Since this method evaporates faster than a dish, it's important to mist the enclosure at least once a day so they can stay properly hydrated. Maintaining a well-ventilated setup while retaining elevated humidity is important to successfully maintaining this species. We recommend the following substrates for electric blue geckos: Layering clean, chemical-free leaf litter on top of the substrate can also help with humidity. For example, for us, we usually have to mix 1 part water to 1 part powder (where we are located is fairly dry). Save an extra $10 off habitats w/ code BFH10. Known as the Given that this species comes from a tropical climate, they do require a temperature gradient with hot spots. Perches should be arranged in a way that allows the geckos to climb and rest at varying heights throughout the enclosure and should be sturdily installed to prevent collapse.If you collect any wood from outside, give it a good scrub and bake at 250F for about an hour &/or soak in a disinfectant compatible with porous surfaces, such as Clean Break or F10SC. Given that they are day geckos, they are diurnal, meaning that their active/waking hours are during the day. 8-11. This is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D, Acceptable insects include 1-week-old crickets, fruit flies, springtails, waxworm moths and the smallest possible mealworms and kingworms. (Try New Design) Description. This means keeping the enclosure as sterile as possible and closely monitoring the lizard's health.Paper towels are the best substrate for quarantine, as they can be frequently replaced and make it easier to observe feces and other potential health issues. This gecko is endemic to Tanzania, they are located in the Kimboza forest, but only within a few square kilometer area. Hangs upside down from temperature gauge to eat Pangea fruit mix. Useful Products: -Exo Terra 12" x 12" x 18" 'mini-tall' Enclosure-Exo Terra Plantation Soil-ZooMed Reptisoil-Cork Flats/Rounds-Manzanita Wood-Live Plants-ZooMed Reptisun LED/UVB Terrarium Hoods-ZooMed Hydroballs-ZooMed Naturalistic Terrarium Substrate Mesh-Exo Terra Pump Mister-Repashy Crested Gecko Diet. You're welcome to contact us at any of the following emails anytime! Select options. Average garden soil. Can multiple electric blue geckos be housed in the same enclosure? Proper ventilation must be present in the enclosure to allow this humidity regulation process.Achieving these humidity levels can be as easy and cheap as a hand mister or as complex as an automated misting system - not to be confused with an automated fogger, which only increases general humidity and doesn't create the necessary water droplets for geckos to drink. To ensure proper temperatures in your electric blue gecko enclosure, you will need good thermometers. When feeding nymph stage insects, be sure to remove all uneaten bugs after the geckos have eaten and prevent nymphs from escaping. ! To this end, L. williamsi will thrive if kept in a fully bioactive habitat. Heating for 18-24 tall enclosures: Only use one puck light per enclosure, unless dealing with a very large terrarium. Electric Blue Day Gecko Care Sheet - Lygodactylus Surfaces with dried-on feces or urate should be wiped with reptile-safe disinfectant and rinsed. Cultural Details . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Flying Geckos: an Outstanding Reptile to Have As a Pet, Hibiscus Beautiful Adonis Emerged Transformed as Hibiscus, Day Geckos : Not Suitable Pets For Beginners. The best UVB bulbs for electric blue geckos are: For best results, house the UVB bulbs in a reflective fixture, roughly the same length as the enclosure. Electric blue day geckos should be misted daily to provide dew on enclosure walls and cage items from which they can drink. Description. electric blue day geckos for sale - Archives- CB Reptile | Geckos for It is also possible to house these reptiles in traditional glass aquariums although it may prove difficult to run a daily maintenance without a front opening on the cage. electric blue day gecko Adult L. williamsi only reach a maximum length of 3 inches, and it is only the males who obtain the trademark blue coloration of this species. Electric blue geckos have stout bodies with a short pointy snout, large feet with sticky toe pads, and a plump tapered tail. All of these powdered diets must be mixed with water, you want to mix in water until you reach a ketchup-like consistency. It doesnt hurt to experiment with several types of bedding before deciding on a type you prefer. Make sure to get halogen, not xenon puck lights, as these will not work with a dimmer. Luckily, they are active during the day and amazing to just observe through the glass! The Electric Blue Day Gecko is very easy to house due to its size. Reptiles Magazine care article - Reptiles Magazine article on the care of electric blue day geckos. Some may even climb in the keepers hand to bask while they work in the cage. These geckos will never be as calm and trusting as a larger lizard, so handling is not recommended and should only be done out of necessity. Electric blue geckos benefit from plant grow lights as part of their environment as well. They are bound to a very limited range of forest, living on one particular species of Pandanus palm tree. All of these fixes and gimmicks can also just simply be avoided. Provide heat for your gecko with a very low wattage heat bulb such as a halogen puck light or. The first five are nocturnal; the other three, as their names suggest, are active during the day. You can also add some sphagnum moss under the leaves or mixed into the soil. Babies should have constant access to fruit, but make sure to clean and refill the dish regularly to avoid mold.Provide only as many insects as the geckos can clear out within 1-2 hours. For best results, you should have at least 3-5 of substrate total, with 3 components: Drainage layerFor a humid, tropical substrate, a drainage layer helps aerate the soil, preventing mold and bacterial growth and keeping live plants healthy. Crested gecko diet (CGD) is a nutritionally-complete powder that becomes a fruit meal replacement smoothie when water is added. The last plant that we use is Ficus pumila or climbing fig, this species, like pothos we find is quite sturdy and grows quite quickly. In which case, only 1 male will take on the blue colouration. Once your pet has shown a clean bill of health, you can introduce your long-term substrate to the enclosure.If you already have other reptiles in your home, you should extend the quarantine period to 3 months, keep the enclosure in a separate room if possible, and make sure not to share any tools or decor between your new gecko and other pets, unless fully sanitized between each use. The shorter the wavelength, the deeper it can penetrate their muscle tissue. Generally speaking, calcium should be offered about every feeding for egg-laying females, and every other feeding for non reproductive animals. Mix well, soak until muddy, then pack it down on top of the drainage layer.Alternatively, you can use a pre-packaged soil substrate. After placing your order someone from our care team will reach out to schedule delivery of this product. Expected Weekly Dedication: 4 hours minimum. We do find that this species will lick up water from bromeliads somewhat frequently, but are more likely to lick up water droplets after misting. Providing mounted feeding cups for this arboreal species works well. Do not use a CHE or colored bulb, as these are not as effective. A 40 or 60 watt Nightlight Red bulb should provide plenty of heat; keep in mind that the cage needs to be about 75 degrees at most at night. Nondominant males will appear almost identical to adult females. Basking spot temperatures can and should reach into the low 90s, while the coolest side of the cage can drop down into the low 70s. This is the recommended minimum, calculated according to the reptiles average size and activity patterns. We are a small breeder offering Lygodactylus williamsi for sale in Kansas with nationwide overnight shipping. Weve also noticed that some flavours and diets require more water than others, for example, weve noticed Pangea Growth & Breeding requires a lot more water to reach ketchup-like consistency than Repashy Banana Cream Pie. Off-brand UVB bulbs are likely to have shorter lifespans and unreliable output. We briefly covered obvious indicators in regards to sexual dimorphism in this species above. Electric blue geckos are tiny, quick, and flighty, meaning they are easy to lose track of if handled. Of course, larger (particularly wider) is always better! Of course, dont forget small food and water bowls and a feeding ledge! In the hot spots you do not want to exceed 90F or 32C. Mist first thing in the morning and then again at night if needed. Providing proper husbandry, diet, and supplements should help avoid most health issues, but if your gecko is displaying potential symptoms of illness, its important to take them to an experienced reptile veterinarian right away for diagnosis and treatment. Thanks so much. Electric Blue Day Gecko - Lygodactylus williamsi (Captive Bred) Coming from a tropical to subtropical climate, attention to humidity is a must. We use live plants for all of our terrariums for this species and always use a substrate mixture (never paper towel, except for hatchlings). Their specific needs and characteristics make them less suitable for a novice keeper. Temperature: Keep electric blue day geckos between 75-80 F. A basking spot of around 90-95 F should be provided. If there is enough interest, we will cover breeding this species at a later date. Reptiles arent like dogs and cats that can simply roam around your house. Escaped dubia can hide in the substrate until reaching full maturity, then hunt and likely eat your geckos at night. It also stimulates the production of serotonin, a feel-good hormone. Electric Blue Day Gecko Food should be removed within 24 hours after placing it into the enclosure, if there is mold on the food it needs to be removed immediately. There are two methods that can be used to provide these things. These bulbs can't be used with thermostats and can easily burn your gecko, so it's much safer to provide and control your heat and UVB separately. Heat mats and heat rocksNeither mats nor rocks are appropriate for arboreal species, as they only warm a direct surface, not the surrounding air. So for most breeders, this isnt very convenient and results in higher incubation temperatures, which leads to more males. That being said, you do not want the enclosure to be constantly wet, this can lead to issues with mold and bacteria and in extreme cases has the potential to cause respiratory infections. Our basic guide on care and husbandry for Electric Blue Day Geckos (Lygodactylus williamsi) Caging We house our singles and pairs of adult Lygodactylus williamsi in 12x12x18 glass $ 189.95 $ 299.00 Sale! Electric Blue - Lygodactylus Williamsi Day Gecko (#Fgh56) (Try New Design) Click for hi-res image or caption. Geckos for sale (ALL) Leopard Geckos for sale. Eating great with no issues . As a precaution fill any water bowl with smooth stones and do not fill with water any higher than the stones. Electric blue geckos should be housed in a solid-sided (glass, PVC, etc.) These heat sources are particularly dangerous to electric blue geckos because they can pose major health risks and cause stress. Crickets or any feeder should also be gut loaded. Electric Blue Day Geckos require both a humid and well-ventilated enclosure, along with UV lighting and a proper localized basking spot! Although its a good introduction, please further your research with high-quality sources. Losses to their already small habitat has rendered this species critically endangered in the wild. You can purchase leaf litter or collect some from outside. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism in their colouration, dominant males will appear striking blue whereas females and nondominant males (more on this later) will range from a dull green to copper colour. Just pour an inch or 2 of your chosen drainage layer into the bottom of the enclosure. Some lamps come in kits that already include a fixture, such as the Arcadia ShadeDweller (linked above) or Zoo Med T5 HO kit. We highly recommend against any handling with this species. We heavily mist all of our geckos once in the evening, there must be a drying out period during the day. They are a far bit thinner than the Tiki Torches and cost a lot less, they also come in various sizes, 3 feet, 4 feet, and 6 feet (we might be wrong). In addition to providing cover, live plants make an excellent addition to a bioactive terrarium. One need only look at an adult male to understand why! Have only had Electric Blue Gecko for several weeks. An average A 12 cube is an acceptable minimum for new hatchlings, but they should be transferred to an adult-sized terrarium once they reach 1.5 in length. Name: Lygodactylus williamsi. This allows for a predictable day/night cycle which the gecko can follow, allowing for natural hormonal rhythms and good mental health. Blue In terms of plants, snake plants (. Color/Pattern:Males have an incredible blue to turquoise color over their entire body. Otherwise they exist in a state of perpetual boredom, which makes them dull, inactive, and overall less interesting as pets. Plants can be added to help stabilize higher humidity as well as provide humid microclimates. Having trouble with a decision? Food waste, feces, urates, and any contaminated substrate should be removed daily and soiled surfaces should be cleaned at least weekly. However, its best to include other items, such as: Electric blue geckos are insectivores, which means that they need to eat both plant- and animal-based foods to get the right nutrition. Such hiding places will enable them to follow their natural instincts. Geckos for sale (ALL) Leopard Geckos for sale They can also be housed in traditional glass aquariums, but it may prove more difficult to conduct day to day maintenance without a front opening cage. Enclosure Size Requirements Electric blue geckos should be housed in a solid-sided (glass, Electric blue geckos are heliophilic, meaning they seek out and thrive in sunlight. Repashy Calcium Plus LoD is a great supplement to use for this species, as it provides both calcium and necessary vitamins. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Electric Blue Day Gecko (Lygodactylus williamsi) We have 1 apparent male available. The brightest reptile daylight fixture currently on the market is the Arcadia Jungle Dawn. In captivity these geckos can live around 10 years, this information may change as breeders continually find more optimal ways to keep this species. Electric Blue Gecko Care Sheet. Before allowing your geckos into their enclosure take care to inspect it for places like this, and for any other small holes or openings that might lead out of the enclosure (Exo Terra cages often have small holes meant to provide a way for cables to enter the cage, ensure that these are closed or covered). Fluker's 8.5" Dome Lamp with Dimmer Switch. Crickets or any insect should be no larger than the width of your geckos head. Temperature and Lighting: L. williamsiare diurnal geckos and therefore require UV lighting. It is estimated that these geckos live for around 8-10 years in captivity. The other problem with most commercial terrariums is that the lids especially provide extremely tight spaces, in which females like to lay their eggs. Females tend to be a bronze green, with fainter black stripes across their face and a tan belly. Mostly, one will find them in eastern Tanzania. Here are some options we recommend: Soil layerThe best soil substrate for electric blue geckos is a DIY mix of roughly 40% untreated topsoil + 40% play sand + 20% coconut fiber (like Eco Earth). Humidity is extremely important for the health of a gecko. We do not leave water dishes out for this species, however we do have bromeliads in almost all of our enclosures which do collect water. Fruit flies may roam freely, but they tend to congregate around the fruit cups, creating a concentrated feeding station and actively gut-loading themselves!The key to a healthy, balanced diet is variety, so make sure to provide as many different kinds of safe insects and fruits in your geckos' diet as possible! For seasonal variation, we drop all of the temperatures about 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit or 2-3 degree Celsius. The substrate used will depend on the design of the cage. You will also need a calcium supplement. Use of ZooMed Cork Rounds and Bamboo Hollows is highly recommended, as they provide similar hiding opportunities as the round tree branches they would hug in the wild. Electric blue geckos require UVB lighting for their survival. Humidity is important in helping your gecko shed, especially young geckos since they shed more as they grow. Dont forget to replace your bulb every 6 months! As with all geckos, pore sexing is possible, however, also more difficult given the general size of these geckos. This includes cypress mulch, orchid bark, Ecoearth, or other forms of compressed coconut husk. 2 juveniles available at roughly two months old. Mist the cage daily and maintain a bowl of clean water in the cage. Otherwise, Zoo Med and Vivarium Electronics make various fixtures for both T5 and T8 bulbs. While what weve done may not be visually appealing, we find that it works well and havent had any issues with geckos escaping since. Make sure any live plants are nontoxic and suited to a tropical environment. In the end, it doesnt matter so much how you add humidity to the cage, it just matters that additional moisture and humidity is added at least twice throughout the day. These pores are also likely to appear shiny, as they do release territorial secretions. This is also the tiniest lizard in the world. He has been keeping and breeding reptiles and amphibians for over twenty five years. This species does have fairly large housing requirements for their size. Use of a hand spray bottle or pressure sprayer is one way to add humidity to the air. Minimum terrarium size for electric blue geckos, Zoo Med T8 Reptisun 10.0, 24 4 above basking branch, Arcadia ShadeDweller Kit 6 above basking branch, Best temperature for electric blue geckos. Directly to your inbox. Geckos for sale. Given that they are day geckos, they are diurnal, meaning that their An empty terrarium makes for a bored gecko, reducing its quality of life. Is a great supplement to use for this species critically endangered in the Kimboza forest, living on one species! Will depend on electric blue day gecko size market is the recommended minimum, calculated according the. Cover, live plants are nontoxic and suited to a tropical climate, they are bound to a tropical,! 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