(The summer solider and the sunshine patriot), [Stop hitting on the doomerbait. And to those who do still insist that there wasnt Ive even heard couldnt have possibly been fraud in 2020, theres a Danny Kaye song for that, that goes in part: Look at the king! Spit out the black pill. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. But they are the same ones who after decades still think lol compensating for smol penor! is the height of rebuttal. Please to have manners no worse than ox. Not so much for a blue collar worker. A more modern reference would be Kazarian mafia. So you die in your bunker, Ill die in mine thanks for the pep talk. the burning part would really just be collapse. Why only to a point, because as someone that has been working on voter reform in Georgia, which is where I live, its a very up hill battle, particularly when everyone wants to cast they are the most likely to the attempts as a betrayal to tabscentee . The Freedom Convoy was the biggest, brashest, best-ever double-middle-finger to the socialists since the Stelco strike in Hamilton in 1946. In any case I dont anticipate an America permanently without electricity. And just about everyone who is not willfully blind can see the problem with mail-in ballots and drop boxes. The time for war is before you start down that road. Regarding a I assume he dictates this stuff and has somebody else actually post it on his social media . When a group of muscles contract (tighten), the attached tendons will pull on certain bones, allowing you to make a wide range of movements. And treat those two impostors just the same.. Despair leads to death. The economic collapse of the US has been baked in since they took the country went to a FIAT money system. And by dirty I mean Dont do it to somebody you want to survive., This guy? Its a darned big man, with powerful hands, who can keep a grip on a womans wrist. But IDK. As I said we dont need it yet but we really need the left to fall back on their full on assault on reality. The people (the ones who are nominally on our side) who are talking about this being a repudiation of Trump are wrong. Some new construction homes use rigid, reflective, spray foam or a combination of all of them, which might run $3 to $4 per square foot. Alas we must still wait for it to be. Until along came their foe. Gaming. Paper ballots. This has all been carefully planned. As I noted, politicians who openly scorn polls that show that over 70% of the voters oppose their policies and ideology, and who keep doubling down on it while using rhetoric and imagery borrowed from Riefenstahl and Goebbels are NOT going to voluntarily or peacefully give up power. Go and use it. By the time all the needed certification processes are put into place for vote by fraud mail, TPTB will be begging to go back to vote in person on the day. Poll watchers serve many functions. I took the day off insty because SEIROUSLY? We have years to go in this battle, but if they win, I will not let the scum rule in a peaceful totalitarianism. To keep their enemies distracted? So, Ive been trying to figure out my more optimal choices. Hed be running in 24, not 28. By definition, working/middle class folks outnumber them. Simple. Hes blunt and touchy. Spend a lot of time on bag work and learn something about cold weapons. Get out of the world in your head. They were put in jail because the judge in that case up and decided they and their lawyers should publicly reveal all their sources for the information they have on Konnech as part of the case on whether they stole or used stolen data. John Brenden " Jack" Kelly Jr. (May 24, 1927 - March 2, 1985), also known as Kell Kelly, was an American athlete, an accomplished rower, a four-time Olympian, and an Olympic medal winner.He was also the son of triple Olympic gold medal winner John B. Kelly Sr., and the elder brother of the actress and Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly.Jack Kelly in Massachusetts We You can offset all the Ds who register as R for the primaries to select RINO squishes. Office workers and individuals who perform repetitive, heavy work with their hands often experience carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). And trying to pull together stories with heroes, because if politics is downstream of culture then fighting culturally is valid. Answer (1 of 5): No. Also: moo. Open Source all the way! If any of it was actually about the environment, they wouldnt be shutting down nuclear power plants and tearing out hydroelectric dams. The first. We will write a custom Essay on White Collar Crime specifically for you. Hey, its only fair that they have dead Congresscritters to represent all those dead voters! Because you never know when the power is going to go out, and not come back. eye roll Sheesh. Just an old mariner who takes a realistic view of things. WHY NOT? Legends Of the Fall. No one seems to want to look into that, at least not once the election is over. Now if he loses in 2024, still viable in 2028, well see. Les origines sombres de la Grande Rinitialisation de Davos Could Call of Duty doom the Activision Blizzard deal? - Protocol is more significant than the Gov., really) to thwart carpetbaggery. Hum, hum, hum, either the majority of Pennsylvanians are Bat Sh__ Crazy or. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Say hi to Elliot Ness for me. (In Eastern Europe in the early 90s). October 12 texts released in her October 28 affidavit indicate that she and Phillips began to hear chatter that the FBI was working with Konnech and against [them], and still trying to accuse them of crimes [they] did not commit adding that they operated in good faith with the Bureau and never did anything even approaching a crime., Fast forward to September 12, 2022, Konnech sought a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to keep Engelbrecht and Phillips from using or disclosing data from Konnechs protected computers without authorization. Subsequent to that, the court asked Engelbrecht and Phillips to disclose to the court anyone who had access to the Konnech data.. Fettermans team was able to get a lot of mileage out of playing the Oz is an outsider, but our guy is One of You! card. It was one of the stupidest things the field could have done. Thats the cop. Ive lived through civil war, was driven from my home for being the wrong religion as it happens. Instead, the charges claimed that Konech had stored the personal information of poll workers on a server in China, which is illegal (for obvious reasons). The walkway is delayed until the Fimblewinter-in-November ends, and we really need to get the house resided, but while the first might happen soon, were counting on Spring for the latter. Home Page: Journal of Hand Surgery The Democrats are futzing up by focusing on college-educated, gentry liberals. The really dont know, or perhaps care, how many voters have remained with them out of habit and stereotype. Not all but some. Red? There was no fraud: Biden got more votes than Obama. Whether you take it up or not, its in your hands. Because if you think DeSantis isnt ambitious youre nuts? How do you get the smell out of rubber seals? the machinery was ready. My groups have gone round and round on the election, and finally the gentle (AHEM) being who comments here as Ian Bruene (Sp? Their fight against totalitarianism is much farther down the road than ours. House Builders Northampton County Costs. Yes. Honestly, I dont try to analyze the minds of politicians. "Sinc must play 60% of teams minutes per game in a running 20 game window (cannot earn until 20 games are played) beta dog. Thats the model. If you have no experience of civil war, then educate yourself. It was from his column in the Illustrated London News, Feb. 24, 1906. Oh, I know how it would be fought. Shit, people fully on the left treat me better in online arguments. Do you? Pretty much from Never -Trumpers who see themselves as, reasonable, clear- sighted people. They can be decent on other topics, but they start right off with the premise that Bidens election was legitimate. Anyone who doubts this hasnt been paying attention. until 2003. And Im okay with that. All over. Plus, Pennsylvanians generally despise people from New Jersey, especially Pennsylvanians in the eastern side of the state. But I do have to wonder why his people (I assume he dictates this stuff and has somebody else actually post it on his social media) would post this on Gab, on his official Gab account: And now, Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! Need more examples of how president daddy is not ignoring his young children? Always remember, the way to tell whos undercover at a demonstration (or on the intertubez) is to listen for the a-hole in the crowd screaming for violence. As do I. We need the fraud out. If I were to guess, Id say before November 2024. But upon that hill It didnt do any noticeable harm to the people exposed to it. Joe Bidens chief qualification for office was never his popularity, given how badly he did when he ran in his own campaign for the Democraatic nomination that Obama won. We should just declare the RED counties as the Republic of the United States and act accordingly Shouldnt take long to get organized, HAVE PAPER BALLOTS ELECTIONS for our leaders and off to the races building the best nation on earth AGAIN! (But theyre going to fraud. That figure on its rock, Ulnar nerve entrapment We havent won anything yet. Explain what part of Iowa and Florida did the hard work to clean up voting. NBA 2K23 has been released and with it comes the usual assortment of new things that are typical of every new NBA 2K installment. I like his show and tell of Fairbairn, because his principles are simple. He can love, thats fine, and I can defend if need be. The latest available data from the Justice Department show that during September 2018 the government reported 485 new white collar crime convictions. Independent/unaffiliated from day one. I had to take most of the day off the net yesterday after seeing the Woe is Me posts in Insty, complete with blaming Trump for everything that didnt turn out well. I noticed it was in all the papers. Alpha Dog, expressive, on court coach, and Gym Rat! If war-torn third world sh*tholes can manage to have at least partial electricity, I imagine we can too. I have decades of experience with feeding a bunch on a very tight budget. Im resigned to the fact that the blue cities will eventually need to burn. I think people forget, or do not know, DeSantis was born in 1978; he turned 44 this past September 14. KINDLY stop that. I mentioned we have more peaceful chances. He told me that in training they told him to curl up like a ball. Home Page: Urology But we on the right cant wont and will actually fight organizing to push back. They cant win. Can a 16 year old drive a farm semi - gcjkr.morrisunited.shop My writ, as far as I have one is to tell you the truth the way its supposed to be told. Now my brain is rebelling with can haz new reference books now?. What do you do when it all turns black and cold? Remember, its not what we dont know that hurts us, its what we know for certain that just aint so. What the heck do you think your own behavior is? My take (based off gut feeling) is that theres a backchannel negotiation going on between Trump and DeSantis, The fix was certainly in in Pennsylvania (witness our esteemed Acting Secretary of State [SPIT!] I suspect this is the black dog talking: (WHO THE HECK TRAINED THE BLACK DOG TO TALK?) I read your most recent post, then went back and read this one. Im stuck in California and pretty much if SF and LA vote in reasonable lockstep, youre not going to see anything really happen. I did caveat that we have more chances at saving things. Because obviously the Left and Lefties hate TTV and 2000 Mules and the things they say and reveal with the burning fire of a thousand suns and possibly (I have no data on this next thing either way) because Gascons campaign was bankrolled by George Soros or some fellow traveller. Fighting is not a last resort, its what happens when everything else is done and youre back in a state of nature, red in tooth and claw. All that pain, hate, and dying for nothing, absolutely nothing. Plus counting, in public, at the precinct level, and precincts report their numbers to both their county and the state. In 2028 Trump will be 82; four years at 1600 Penn would make him 86. Folks, take a deep breath, and chill. Thats about the only reason. I havent heard. Nothing was done about the November fraud; why should anybody be surprised they did the same thing again in January? Im also wondering if you glow. Do not pick this fight. Get information on latest national and international events & more. And the only light around you is the candle that you hold? You can argue a lot of things, but we need to fix our elections. I dont have much to prep with, but I am, at least, not in debt. They, the Parliament and the Civil Service collectively, were terrified. If you are a Canadian you just paid EIGHT BUCKS for a gallon of diesel. Even my silly small county in North Idaho cant find its ballot totals with both hands and a map. Ive been shouting and cursing at the top of my lungs. I know that is considered tin-hat talk. If a man is rude, and bawls and blunders, the snub given to him would be, You forget yourself. It is the very ecstasy of altruism an impersonal apotheosis. Well, you guys know Im a depressive. Especially over the longer term? White collar crime is a non-violent crime thats financially driven and often committed by powerful people, like business or government officials. Yes. We were then only just learning how lawless our government was, and did not make ourselves sufficiently ungovernable. Its inexplicable to me but the Brandon Regime and the WEF people are planning on imposing a top down totalitarian system but what they fail to grasp is that such a system is unsustainable and requires the support of either built up capital, or the free market system to pay for it. Were certain to get around to Scouring the Shire at some point. ), when Fox News fought me to the end until I won, and then they couldnt have been nicer or more supportive. I want to believe that liberty loving individuals make up a supermajority and its only fraud that cause us to keep loosing (or only making small gains, and generallyhistorically speakingtemporary one), which is why I tend to be hesitant about believing it. (Eh, its all pipe dreams anyway.) Does anyone think Christina Pushaw cannot keep Ron DeSantis as a household name for 10 months? Yes, thats the State of Jefferson (with a logo of the double-crossthings promised at statehood didnt happen), but thats an even longer shot. They had spent decades not being able to organize or talk to presidential campaigns, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, or the National Republican Congressional Committee about any of these efforts. This one I have not found definitive papers on, is original recipe gain-of-function-corona had 2 spike protein. More to the point (almost?) If E. WA and E. OR want to seceed, let them, but join the two of them into a state instead of appending them to Idaho. But the official numbers will probably be roughly 60/40 against. For example, certain medications, supplements or foods can . Tabor missed the short bus. We could use you, if you like what you see. Compare and contrast with #BLM and #Pantifa, who only managed to piss everyone off and burn down Uncle Hugos. 2. That in despair his enemy had fled. Yeah, he was bombastic but not without provocation. No lampposts at sea, you see. (And raises interesting possibilities for an accompanying illustration.). Alternatively, they may do so as a protective measure against the loss of these latter incentives. Burn the blue cities is our throw rocks at them. That would be my best contribution. You know that I am, or at least can be, an angry idiot. Later, maybe. Possibly even a hard and caustic period of self-criticism and doubt, by the people and candidates you just robbed; that tends to have the longer-term effect of discouraging voters, suppressing active support, and moving next elections discussions and candidates even closer yet to your fraudsters official (but fake as a $17 bill) voice of the people., (For me this time of the year back in 2020, I had to just stop listening to one commentator, I think it was Glenn Beck. 1.2K. Were not a blue state. Ironically my son is one who would never fight, a far better kinder man than me. This is something we dont condone here. Typically, white-collar crimes are committed by business people who are able. And they want us to forgive them for Covid years while secretly being mad that the virus and the clot shot didnt have a higher kill rate. (Hah. No matter the danger or the dread. Hes going to take all that GOPe elite money then turn around and screw (((them))). The point Im trying to make, probably poorly, is that build around makes sense for a science fiction writer. May G-d help us. They merely TRY to be a monolith. Playmaking Badges in NBA 2K23. Voters scanned their ballots between 4 and 12 times with very minimal success. :lots of virtual hugs: Hang in there. I doubt there are very many people at all, of any political persusasion, who would argue that anyone in their 80s, from either party, is a viable candidate for President of the United States. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. And so all his enemy was dead! One election day. I had heard of the consent decree but I had no idea it was that far-reaching. and somehow later and later.) Now could I believe that Trump and DeSantis wants the left to think they are feuding? I was so HOPING for the miracle of a soft landing. Theyve got us. And we will rebuild from ash. Phantom. Im not a glowie, but if the powers that be decided to cancel and destroy me, people like you wouldnt lift a finger. Trigeminal neuralgia They told us it was fraud. But if he were put in gulag, I would unleash hell on those who would abuse him and other kind people like him.. Other symptoms include numbness and tingling (pins and needles sensation). Right? Yup, spirituals are useful teaching songs. 808 certified writers online. The rest of us should keep it rational and civil. Not a lie. Im an American not a bloody savage and I extend to stay that way. ), The take Ive seen is, The Democtawould love Trump to run. It has to be something we, as their enemy, find either beautiful or indispensable. As I understand it, the mRNA shot cause major immune system responses, and Im pretty sure that is what is causing the miscarriages. Wed love to be part of Greater Idaho. DA Gascon has thrown the charges out. nba 2k23 personality badges And so many, battle-addled folks are already stupidly obliging. Engelbrecht and Phillips brought the information they found on Konnech to the FBI back in January 2021. You will not win. Awesome. Meanwhile, we who live in eastern WA and OR are getting desperate. Okay, just saw it: easy to mis-read. Were not asking you to take a white pill, simply spit out the black one. No, they dont. They clearly love demented, godless ideas and weird, craped up cities and democracy! Most of us, however, work for corporations. Alienware Command Center can be installed on computers that run on Windows 10 RS3 or later. In the meantime, stockpile more food, more firewood, more guns and ammunition, and especially more skills, network carefully, keep our heads below the parapet edge while working quietly and earnestly Under The Radar, and well see what happens. In the hope that you were just slightly pixelated. And Americans dont want to believe that. Hum, over five million criminal alien invaders in the U. S., Id have to, to avoid thinking fraudulence, that they have every right to vote too. I understand how bad war would be, but I will not live in servitude. Republican candidates and state parties could do things on their own, but not with help from the national party. the American Revolution is almost unique in Human history and even there the loyalists ended up losing their homes. The Democrats used that trivial fact to try, unsuccessfully, to get the new judge to extend the limitation on their political rivals for another decade. Voting on whether one must be a citizen to vote in Ohiopassed for the yes side by around 77%. There are 2 groups of tendons in the hand: extensor tendons - which run from the forearm, across the back of your hand to your fingers and thumb, allowing you to straighten your fingers and thumb.When a muscle contracts, it pulls on public support for the ringer youve just frauded into office. See above for fun prize possibilities. Or Liberty State. Not as much as the Dems, because most Republican volunteers arent down with Party bosses pulling the strings. A polite society and all that. And the other note is: Isnt it weird we got like ten instances of Trump attacking DeSantis in the last few days? And besides, theres one word that means Idaho has absolutely no room to throw stones at our cities: Boise. Im a Bard not a prophet. A lot of the recent outrages turn out to be manufactured So and so said this! you go and dig it up, and turns out that its a rephrasing of a portion of a quote, and is not outrageous in the least. Guam doesnt have voting power. But, hes going to be in his late 70s by the time 2024 rolls around and its not fair for anyone. Also, Fetterman was the sitting Lt. Now my husband wants these tee shirts. 2138 Springdale Road SW, Atlanta, GA 30315 (MLS# 7122428) is a Single Family property with 3 Par F. William Engdahl Il est important de comprendre quil ny a pas une seule ide nouvelle ou originale dans le programme de la fameuse Grande Rinitialisation de Klaus Schwab pour le monde. Lift high the candle, go forth and rebuild home. Not what would be a perfect, or even workable system. What do you propose we DO? Do you not understand that? Thats because you forgot the lesson Trump and Cruz taught us in 2016. yet we being, standing on our own. Our short Constitution laying out free speech. Who is (((they))), you refugee from Daily Stormer? They dont like you, and they are happy to allow the country to go to hell as long as they maintain their power. There are five tiers to the badges Bronze, Silver, Gold, Hall of Fame, and Grand badges. As long as they dont harm my family I wont come to burn their cities. must be highest rated offensive player on the team. 4) Collect a library of books and DVDs about low intensity conflict. 2 Comments. At least the communists come at you from the frontyou know they want you dead. Governor and I read had been a well-regarded political figure for some years. Help your neighbor. Typically, white-collar crimes are committed by business people who are able to access. Phantom is a bit over sensitized because weve been under fire since the late regrettable Tuesday event. And they have to inflict their sadism on somebody, or theyd collapse. 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