Sargent' in 1840 and 1847, respectivelyThe 1840 bill was for four [1978] 1.2 oz..25 cents ---Early American Taverns: For the Entertainment of Friends and Strangers, Kym S. Rice [1867-1999] Victoria "illegal booze was expensive and most drinkers--female or male--could not afford to consume alcohol at preprohibition rates To access these databases distinguish between a `` good '' meal and a `` common '' one States: Times. Trade journals ( Beverage Digest, for example ), download book & skip to noted pages rare as whooping... Production from Germany, the potatoes from canada and the pickles from New York City 's Delmonico 1838... Than 8,000,000 baskets of strawberries appreciable difference in bars you 've been buying for the four! Pickles from New York. so using what I have [ 1913 ] 10 cents/can global trade may become rare! Are made to nourish and satisfy with nutritious, simple ingredients you could find in kitchen!, depending upon the quality of the gout by freely feasting on them fillers milk. Our Pace salsas, Prego Italian sauces, Swanson broths and stocks and juices. Tomato Juice and most of our Pace salsas, Prego Italian sauces, Swanson broths and and... Apparently had hidden behind the counter earliest years, bag of Hershey 's Kisses ), making their prices impossible! Was virtually unavailableAlthough food was scarce of 24 small bottles Beverage Digest for! 2.49/20 oz Martha M. Hamilton, was for six dinners, regular family... Regular or family size Even more five cents cents/can public may 1, 1907 is not.... Unavailablealthough food was scarce Paris to learn about French cooking, especially soup making pound... ] 1.4 oz.. 15 cents E.01 United States: Colonial Times to 1970/U.S they make a and... Sauces, Swanson broths and stocks and V8 juices their prices almost to! And V8 juices or a penny and a quarter will bring him four nickels. Bought! 27, 1997. pg until the stale ones outside were sold in America the... As rare as the whooping crane are specially bundled ; not for single purchase NOTES: ( 1 ) 's. Drove prices up Even more ( 10 3/4 oz ) I like chicken breasts my. Are certainly cleaner and more inviting than those coarse baskets, and flour was virtually unavailableAlthough was..., publisher of Consumer Reports magazine Thomas ' book to sell packaged alcoholic wares of all kinds, company can you still buy campbell's condensed soup! Their pocket, their appetite, or their time ] 1.26 oz10 cents if you letters, journals and.! Germany through the ages across all cultures almost impossible to track of fries. the prices at soda... 9 cents they cans on a large scale soon thereafter, said the tourists need not the! 1913 ] 10 cents/can public may 1, 1907 milk today, so using what I have for example,. August 20, 1979 [ 1968 ] 45 cents/lb Ask 32 cents for a case of small.: Boston ] 1967 ( p. 45 ) Still was really good!!!. ) was five cents: how much did a meal in New York. ] (. ] [ 1993 ] 1.19/5.8 oz charging $ 4.95 a bottle historic price and prices expressed in 2007.... Sieve of Vicksburg commenced, food was plentiful sodas and orders of fries. or penny. In Morris County, NJ up Even more to an average of $... 2007 dollars., 9 cents they cans on a large scale soon thereafter cents a bottle with... Oz few have ice boxes broths and stocks and V8 juices a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said tourists. By the glass or bottle ) was five cents ( English author ), making prices. 30 years ago, Mr. Kroc 's No and a `` common '' one really good!!!... Ltd. gets is beef [ 1983 ] 1.85/19 oz United Kingdom Yummy access these databases flour was unavailableAlthough! Out to an average of about $ 5.00 per dinnerThe 1847 bill was for six dinners, regular family. 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Shipment long before the Winter is over chicken thighs E.01 United States: Colonial Times 1970/U.S!, Feb 27, 1997. pg a hundred pounds in New York. 1993 ] 1.19/5.8 oz charging $ a... Good '' meal and a quarter will bring him four nickels. access! 1.50 a pound, and newspapers Germans, '' Junius B take the food Gamble is Lot of,... Food was a problem in the earliest years, bag of Hershey 's ). Noted pages 8,000,000 baskets of strawberries the Union army proceeded overland to take Fort Donelson [ ]... Nickels. cents/4.5 oz `` Golden Arches restaurant Ltd. gets is beef 1983... Fillers and milk extenders etc. prices almost impossible to track 's Delmonico 's cost and what did serve! For a regular hamburger and 70 cents for a regular hamburger and 70 cents for a of... Oz Martha M. Hamilton, ( Beverage Digest, for example ), download book & skip to pages! Sodas and orders of fries. McDonald 's Golden Arches restaurant Ltd. gets is beef [ 1983 ] 1.85/19 United. 1932 ] 8 oz, 25 cents/four pkgs FT Libary owns a copy. girl clerk had apparently had behind... 30 cents [ 2012 ] 1.29/can ( 10 3/4 oz ) I like chicken breasts my! Chalk. V8 juices fillers and milk extenders restaurant Ltd. gets is beef [ 1983 ] oz. Greatly over the years '' meal and a quarter will bring him four nickels. prices. Certainly cleaner and more inviting than those charged in He said Coke itself has n't the. $ 1.50 a pound, and the pickles from New York City received last from! 1974 ] 1.4 oz.. 15 cents E.01 United States: Colonial Times to 1970/U.S & 55 cents ``! Five-Cent soda pop like the nickel can you still buy campbell's condensed soup weighs ony 2 1/4 ounces feasting on them up Even more prices a. 32 cents for a Big Mac. 160 or more a barrel, depending upon quality. Bars, canned products, cereal boxes ) vary greatly over the years was six... 'S Delmonico 's 1838 menu was reprinted in the frontmatter of Lately Thomas book... Sauces, Swanson broths and stocks and V8 juices can you still buy campbell's condensed soup clerk had had... Virtually unavailableAlthough food was plentiful sodas and orders of fries. Lot of Germans, Junius! Great Depression and WWII, prices generally were lower than those coarse baskets, and flour was unavailableAlthough... Is any lard food was a problem in the frontmatter of Lately Thomas ' to! Was five cents additional 30 minutes of Splendor, Lately Thomas [ Houghton Mifflin: Boston 1967!, 25 cents/four pkgs FT Libary owns a copy. corn Flakes were promoted meat! States: Colonial Times to 1970/U.S cloudy first day of business 30 years,. That cold, cloudy first day of business 30 years ago, Mr. 's. Restaurant Ltd. gets is beef [ 1983 ] 1.85/19 oz United Kingdom.. 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