12 Workshops, three plenaries, and over 40 posters highlighting the many important stories, key accomplishments, and lessons learned while achieving ETE goals despite the many challenges presented during 2020 and 2021 showcasing efforts to address persisting health inequities. Together, they will describe progress made towards ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the context of COVID-19 challenges. February 5: HHS Secretary Alex Azar shares additional details about the new plan in a blog post. In 2019, 66% of people with diagnosed HIV were virally suppressed, an increase from 60% in 2015. This initiative will leverage critical scientific advances in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care by coordinating the highly successful programs, resources, and infrastructure of many HHS agencies and offices, including the: The HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health is coordinating this cross-agency Plan. The campaign focuses on the 47 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) jurisdictions serving the 57 jurisdictions prioritized in the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative. Watch the full interview in the video player above. Events will showcase the work that's been done by the Department, providers, and community partners statewide. The funding builds on over $100 million in previously awarded EHE funding to more than 300 health centers, and will fund additional health centers in the counties, territories, and states identified as a part of the EHE initiative. Your response has been recorded. Without intervention another 400,000 Americans will be newly diagnosed over 10 years despite the available tools to prevent infections. July 8: The Assistant Secretary for Health, ADM Brett Giroir, announces that a team of U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officers will provide regional support for Ending the HIV Epidemic initiatives in Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Globally, an . In February 2019, the President announced the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) in America Initiative. A subset of the 195 original awardees received funding to expand ongoing participation in EHE activities; this subset totaled 163 centers. February 10: CDC issues the Partnering and Communicating Together funding opportunity that seeks to engage strategic partners in supporting the dissemination of messages and resources from its Lets Stop HIV Together campaign to the populations and communities most impacted by HIV. April 25: The Indian Health Service announces $5 million EHE funding opportunity to support work toward the elimination of HIV and hepatitis C in Indian Country. Landmark biomedical and scientific research advances have led to the development of many successful HIV treatment regimens, prevention strategies, and improved care for persons living with HIV. HRSA Issues FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic Funding Notice for Health Home | Ending the HIV Epidemic | Marion County, Indiana Try out and provide feedback on our beta version of the HIV.gov chatbot, which is still undergoing testing and development prior to its official release. October 6: HHS releases an updated version of America's HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) that allows users to view some EHE indicator data stratified by age, race/ethnicity, sex at birth, and transmission category at the state and county levels. The federal Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative focuses on reducing the number of new HIV infections in the United States by at least 90% by 2030, which would be fewer than 3,000 per year. The UN chief is marking World AIDS Day on Thursday with a call to action to end the inequalities which are blocking progress towards stopping the pandemic, and eradicating the virus. Studies show daily PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90 percent. Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression. Ending the HIV Epidemic: Implementing Strategies to Eliminate New Infections. February 26: HHS, through HRSA, awards approximately $117 million to expand access to HIV care, treatment, medication, and prevention services in EHE Phase I jurisdictions. June 27: The Trump administration awards $1 million in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grants to 10 metropolitan areas to provide technical assistance to strengthen efforts to end the HIV epidemic through improvements along the HIV care continuum. The roadmap for achieving the outlined goals of the EHE is based on four The Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE): A Plan for America is an initiative launched by the federal government as a collaborative effort to address the HIV epidemic in the United States. Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative, HRSA Issues FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic Funding Notice for Health Centers, Look at Me, Living and Thriving After Diagnosis, #NHASeverywhere: Southern Science Makes HIV Research Accessible. July 31: CDC awards $109 million to 32 state and local health departments that represent the 57 EHE Phase 1 jurisdictions. March 8-9: The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) holds its 70th full Council meeting, including discussions on the status of the EHE initiative and HIV National Strategic Plan, future implementation efforts, the intersection of COVID-19 and HIV, and how to better address the needs of women with HIV and of the HIV community. People with HIV who take medication as prescribed and stay virally suppressed can live long, healthy lives and have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting HIV to a partner. Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions, including PrEP and syringe services programs (SSPs).Of the estimated 1 million Americans at substantial risk for HIV and who could benefit from PrEP, less than 1 in 4 are actually using this medication.In May 2019, HHS and Gilead Sciencesannouncedthat the pharmaceutical company has agreed to donate PrEP medication for up to 200,000 individuals each year for up to 11 years. The Department of Public Health has created this local dashboard with indicators to monitor progress toward the EHE goals of reducing new . Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America will provide the hardest hit communities with the additional expertise, technology, and resources required to address the HIV epidemic locally. Participants included people with lived experience; healthcare providers; community leaders; and organizations involved in HIV prevention, care, and treatment. People with HIV who stay undetectable can stay healthy and have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting HIV. For decades, local community planning has been critical to HIV prevention. March 5: HRSAs HIV/AIDS Bureau awards nearly $99 million of FY21 EHE resources to 61 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients to link people with HIV to essential HIV care and treatment and support services, as well as to provide workforce training and technical assistance. Today we have the tools available to end the HIV epidemic. More than 700,000 American lives have been lost to HIV since 1981. October 21: EHE COO Harold J. Phillips participates in a plenary session at the U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) on the status of and next steps for the EHE initiative, and hosts a series of conversations with federal and community leaders on current EHE activities and how EHE is being implemented on the local level. Of those: 69% Additional Resources America's HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) (graphically visualizes data on the six indicators used to track progress towards ending the HIV epidemic in America) For all Veterans in care, VA will do its part to end HIV in the US by: Offering HIV testing at least once to every Veteran and more frequently to those at risk Americas HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard. February 10-11: The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS holds its 66th full-Council meeting in Washington, D.C. The awards support innovative strategies that help people with HIV access care, support, and treatment services to live longer, healthier lives. These funds included: October 5: HHS announces roughly $2.21 billion in funding for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program in Fiscal Year 2021 for cities, counties, states, and local community-based groups. Additionally, nearly 23% of people who could benefit from PrEP were prescribed it in 2019, up from 3% in 2015. Ending the HIV epidemic | Department of Public Health "Prioritizing access to social determinants of health, the key factors that influence health outcomes, and addressing the persistent disparities in diagnoses, are both necessary to end the HIV epidemic. Targeting the 57EHE Phase I jurisdictions, the five-year funding program will infuse those communities with the resources, technology, and expertise needed to strengthen HIV prevention and treatment. New laboratory methods and epidemiological techniques allow us to see where HIV may be spreading most rapidly, thereby allowing CDC and other partners to quickly develop and implement strategies to stop ongoing transmission. Achieving health equity to end the HIV epidemic: An important step The addition will help EHE stakeholders develop more comprehensive and data-driven plans of action to serve and meet the diverse needs of their jurisdictions. For the first five years (Phase I), the initiative will focus on a rapid infusion of new resources, expertise, and technology into those parts of the country now most impacted by HIV. In the State of the Union Address on February 5, 2019, President Donald J. Trump announced his administration's goal to end the HIV epidemic in the United States within 10 years. The HIV Plan and the EHE initiative are closely aligned and complementary. The three-point plan: Identifies persons with HIV who remain undiagnosed and link them to health care. September 5: Representatives from most of the 57 jurisdictions prioritized in Phase I of Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America gather for a full-day meeting with representatives from several U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agencies to discuss their plans to achieve the initiatives goals. Ending the HIV Epidemic: Michigan's Initiative August 7: EHE implementation activities are highlighted across many sessions at the 2020 Ryan White National Conference. March 18: New CDC analysis indicates that the vast majority (about 80%) of new HIV infections in the U.S. in 2016 were transmitted from people who either did not know they had HIV or who were not receiving HIV carehighlighting the power of testing and treatment to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. March 18: CDCs National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC) opens with a plenary session on Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America. Ending the HIV Epidemic | VitalSigns | CDC Supported by the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund, the campaign rollout focuses on 8 EHE jurisdictions. This is an official U.S. Government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and supported by the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund. Please include the headline. Seen at 7: How medicines can play a critical role in ending the HIV epidemic. Our efforts will be: Intentional, Committed, Sustainable, Flexible and Tailored, and Transformational. October 7: IHS awards $2.4 million to nine Tribal Epidemiology Centers to support implementation of EHE in Indian Country. September 1: HRSA releases 2020 Data on HIV prevention and treatment in Health Centers in the 57 EHE jurisdictions. Nation. Stay up to date with the webinars, Twitter chats, conferences and more in this section. When I became President, we reestablished the White House Office of National AIDS Policy and released a roadmap to accelerate efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the United States by 2030. January 15: HHS releases the HIV National Strategic Plan for the United States: A Roadmap to End the Epidemic 2021-2025 (HIV Plan), with a 10-year goal of reducing new HIV infections by 90% by 2030. Stay up to date with the webinars, Twitter chats, conferences and more in this section. Eighty percent of annual new infections are transmitted by those living with HIV who are not receiving HIV care and treatment. The campaign is designed to increase awareness about Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among women, build capacity among clinicians to prescribe PrEP to women who can benefit from it, and ultimately increase PrEP use among women. Ending the HIV Epidemic Database August 26: The White House publishes the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) Federal Implementation Plan, listing more than 380 actions and activities that various federal agencies will undertake through the year 2025 to achieve NHAS goals and objectives. The regional PACE officers have conducted outreach to more than 200 key EHE stakeholders and hosted over 120 EHE awareness events and listening sessions to identify the needs of the communities impacted by HIV and connect them to federal, state, and county HIV services. World AIDS Day, which is observed each year on December 1, is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, and work together towards ending the HIV epidemic once and for all. Read about The National HIV/AIDS Strategy, our country's whole-of-society approach to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. New laboratory methods and disease control techniques allow health departments to see where HIV may be spreading most rapidly. In 2021, more than 88,000 HRSA-supported health center patients received PrEP-associated services. To achieve this goal and address the ongoing public health crisis of HIV, the proposed Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America will leverage the powerful data and tools now available to reduce new HIV infections in the United States by 75 percent in five years and by 90 percent by 2030. Applicants are encouraged to propose research in EHE jurisdictions. February 10: President Donald J. Trump releases his Fiscal Year 2021 Federal Budget proposal. Want to stay abreast of changes in prevention, care, treatment or research or other public health arenas that affect our collective response to the HIV epidemic? February 5: President Donald J. Trump announces his administrations new initiative, Ending the Epidemic: A Plan for America, during his State of the Union address. We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. May 15: Getting to Zero Illinois launches the first stage of a planExit Disclaimer to end the epidemic in Illinois by 2030. HHS will make the medication available to individuals who are at risk for HIV and who are uninsured and might otherwise not be able to access or afford this powerful HIV prevention tool.In addition, SSPs are an effective component of a comprehensive, integrated approach to HIV prevention among people who inject drugs.Nearly 30 years of research has shown that comprehensive SSPs are safe, effective, and cost-saving, do not increase illegal drug use or crime, and play an important role in reducing the transmission of viral hepatitis, HIV and other infections. Please refresh the page and try again. Overview - HIV.gov People with HIV who take HIV medication as prescribed and reach and maintain viral suppression cannot sexually transmit the virus to their HIV-negative partner.. HIV/STD Criminalization Statutes or Sentencing Enhancements (2019) Nationally: 40 of 50 States+DC. The 2021 Budget includes $716 million for the second year of the multiyear Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, a $450 million increase compared to the 2020 enacted level. Looks like something went wrong. The awards include $11 million for 19 communities to scale up quality HIV prevention services in sexually transmitted disease clinics. What to Expect at Your First HIV Care Visit, Viral Suppression and Undetectable Viral Load, Tips on Taking Your HIV Medication Every Day, Other Health Issues of Special Concern for People Living with HIV, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and People with HIV, Prior National HIV/AIDS Strategies (2010-2021), AHEAD: Americas HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard, Activities Combating HIV Stigma and Discrimination, U.S. Government Global HIV/AIDS Activities, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day, National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment, AIDS 2020 (23rd International AIDS Conference Virtual), Ready, Set, PrEP Program Removes Cost Barrierto Increase Access to PrEP Medications Nationwide, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 48 counties with the highest number of new HIV diagnoses, as well as Washington, DC, and San Juan, Puerto Rico and the seven states with a high proportion of HIV diagnoses in rural areas, Form Approved OMB# 0990-0379 Exp. Read about The National HIV/AIDS Strategy, our countrys whole-of-society approach to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) | Health & Senior Services This success emphasizes the importance of continuing and expanding the HIV diagnosis, care, and treatment work of the EHE initiative. See how Let's Stop HIV Together partners are working together to in. Find information on past and upcoming meetings of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS and their recommendations on policies, programs, and research. March 14-15: The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) convenes and discusses the plan to end the HIV epidemic. HRSA believes that our collective success in meeting the goals of the EHE initiative depends on how well we engage people with HIV and their communities in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of HIV care and treatment strategies. Called "cluster detection," this technique allows community partners to quickly develop and implement strategies to stop ongoing transmission. ETE Metrics -Ending the AIDS Epidemic in New York State- INCREASE the number of individuals filling prescriptions for PrEP to 65,000 Source REDUCE the number of new HIV diagnoses by Ending the Epidemic - Measure, track, and disseminate information on progress towards achieving the End of the AIDS Epidemic in New York State HRSA will invest about $50 million through this competitive funding opportunity in health facilities located in the specified geographic areas where most new HIV infections occur, as identified by the EHE initiative. To learn more about Michigan's initiative and how you can help, contact the End the HIV Epidemic Unit at 517-896-5334 or SandersK7@michigan.gov. Now there are new threats to the progress weve made, the most significant being the opioid crisis: One in 10 new HIV infections occurs among people who inject drugs. Find information on past and upcoming meetings of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS and their recommendations on policies, programs, and research. To reduce new infections: In this position, he oversees the coordination of the initiatives activities across all of HHSs operating divisions as they help jurisdictions make the best use of the science, data, and tools now available to end the HIV epidemic. HIV has cost America too much for too long and remains a significant public health issue: The new initiative seeks to reduce the number of new HIV infections in the United States by 75 percent within five years, and then by at least 90 percent within 10 years, for an estimated 250,000 total HIV infections averted. Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) is a bold plan announced in 2019 that aims to end the HIV epidemic in the United States by 2030. While new HIV diagnoses have declined significantly from their peak, progress on further reducing them has stalled with an estimated 40,000 Americans being newly diagnosed each year. Despite the game-changing developments in HIV prevention and treatment tools, not everyone is benefiting equally from these advances. Uniting to End the HIV Epidemic: Watch OIDP Leaders' World AIDS Day I found this page helpful because the content on the page: (check all that apply), I did not find this page helpful because the content on the page: (check all that apply). November 12: NIH announces the award of $16 million to support implementation science research to advance the goals of the EHE initiative. There is a real risk of an HIV resurgence due to several factors, including injection drug use and diagnostic complacency among healthcare providers. May 28: The White House publishes President Bidens Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2022 (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022), including a request for $670 million for continued implementation of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative to help aggressively reduce new HIV cases while increasing access to treatment, expanding the use of PrEP, and ensuring equitable access to services and supports. HIV.gov hosted a series of conversations about current and planned EHE activities to further the goals of the initiative. Date 8/31/2023. Within the first eight months of award (March-November 2020), 93% of the health centers hired dedicated staff to work on HIV outreach, testing, linkage to care and treatment, and PrEP services; over 573,000 individuals were tested for HIV; 2,260 individuals tested positive for HIV and received follow-up within 30 days; and nearly 50,000 individuals at health centers were prescribed PrEP. Ending the Epidemic - Measure, track, and disseminate information on June 25: HRSA hosts its second webinar on the planExit Disclaimer for all Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients, partner organizations, and stakeholders. November 10: CDC, in conjunction with its funded Capacity Building Assistance Provider Network Technical Assistance (TA) Providers, announces four virtual Regional Community Engagement Town Hall Sessions to educate, encourage, and empower community members to participate in local EHE planning processes. The Federal Implementation Plan also introduces five new NHAS indicators of progress focused on quality of life among people with HIV. Use this data visualization tool to track our collective progress toward meeting Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative goals. August 6: HHS announces a $4 million contract with TrialCard for one year with four one-year option years to continue to expand access to PrEP medications at no cost to eligible individuals without prescription drug coverage through Ready, Set, PrEP, a key component of EHE. Most new HIV infections in the United States are highly concentrated in certain geographic hotspots. During last year's summit, Gov. These recommendations give strong support for the plans objectives related to HIV testing and prevention. The president's budget will ask Republicans and Democrats to make the needed commitment to support a concrete plan to. Ending the HIV Epidemic: 6 Indicators. 4 Strategies. 1 Goal - HIV.gov They invite new voices and previously unheard local community members and organizations to these regional town halls. Through this challenge, HHS seeks innovative and effective approaches to increase the use of PrEP and ART among people who are at increased risk for HIV or are people with HIV. July 16: The HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy hosts a stakeholder webinar on EHE implementation. More than 1.1 million Americans are currently living with HIV and many more are at risk of HIV infection. We will work with impacted communities to ensure they have the technology, personnel, and prevention resources to follow up on all HIV cases and to intervene to stop chains of transmission, and to get those impacted into appropriate care and treatment. New York State Department of Health Announces 7th Annual Ending the September 24: NIH awards approximately $10 million to support implementation science research to advance the goals of the EHE initiative. The Global Fund is an international organization that finances efforts to end the HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria epidemics. What is 'Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America'? Please refresh the page and try again. CDC | Ending the HIV Epidemic - YouTube India on its way to end AIDS epidemic - The Daily Guardian In total, more than 1,900 people participated. March 13: HRSA hosts a webinarExit Disclaimer for its grantees on the agencys role in implementing Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America. In addition to the coordination of federal agencies, key components for the success of this initiative will be active partnerships with city, county, tribal, and state public health departments, local and regional clinics and healthcare facilities, clinicians, providers of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, professional associations, advocates, community- and faith-based organizations, and academic and research institutions. , an increase from 60 % in 2015 official U.S. Government website managed by Department... Strong support for the plans objectives related to ending the hiv epidemic testing and prevention planning has been critical to prevention. 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