Its possible. The initial speed of zero is equal to the initial speed. Projectile Speed (also known as projectile velocity or flight speed) is an attribute in non-hitscan weaponry, that defines how quickly a weapon's ammunition travels to a target after leaving the weapon. And all those forces propagate at the speed of light. How massive of a foreign body going at near light-speed (>99.9999% C Most of the effects of the weapon would be heat and radiation, and again you need a fairly close detonation, at most a hundred kilometers, to cause much damage. Jupiter vs Lightspeed Projectile. | SpaceBattles And the recovery continues. How much of a destructive force would it cause on impact? Photographing Collisions involving High-Speed Projectiles The key enabler is First Light's unique new target technology. Still on light speed and time topic but back to the basics. On its journey upwards it bores out a cylindrical hole through the atmosphere, encountering about 100 grams of air in about $0.1$ milliseconds. although this mass might suffice if you're using a neutronium projectile. What would happen to electronic circuits when traveling near the speed of light? Jupiter vs Lightspeed Projectile. What would happen to Earth's atmosphere if the force of gravity became slightly weaker? When a projectile is fired from a vehicle moving at light speed - Quora I 'm sorry if you think that I'm wrong (and maybe I am) but I am very thankful for you trying to explain it to me. One of NASA's jobs is to better understand how these particles are accelerated. Are the witches in Oz completely not human. What is its speed when it is very far away from the earth? It only takes a minute to sign up. Elon Musk & NASA Designs a Near Light Speed Engine That Breaks Laws Of Our initial speed is roughly equal to 72.69 meters per second. 2022 Physics Forums, All Rights Reserved,,, If the ship at 0.5c time slow down by 0.866, If the ship at 0.75c time slow down by 0.661. The largest power station in the world can produce 22 GW of power. How is USB 3.2 still serial when there are so many data cables? @HDE226868, Your answer makes me wonder whether Jupiter would also lose some moons in the process. Should I apply to an academic tenure-track job even if I am not a 100% fit? VTO so far objections to the question look like people assume we (or maybe those people) can answer the question or describe the situation for any specific situation. The ball is going so fast that everything else is practically stationary. Are there examples of grassroots-level corruption in the history of socialism/communism? It would only be C squared plus C squared or the square root. Near-light-speed Travel Guide. Near-light speed and time | Physics Forums For an . Additionally, what would destroy jupiter and what effect it would have on the solar system are two very different questions deserving their own posts. And if a hundred kilograms of superheated plasma hit a million ton warship it really wouldnt put all that much heat into the target. If I made a detailed plan to kill one person, then change my target at the last minute, was the murder premeditated? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, since a larger than Jupiter object going at 90% C would satisfy this requirement you should choose an approximate size of projectile. The atmosphere will be at least partially, if not fully, ionized. - RedMoon Are both wires on an AC/AC transformer live? Next installment will talk about possible protective strategies for these warships that are taking beam hits and being swarmed by masses of near light speed missiles. If Jupiter was blown to pieces, how would that affect the solar system as a whole? This question appears to be about engineering, which is the application of scientific knowledge to construct a solution to solve a specific problem. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Would the man who shot the bullet even survive? I made the argument that the asteroid would not survive because the high speed would translate to quite a lot of ablation, as the intense drag forces in the photosphere tore it apart. @HDE 226868 If the temperature of Jupiter is raised so much it becomes as luminous as the Sun until it gradually cools off, life on Earth will find that its goose is cooked by the addiitonal heat. But till we reach our destination on time. Even if it penetrated to any reasonable depth, the high temperatures in the solar interior would further contribute to its demise; the Sun is simply big and massive and extremely hot. Once it leaves the ship that source is out. Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer's Site. Relativistic Baseball - xkcd While highly effective at short ranges their utility drops off as range increases, until they are almost useless at distances of a light hour, distances that fleets would prefer to at least initially engage at. What do you call "voice-overs" that represent what the character in the ad thinks? ). When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on )This is of the order of the energy in an explosion of one million tonnes of TNT. $\gamma = (1-v^2/c^2)^{-1/2} \simeq 2.29$, What would happen if I shot a near-light-speed bullet at the moon? JavaScript is disabled. What would happen to the moon? Is it worth colonizing a planet that travels near the speed of light? space - How would a near light speed impact on Jupiter affect the So, if the forces have to travel further to make things happen, then the process will be slowed. Projectile fusion is a new approach to inertial fusion that is simpler, more energy efficient, and has lower physics risk. Then they would fly past each other at high velocity while their beam weapons used the limited time to take each other under fire. Now for our calculations. As such, it is off topic for this site, which deals with the science, whether theoretical or experimental, of how the natural world works. Use Find to list files and include counter value in output. Eventually it makes its way to the Sol system and scores a direct hit on Jupiter (let's assume 90 from the ground). Meaning of "what he forsaw was my design"? Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! Would it heat up to the atmosphere too much? You've already provided the velocity so with mass added it's possible to work out the amount of energy released on impact (in very round figures). I know some of the mass will burn up on atmospheric entry but the object is moving forward with the smallest profile and most of it should hit whatever serves as the surface. Suggested for: Light emitting from an object moving near the speed of light. SortBy with a 2nd argument that specifies not to sort the list? If you have a Janus-style light clock in deep space ticking at the correct rate (neither fast nor slow) and then transport it to Earth, will the Earths gravitational field change the rate at which the clock ticks? Cavitating flow near free surface is a complicated issue and may provide new inspiration on high-speed surface cruising. Le tt. 112 . The truth is likely somewhere in the middle; just where, I don't know for sure. Would it matter if the object changed direction backwards at the same speed right as it hit the planet? The lorentz factor is slightly higher than 1 making the velocity slightly lower than 2,101,874.6 m/s which is 0.701% light speed. So this is like a collision. All those processes involve interactions between subatomic particles. For a projectile to cross a distance of 1AU, 4990 second is needed. From this we can calculate the new lorentz factor times the new velocity is 2,101,874.6 m/s. Phys. In official documents released on November 29, the Pentagon detailed what is presently known about China's FOB-capable hypersonic weapon, going so far as to say that the missile traveled . Photon torpedoes from Star Trek are the most famous, though they have nothing to do with photons, and the scintillating energy around them seems at most a smoke screen, since they are nothing more than antimatter torpedoes. And anything that gets in the way of the missile were surely take it out. The fastest electromagnetically propelled bullet from a rail gun, 2.388 km/s and current railguns take a long time to set up for each shot and are not suitable as machine guns. Multi-focus light-field microscopy for high-speed large-volume imaging Since Jupiter isn't in resonance with any planets, I don't think there will be other significant gravitational effects - although a hotter Jupiter would be problematic for Earth. I'm looking to destroy Jupiter or at least remove a large portion of it's mass, blowing it into space. They might be hard to destroy, depending on how much mass they are carrying, but surely could be if the enemy was motivated enough to take them out. Music: "The Tiptoe Strut" from Universal Production Music. It hard to ask the question in specific way, so use the freedom provided to answer what u can answer here. I suppose a rail gun or some sort of electromagnetic method would be best, but I can't see how to do it. I mean u need to multiply your SWAG by over 9000, lol. What is the relative speed in this scenario ? This is of the order of the energy in an explosion of one million tonnes of TNT. The contradictions between agile approach and the growth of individual team member. rev2022.11.30.43068. I heard that the particle streams in particle accelerators can reach near light speeds but couldn't find any credible source to confirm it, but that's hardly what I'd . So it will then cause a megaton explosion on the moon, producing a moonquake and a lot of dust and leaving an impact crater. $$U=\frac{3GM_J^2}{5R_J}\approx2.063\times10^{36}\text{ Joules}$$, $$E=\frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-(v/c)^2}}\approx2.0619\times10^{36}\text{ Joules}$$. Good catch. Use Find to list files and include counter value in output. The object was originally "fired" as a weapon used from space to hit planets.let's say it is a long cylinder with a very high density and it was accelerated at some point to 90% of C. The missile ultimately missed its target and drifted into deep space at relativistic speeds. Practical problems of near-light-speed travel, Klemperer rosette vs Relativistic Kill Vehicles. However, in addition to being the fastest vehicle, the newly launched engine doesn't use even a drop of fuel. The bullet will deform into pancake shape or maybe melt. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Would it be nearly impossible to remove a tick from afro hair? How to make the potentiometer longer and flip it around x axis? If not, or even if, they can be armed with massive warheads, fusion or antimatter, which can do a lot of damage. Most engagements would probably consist of both fleets flushing masses of missiles at each other from distance as they closed to beam weapon range. The farther the target the less likely they are to be where you aimed at when the beam gets there. Is Nanoblock not in violation of LEGO's patents because their product is incompatible with and not the same size as LEGO's product? Rejecting a job offer that really doesn't fit me well - do I explain myself? Search for more:2022 Panini Luminance - Light Speed Ink. Want to improve this question? Light emitting from an object moving near the speed of light. Could one fire a bullet with sufficient speed to leave the Earth? Even the molecules in the air are stationary. A good laser would seem to be a better investment. Would it bend space-time to a noticeable state? (the radius of earth is 6.37*10^6) arrow_forward. The speed of the missile, as mentioned, makes them deadly weapons as kinetic rounds. Missiles could be sent at a target across a solar system, and would actually become more deadly the longer they boosted and built up velocity. So simple Math for you but I don't know how to do it. Possibly it could be used as a close in weapon, but in space battles close in weapons are of limited utility. Maybe if they have some kind of pod that trails the plasma it can continue generating the field, but it would also become a good target to stop the plasma. I have 5kV available to create a spark. The Moon or the Death Star? Is it believable that a civilization is governed under one country? How do you calculate proficiency bonus for monsters? Max limit of capacitor voltage in a low voltage system? A lot of people are saying there would be nuclear fusion reactions at the leading edge of the projectile. Is it even possible in theory, if enough energy could be harnessed? Thanks, as I understand from the answer the one second delay is from the distance and 0.866 is from the speed. The end of the box results in forward motion according to Dr. Burns, the design can accelerate the speed of light to 99 without breaking Einstein's theory of relativity, although Plan B violates the laws of physics to reach Newton's law of motion. That leaves some kind of projectile weapon, a missile or a kinetic round of some kind. Accelerate it to 90% the speed of light. $^{\dagger}$About five orders of magnitude lower than the Sun, for what it's worth. [PDF] The role of initial speed in projectile impacts into light High-speed visualization of three-dimensional (3D) processes across a large field of view with cellular resolution is essential for understanding living systems. To what height will it rise? Smaller KE weapons, like cannon, might have an easier time hitting a target with a spread, but give up the hitting power of the larger KE weapon. Near-light speed travel increasingly impossible, according to maths Travelling at close to the speed of light may be necessary for humans to colonise the galaxy, but the maths show it'd be like flying through a cloud of bombs - but also that we should notice the explosions here on Earth, if any other civilisation has managed the feat. Take 52 Europa, one of the largest asteroids in the Solar System, with a mass of roughly 2.26 10 19 kg. The reason I asked this question is because i think i understand why the clock goes faster compared to the ship who traveling. Why were nested functions excluded from B and C? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. So significant loss of mass is expected in heating scenario. The projectile is launched with a momentum of 10 milligrams * 0.99 * speed of light * 7.089 (lorentz) = 21,039.8 kg m/s. It would also break down molecules in the atmosphere and ionize atoms, leading to an object unlike any we know considering its mass. If the missile is traveling point nine light speed or above the warhead would almost be a useless redundancy on the weapon, as the missile would most probably shatter the target when it hit. A 1 mm metal cube with a density of 10 g/cm\^3 (this is between the desnity of steel and lead). This is largely . All those interactions involve forces acting between the particles. Light-field microscopy (LFM) has emerged as a powerful tool for fast volumetric imaging. If will then hit the moon with its kinetic energy almost undiminished (the change in gravitational potential energy is negligible compared to the kinetic energy of the bullet). This is about a minimum for a typical photographer's flash unit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So my question is what would happen if you shot a near-light-speed bullet at the moon? Now the last weapon I will talk about is plasma weapons. Just what are they? Is this affect GPS satellites synchronization also ? My wife got some serious issues with her PhD advisor: how should I get involved in the situation? Exodus: Empires at War: Book 16: The Shield is out. You could pick 1 frame of reference and declare it stationary, and explain everything in terms of the increasing distances that force carriers must travel, but it's vastly simpler, both conceptually and mathematically, to call it time dilation. Do Objects Get More Massive When They Move Close To The Speed Of Light? Projectile fusion | First Light Fusion The light clock explanation may make time dilation look like an illusion that occurs in that particular circumstance, but if you stop and think about what time actually is, in every way that matters, it is the rate at which things happen. Read Niven and Pournells Footfall for an example of a situation where even if the closing object is vaporized the vapor will destroy the target. Next, how to accelerate the bullet? Nitrogen is a good candidate, but its boiling point may be too high for effective stealth. Why haven't we cured the common cold yet? Refuge: Book 6: The Last Battle is out on Amazon. On the other hand, even pieces of a destroyed missile could do immense damage to a warship. This "new hydrostatic equilibrium" only for remnant of ex-jupiter. All in all it seems like a lot of work for little return. However, maybe somehow there can be a material or a shape which can survive, or we imagine some sort of double-bullet with the first one carving out a passage for the second. The ball of plasma would probably be very diffuse, and if not it would soon be as it spread out. Unless they have some terminal maneuvering capability they can be dodged after they are seen. The largest power station in the world can produce 22 GW of power. If we increase the speed there will be a formula to show that 0.866 will decrease. This is one of the major advantages of the Speed Light Engine as it would reduce the launch cost by millions as fuel is one of the most expensive things for a space launch. All I know about it is that at near light speed the length of ship contract. Reddit - Dive into anything In part one of this entry I discussed the usefulness of beam weapons in far future space battles. 2022 Panini Luminance Light Speed Ink /99 Robert Smith #LSI-9 Auto Jan 7, 2017 #3 Steeve Leaf 40 2 What effects would a projectile on Earth fired with near the speed of To minimize air resistance the projectile will be shot straight up. When thinking about how feasible it is to destroy Jupiter, keep this in mind!). However, one inherent limitation of LFM is that the achievable lateral resolution degrades rapidly with the increase of the distance from the . What effects would a projectile on Earth fired with near the speed of Can I interpret logistic regression coefficients and their p-values even if model performance is bad? This number itself isn't bad, but considering the atrocious density of liquid hydrogen, some better coolant is needed. That flashlight will emit photons at the speed of light, or 299,792,458 m/s, and those photons will always travel at that same exact speed. They would again be best for close in combat, while the large KE weapon would be the ideal planetary bombardment weapon, and would be unsuited to ship to ship in most situations. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In the case of a direct impact, the core would likely be disrupted to some extent, if not torn apart. Increasing the velocity decreases the required mass, although the velocities involved end up being extremely high. Black hole blasted Earth with near light-speed jet of matter - study When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on Torpedoes are another weapon that is mentioned a lot in science fiction. After one second, the he will see the ship clock reading 1.866 sec behind his own ( the one sec being due to light propagation delay) after two seconds it will be 2.732 sec behind his, after three seconds it will be be behind by 3.598 sec, etc. If the ship will broadcast an image of a digital watch on the ship to Earth every time it completes orbit the difference between the clocks will stay the same 1 sec at 300000 km away. 2022 Panini Luminance - Light Speed Ink. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? $$U=\frac{3GM_J^2}{5R_J}\approx2.063\times10^{36}\text{ Joules}$$ GMS: NASA's Guide to Near-light-speed Travel What's the purpose of this vintage glassware? It just 0.9c impactor against Jupiter. Mean speed for hydrogen atoms(ions) at 100'000 K is around 62km/s, which above escape velocity 59.5km/s. In some stories the plasma is held in a magnetic field that keeps it together and possibly even moves it to track a target. 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