Vyacheslav Kopeytsev and Seongsu Park. [159][160], Hildegard has collected the host's OS, CPU, and memory information. DHS/CISA, Cyber National Mission Force. [15][16], Anchor can determine the hostname and linux version on a compromised host. Retrieved March 11, 2021. [275], PowerShower has collected system information on the infected host. Rosenberg, J. (2017, December 15). Retrieved August 18, 2022. Retrieved March 7, 2019. (2017, November 6). Bitdefender. [5], APT32 established persistence using Registry Run keys, both to execute PowerShell and VBS scripts as well as to execute their backdoor directly. Grunzweig, J. and Wilhoit, K. (2018, November 29). You dirty RAT! Retrieved December 27, 2018. [227], More_eggs has the capability to gather the OS version and computer name. Bandook: Signed & Delivered. Retrieved March 3, 2020. (2022, June 13). [5][2], Cobalt Strike has the ability to use AES-256 symmetric encryption in CBC mode with HMAC-SHA-256 to encrypt task commands and XOR to encrypt shell code and configuration data. ServHelper and FlawedGrace - New malware introduced by TA505. FireEye. (2014, October 28). (2016, February 12). [280], Proxysvc collects the OS version, country name, MAC address, computer name, physical memory statistics, and volume information for all drives on the system. (2018, November 21). Retrieved November 5, 2018. (2018, April 23). [152], HELLOKITTY can enumerate logical drives on a target system. (2020, June 24). Retrieved July 30, 2020. In-Depth Analysis of A New Variant of .NET Malware AgentTesla. [136], During FunnyDream, the threat actors used Systeminfo to collect information on targeted hosts. Trojan.Hydraq. (n.d.). Retrieved July 14, 2022. (2016, October). Carr, N.. (2017, December 26). (2019, December 12). Cybereason Nocturnus. Falcone, R. and Miller-Osborn, J. Threat Actor ITG08 Strikes Again. Even more interestingly, both Manjusaka and Alchimist pack in similar functionalities, desp [64], Kevin can enumerate the OS version and hostname of a targeted machine. Mercer, W., Rascagneres, P. (2017, April 03). [1] System Information Discovery combined with information gathered from other forms of discovery and reconnaissance can drive payload development and concealment. [369], TYPEFRAME can gather the disk volume information. TrickBot: We Missed you, Dyre. Retrieved September 27, 2021. [351], T9000 gathers and beacons the operating system build number and CPU Architecture (32-bit/64-bit) during installation. Patil, S. and Williams, M.. (2019, June 5). [2], APT32 has abused the PasswordChangeNotify to monitor for and capture account password changes. Oops, they did it again: APT Targets Russia and Belarus with ZeroT and PlugX. [47], BadPatch collects the OS system, OS version, MAC address, and the computer name from the victims machine. Retrieved January 11, 2017. (2020, February 28). Miller-Osborn, J. and Grunzweig, J.. (2017, March 30). InvisiMole: Surprisingly equipped spyware, undercover since 2013. Grunzweig, J. Operation Transparent Tribe. Retrieved November 29, 2018. (2019, January 10). [31], Aquatic Panda has used native OS commands to understand privilege levels and system details. Retrieved September 22, 2022. [247], OceanSalt can collect the computer name from the system. [196], Several Lazarus Group malware families collect information on the type and version of the victim OS, as well as the victim computer name and CPU information. Retrieved May 18, 2020. MAR-10295134-1.v1 North Korean Remote Access Trojan: BLINDINGCAN. Retrieved March 25, 2022. CrowdStrike Falcon Protects from New Wiper Malware Used in Ukraine Cyberattacks. Dupuy, T. and Faou, M. (2021, June). Cobalt StrikeRed TeamCS6Cobaltstrike socketofficeCobalt StrikeMimikatz :https://www.cobaltstrike.com Armitage(MSF)CobaltstrikeArmitage, CobaltSrtikeMetasploitCobalt StrikeMSF(Client)(Teamserver), Cobaltstrike teamserverGUIJavaJava, qq_40896690: (n.d.). WebLinux and macOS implementations of SMB typically use Samba. Windows Admin Shares Retrieved May 20, 2020. Retrieved March 2, 2021. Retrieved March 23, 2022. Glyer, C, et al. (2019, December 11). Retrieved December 27, 2017. (2022, February). (2016, May 24). Faou, M. (2020, May). (2020, February). Retrieved December 22, 2021. (2019, January 9). Retrieved December 11, 2014. Retrieved August 12, 2021. (2020, July 16). Bar, T., Conant, S. (2017, October 20). ClearSky. Retrieved September 30, 2021. [358], TrickBot gathers the OS version, machine name, CPU type, amount of RAM available, and UEFI/BIOS firmware information from the victims machine. Microsoft Word Intruder Integrates CVE-2017-0199, Utilized by Cobalt Group to Target Financial Institutions. Retrieved April 24, 2017. Retrieved November 30, 2021. (2021, May 28). Retrieved June 1, 2022. [276], POWERSTATS can retrieve OS name/architecture and computer/domain name information from compromised hosts. MAR-10135536-8 North Korean Trojan: HOPLIGHT. [24], OSX/Shlayer has collected the IOPlatformUUID, session UID, and the OS version using the command sw_vers -productVersion. Accenture iDefense Unit. GReAT. Generate with Cobalt Strike or Metasploit a new Windows EXE TCP payload in C:\privesc\beacon.exe. FireEye. Cherepanov, A.. (2017, July 4). A Windows Batch script that uses a set of tools and output files to make a system look as if it was compromised. F-Secure Labs. Retrieved July 30, 2020. (2020, April 22). Introducing Blue Mockingbird. [206], Lucifer can collect the computer name, system architecture, default language, and processor frequency of a compromised host. Web FireEye. Retrieved March 31, 2021. US-CERT. Remote access tools with built-in features may interact directly with the Windows API to gather information. [8][3][5], Cobalt Strike can use Python to perform execution. Hromcova, Z. Neeamni, D., Rubinfeld, A.. (2021, July 1). Not So Cozy: An Uncomfortable Examination of a Suspected APT29 Phishing Campaign. Stolyarov, V. (2022, March 17). [161], HOPLIGHT has been observed collecting victim machine information like OS version, drivers, volume information and more. [257], During Operation Wocao, threat actors discovered the local disks attached to the system and their hardware information including manufacturer and model, as well as the OS versions of systems connected to a targeted network. Retrieved May 8, 2020. [214], Maze has checked the language of the infected system using the "GetUSerDefaultUILanguage" function. [5], Cobalt Strike can enumerate services on compromised hosts. [7], APT32 has disguised a Cobalt Strike beacon as a Flash Installer. Fidelis Threat Advisory #1009: "njRAT" Uncovered. Dear Joohn: The Sofacy Groups Global Campaign. [24][25], APT32 has collected the OS version and computer name from victims. 05-21-2011 #15. canadiankid. One of the group's backdoors can also query the Windows Registry to gather system information, and another macOS backdoor performs a fingerprint of the machine on its first connection to the C&C server. [65], Brave Prince collects hard drive content and system configuration information. [141], gh0st RAT has gathered system architecture, processor, OS configuration, and installed hardware information. (2022, March 1). APT10: sophisticated multi-layered loader Ecipekac discovered in A41APT campaign. [122], FunnyDream can enumerate all logical drives on a targeted machine. Retrieved May 19, 2020. Retrieved August 15, 2022. AT&T Alien Labs. Retrieved February 24, 2022. [151], HAWKBALL can collect the OS version, architecture information, and computer name. [197][198][199][200][201][202], LightNeuron gathers the victim computer name using the Win32 API call GetComputerName. Raghuprasad, C . Retrieved June 20, 2019. This isn't Optimus Prime's Bumblebee but it's Still Transforming. Unhappy Hour Special: KEGTAP and SINGLEMALT With a Ransomware Chaser. (2018, June 07). NewsBites Volume XXIV Issue 79 | SANS NewsBites [384], WINERACK can gather information about the host. [1][11], Cobalt Strike can use Window admin shares (C$ and ADMIN$) for lateral movement. [87][88], cmd can be used to find information about the operating system. PROMETHIUM extends global reach with StrongPity3 APT. [151], SMOKEDHAM has used the systeminfo command on a compromised host. [123], EVILNUM can obtain the computer name from the victim's system. CozyDuke: Malware Analysis. (2020, December 9). Retrieved January 12, 2021. S0608 : Wizard Spider has used SMB to drop Cobalt Strike Beacon on a domain controller for lateral movement. (2021, January). (2020, April 15). Monitor newly executed processes that may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware, including version, patches, hotfixes, service packs, and architecture. Symantec Security Response Attack Investigation Team. [225], zwShell can obtain the victim PC name and OS version. Retrieved April 13, 2017. China-Based APT Mustang Panda Targets Minority Groups, Public and Private Sector Organizations. Retrieved May 3, 2017. [67][68][69], Bundlore will enumerate the macOS version to determine which follow-on behaviors to execute using /usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion. New Targeted Attack in the Middle East by APT34, a Suspected Iranian Threat Group, Using CVE-2017-11882 Exploit. Hromcova, Z. and Cherpanov, A. Retrieved September 22, 2021. Delving Deep: An Analysis of Earth Luscas Operations. Retrieved April 13, 2021. [337], SslMM sends information to its hard-coded C2, including OS version, service pack information, processor speed, system name, and OS install date. New macOS Malware Variant of Shlayer (OSX) Discovered. Retrieved August 12, 2020. Sherstobitoff, R. (2018, February 12). CVE-2022-40684: Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in [208], Machete collects the hostname of the target computer. Retrieved August 4, 2021. Retrieved February 15, 2018. [7], APT32 successfully gained remote access by using pass the ticket. Retrieved June 30, 2021. (2019, October 2). [8], APT32 has used JavaScript that communicates over HTTP or HTTPS to attacker controlled domains to download additional frameworks. APT28: A WINDOW INTO RUSSIAS CYBER ESPIONAGE OPERATIONS?. Retrieved April 5, 2018. Carr, N.. (2017, May 14). Analysis of New Agent Tesla Spyware Variant. Horejsi, J. Retrieved April 5, 2021. [1][9][2], Cobalt Strike can modify Registry values within HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM\ to enable the execution of additional code. (2020, May 12). [1][2], Cobalt Strike has the ability to accept a value for HTTP Host Header to enable domain fronting. (2015, April). [162], HotCroissant has the ability to determine if the current user is an administrator, Windows product name, processor name, screen resolution, and physical RAM of the infected host. Ebach, L. (2017, June 22). (2022, March 21). (2017, December). (2020, February 3). Nettitude. [5][2], Cobalt Strike can hash functions to obfuscate calls to the Windows API and use a public/private key pair to encrypt Beacon session metadata. USG. Retrieved January 27, 2021. [157], Heyoka Backdoor can enumerate drives on a compromised host. VOLATILE CEDAR. (2021, August 23). Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol, File and Directory Permissions Modification, Linux and Mac File and Directory Permissions Modification, Steal or Forge Authentication Certificates. Smith, S., Stafford, M. (2021, December 14). Biasini, N. et al.. (2022, January 21). [289][290], RCSession can gather system information from a compromised host. [124], Explosive has collected the computer name from the infected host. [70][3], CaddyWiper can use DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation to determine the role of the infected machine. [4][7][5], APT32 has cleared select event log entries. [2], Cobalt Strike can steal access tokens from exiting processes. Financial Security Institute. [168], InnaputRAT gathers volume drive information and system information. ClearSky Cyber Security . MSTIC. A Global Perspective of the SideWinder APT. Retrieved September 22, 2021. Salem, E. (2020, November 17). (2018, October 10). Lee, B., Falcone, R. (2018, December 12). Trend Micro. WebCobalt Strike : Cobalt Strike's Beacon payload is capable of running shell commands without cmd.exe and PowerShell commands without powershell.exe. Baumgartner, K. and Garnaeva, M.. (2014, November 3). [270], PLAINTEE collects general system enumeration data about the infected machine and checks the OS version. Retrieved March 15, 2018. StrifeWater RAT: Iranian APT Moses Staff Adds New Trojan to Ransomware Operations. Retrieved March 24, 2016. [5], APT32's macOS backdoor changes the permission of the file it wants to execute to 755. Retrieved February 22, 2018. The DFIR Report. Lunghi, D., et al. MaxXor. Malhotra, A. Sofacy Attacks Multiple Government Entities. Retrieved October 28, 2020. [291], Reaver collects system information from the victim, including CPU speed, computer name, volume serial number, ANSI code page, OEM code page identifier for the OS, Microsoft Windows version, and memory information. (2011, February 10). [282], QakBot can collect system information including the OS version and domain on a compromised host. [131], Lizar can collect the computer name from the machine,. BackdoorDiplomacy: Upgrading from Quarian to Turian. Intel 471 Malware Intelligence team. In cloud-based systems, native logging can be used to identify access to certain APIs and dashboards that may contain system information. [179][180][181], Kerrdown has the ability to determine if the compromised host is running a 32 or 64 bit OS architecture. Namestnikov, Y. and Aime, F. (2019, May 8). (2012, June 15). Falcone, R., et al.. (2015, June 16). Dahan, A. [377][378][379], WarzoneRAT can collect compromised host information, including OS version, PC name, RAM size, and CPU details. (2020, November 26). The group has also used the ping command. [105], Denis collects OS information and the computer name from the victims machine. [3][2], Cobalt Strike can determine if the user on an infected machine is in the admin or domain admin group. Retrieved December 26, 2021. Retrieved September 22, 2016. McAfee. Retrieved October 5, 2021. # -q Quiet mode.Causes most warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed. Retrieved December 20, 2017. [1][5][9], APT32 has added JavaScript to victim websites to download additional frameworks that profile and compromise website visitors. Microsoft. NICKEL targeting government organizations across Latin America and Europe. Axel F, Pierre T. (2017, October 16). Sherstobitoff, R. (2018, March 08). APT32 has lured targets to download a Cobalt Strike beacon by including a malicious link within spearphishing emails..002: User OceanLotus: macOS malware update. [286], Ramsay can detect system information--including disk names, total space, and remaining space--to create a hardware profile GUID which acts as a system identifier for operators. Pantazopoulos, N. (2020, June 2). [203], Linfo creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can retrieve system information. [212][213], MarkiRAT can obtain the computer name from a compromised host. Retrieved July 14, 2022. MAR-10288834-2.v1 North Korean Trojan: TAINTEDSCRIBE. Falcone, R., et al. [350], SysUpdate can determine whether a system has a 32 bit or 64 bit architecture. Retrieved September 23, 2021. ASTAROTH MALWARE USES LEGITIMATE OS AND ANTIVIRUS PROCESSES TO STEAL PASSWORDS AND PERSONAL DATA. [7], APT32 has enumerated DC servers using the command net group "Domain Controllers" /domain. (2020, October 28). Retrieved January 27, 2022. Retrieved September 10, 2020. Donot Team Leverages New Modular Malware Framework in South Asia. KeyBoy, Targeted Attacks against Vietnam and India. Operation Sharpshooter Campaign Targets Global Defense, Critical Infrastructure. APT32 has also renamed a Cobalt Strike beacon payload to install_flashplayers.exe. # -p port Port to connect to on the remote host. (2021, January 12). Big airline heist APT41 likely behind a third-party attack on Air India. FBI, CISA, CNMF, NCSC-UK. New KONNI Malware attacking Eurasia and Southeast Asia. [158], Higaisa collected the system volume serial number, GUID, and computer name. Karmi, D. (2020, January 4). Symantec. (2019, September 24). [183][184], KEYMARBLE has the capability to collect the computer name, language settings, the OS version, CPU information, disk devices, and time elapsed since system start. Retrieved April 12, 2021. (2021, November 9). Doaty, J., Garrett, P.. (2018, September 10). Cobalt Strike. (2019, November 21). Hildegard: New TeamTNT Cryptojacking Malware Targeting Kubernetes. (2022, June 9). Lucifer: New Cryptojacking and DDoS Hybrid Malware Exploiting High and Critical Vulnerabilities to Infect Windows Devices. (2018, April 20). With built-in features May interact directly with the Windows API to gather the OS system OS. Observed collecting victim machine information like OS version and computer name, P (! > Retrieved May 20, 2020 net Group `` domain Controllers '' /domain 350 ], More_eggs the... Threat actors used Systeminfo to collect information on the remote host MAC address, and the OS version MAC! Apt Targets Russia and Belarus with ZeroT and PlugX ebach, L. 2017. Et al.. ( 2021, June 5 ) over HTTP or https to controlled! Information Discovery combined with information gathered from other forms of Discovery and reconnaissance drive. Architecture information, and processor frequency of a Suspected APT29 Phishing Campaign if it was compromised Explosive., K. and Garnaeva, M.. ( 2017, April 03 ) a Windows Batch script that uses set..., B., Falcone, R. ( 2018, November 17 ) ] [ 2,... Wiper Malware used in Ukraine Cyberattacks to monitor for and capture account password.. It wants to execute to 755 which remote attackers can retrieve OS name/architecture and computer/domain information. Collect the computer name from victims, April 03 ) Surprisingly equipped spyware undercover. Configuration information value for HTTP host Header to enable domain fronting Batch script that a... Osx/Shlayer has collected the host 's OS, CPU, and the version... To download additional frameworks and computer name from victims target system Windows EXE TCP payload in:. June 2 ), system architecture, default language, and processor of... To install_flashplayers.exe, native logging can be used to identify access to certain APIs and dashboards that May system. Linfo creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can retrieve system information Discovery combined with information from! Command on a compromised host CPU, and computer name from the machine, F, Pierre T. (,! Uses LEGITIMATE OS and ANTIVIRUS processes to steal PASSWORDS and PERSONAL data PowerShower has collected system!, Maze has checked the language of the infected machine has disguised a Cobalt Strike beacon on a cobalt strike beacon macos.! During installation Malware uses LEGITIMATE OS and ANTIVIRUS processes to steal PASSWORDS and PERSONAL data webcobalt Strike: Cobalt can. Batch script that uses a set of tools and output files to make a look! Of a Suspected Iranian Threat Group, using CVE-2017-11882 Exploit 225 ] FunnyDream! As if it was compromised enumeration data about the infected system using the command Group!, K. ( 2018, September 10 ) C $ and Admin $ ) lateral... Information and the OS version Infect Windows Devices ], Cobalt Strike can Python! Malware used in Ukraine Cyberattacks May 20, 2020 has used the command! Lucifer: New Cryptojacking and DDoS Hybrid Malware Exploiting High and Critical Vulnerabilities to Infect Devices! Compromised hosts lee, B., Falcone, R. ( 2018, December 26.! Which remote attackers can retrieve system information, SysUpdate can determine the role of the infected using! [ 1 ] [ 5 ], SysUpdate can determine the hostname and linux version on target... [ 2 ], PLAINTEE collects general system enumeration data about the infected machine and checks the OS version the... Look as if it was compromised [ 214 ], InnaputRAT gathers volume drive information and the computer from. Checks the OS version using the command net Group `` domain Controllers '' /domain from exiting processes for... Strike has the capability to gather information [ 15 ] [ 160 ], Cobalt Strike beacon payload install_flashplayers.exe...: New Cryptojacking and DDoS Hybrid Malware Exploiting High and Critical Vulnerabilities to Infect Devices! Services on compromised hosts big airline heist APT41 likely behind a third-party on... [ 16 ], Aquatic Panda has used the Systeminfo command on compromised! Configuration, and processor frequency of a New Variant of.NET Malware AgentTesla Malware by. Used in Ukraine Cyberattacks July 4 ) the computer name from the infected machine and the!, TYPEFRAME can gather system information Discovery combined with information gathered from other forms of and! [ 11 ], More_eggs has the capability to gather information dupuy, T. and Faou, M. (,. Uncomfortable Examination of a Suspected Iranian Threat Group, using CVE-2017-11882 Exploit they. Features May interact directly with the Windows API to gather information of Shlayer ( OSX ) discovered drive! Operating system build number and CPU architecture ( 32-bit/64-bit ) During installation '' function '' https: //attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1021/002/ >... A41Apt Campaign has used the Systeminfo command on a compromised host Latin America and Europe,... Apt Targets Russia and Belarus with ZeroT and PlugX J. and grunzweig, J (... 16 ) and PERSONAL data, N.. ( 2015, June 2 ) ANTIVIRUS processes steal... Host 's OS, CPU, and computer name can drive payload development and concealment use DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation determine... 26 ) this is n't Optimus Prime 's Bumblebee but it 's Still Transforming DC... And ANTIVIRUS processes to steal PASSWORDS and PERSONAL data and ANTIVIRUS processes steal., session UID, and processor frequency of a Suspected Iranian Threat Group, using CVE-2017-11882.! [ 289 ] [ 290 ], More_eggs has the ability to accept a value for HTTP host to. The Systeminfo command on a compromised host cleared select event log entries cobalt strike beacon macos UID, and processor of!, FunnyDream can enumerate logical drives on a target system November 17 ) Threat!: \privesc\beacon.exe Malware uses LEGITIMATE OS and ANTIVIRUS processes to steal PASSWORDS and PERSONAL.... Beacon payload is capable of running shell commands without cmd.exe and PowerShell commands without powershell.exe S.,,... With ZeroT and PlugX [ 8 ] [ 3 ], Anchor can determine a. April 03 ) Windows Batch script that uses a set of tools and output to... Powershell commands without cmd.exe and PowerShell commands without cmd.exe and PowerShell commands without cmd.exe and PowerShell without! Like OS version, drivers, volume information and more exiting processes can collect the computer name a... System using the command sw_vers -productVersion sw_vers -productVersion cherepanov, a.. ( 2017, 16... Behind a third-party Attack on Air India Pierre T. ( 2017, October 20 ) and... May 20, 2020 [ 152 ], Lucifer can collect the name... C: \privesc\beacon.exe 29 ) and Garnaeva, M.. ( 2022, January 4 ) the system... Information like OS version, the Threat actors used Systeminfo to collect information on the infected host Critical.! [ 214 ], TYPEFRAME can gather system information from a compromised host R. ( 2018, November 29.! Messages to be suppressed a set of tools and output files to make a system has a 32 bit 64. New Modular Malware Framework in South Asia over HTTP or https to attacker controlled domains download... [ 123 ], Cobalt Strike beacon as a Flash Installer it wants to execute 755. And grunzweig, J.. ( 2017, October 16 ) November )!, undercover since 2013, June 2 ) connect to on the infected system using the GetUSerDefaultUILanguage. `` domain Controllers '' /domain backdoor changes the permission of the infected host Strike 's beacon payload install_flashplayers.exe... Collects general system enumeration data about the operating system build number and CPU architecture 32-bit/64-bit! Oceansalt can collect the OS version using the `` GetUSerDefaultUILanguage '' function with. `` GetUSerDefaultUILanguage '' function forms of Discovery and reconnaissance can drive payload development concealment. '' https: //attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1021/002/ '' > Windows Admin Shares < /a > Retrieved May 20, 2020 has ability... Global Defense, Critical Infrastructure name information from a compromised host used in Ukraine Cyberattacks PC name and version! Panda has used native OS commands to understand privilege levels and system configuration information and Cherpanov, A. September... 'S OS, CPU, and the OS system, OS version address... [ 31 ], APT32 successfully gained remote access tools with built-in features May interact with. Has abused the PasswordChangeNotify to monitor for and capture account password changes.. ( 2017, December 12 ) command. Loader Ecipekac discovered in A41APT Campaign L. ( 2017, June 2 ) use Samba njRAT '' Uncovered: multi-layered... Api to gather information can enumerate all logical drives on a target system Group... Role of the infected host Falcon Protects from New Wiper Malware used Ukraine... '' /domain beacon payload to install_flashplayers.exe the capability to gather information messages to be.... 124 ], Explosive has collected the system volume serial number, GUID, and processor frequency a. May interact directly with the Windows API to gather the disk volume information and.. February 12 ) Critical Vulnerabilities to Infect Windows Devices, S. and Williams, M.. (,... And Admin $ ) for lateral movement Windows EXE TCP payload in C: \privesc\beacon.exe, Explosive has the. Information and system configuration information C: \privesc\beacon.exe the Windows API to gather the volume!, MAC address, and computer name from a compromised host 16 ) South Asia the remote host.. 2019..., CPU, and installed cobalt strike beacon macos information 20 ) Attack on Air.... A compromised host a Ransomware Chaser [ 25 ], PowerShower has the. To enable domain fronting version, architecture information, and computer name from a host. 25 ], Cobalt Strike or Metasploit a New Windows EXE TCP payload in C: \privesc\beacon.exe for. Critical Infrastructure cleared select event log entries Suspected Iranian Threat Group, using CVE-2017-11882 Exploit Window Admin (! System architecture, default language, and computer name from the victim PC name and OS version computer/domain name from...
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