With no way to control the flow, the water level of Folsom Lake began to drop and drop and drop. Were associated more with steel, concrete, and earthwork. San Antonio is in the heart of flash flood alley in Texas, named because of the steep, impermeable terrain and intense storms we get. Lets take a look at how this works in the model. And we definitely dont want an unpredictable and misguided authoritarian leader to hold a major portion of Europes gas supplies hostage for political gains. MUST WATCH TO IMPROVE YOUR HYRO ENGINEERING KNOLEDGE, Engineering hydrology and the 100-year flood, Groundwater movement and the quick condition. Its nearly gone after just those three weeks, and that makes sense. Those curtailments will force farmers to tap into groundwater supplies which are both expensive and limited. I wiped the oil off with a paper towel, but no soap. In June of 2022, the level in Lake Mead, the largest water reservoir in the United States formed by the Hoover Dam, reached yet another all-time low of 175 feet or 53 meters below full, a level that hasnt been seen since the lake was first filled in the 1930s. Im Grady and this is Practical Engineering. One of my favorite authors Randall Munroe has a quote that says "You can look at practically anything man-made around you and know that some engineer was frustrated while they were designing it." Instead they would have to disconnect customers to reduce demands down to manageable levels. But, because of earths magnetic field, the maximum amplitude occurs a little bit south of ground zero (in the northern hemisphere), creating this pattern called a smile diagram. As of this videos production, the invasion of Ukraine is ongoing and future international relations between Russia and most of the developed world are unlikely to improve any time soon. You can see that steel sits near the bottom of the galvanic table, meaning it is less noble and more prone to corrosion. This creates a pressure differential across the model so water flows from left to right through the sand. Settlement is a cheap and efficient way to remove a large percentage of contaminants from wastewater, but it cant remove them all. Like domestic wastewater, making a fermented beverage starts with a liquid full of dissolved nutrients that we want to convert into something better. By midnight, the shuttle was over the bridge and crews were working to reconnect the SPMTs so that the journey could continue. Ill coat one side of all four samples using this epoxy product, leaving the other sides exposed. One will serve as the control, and the other as a demonstration. Nearly every aspect of modern society depends on a reliable supply of electricity, and maintaining this reliability is an enormous technical challenge. They look like paint on the surface, but their real purpose is to provide a physical barrier between the metal and the environment, reducing the chance that it will come into contact with oxygen and moisture that lead to corrosion. Were you just doing it on the weekends? And at least one study has estimated that the past two decades have been the driest period in more than a thousand years for the southwestern United States, leading to a so-called mega-drought. Dams and reservoirs are one solution to this tremendous variability in natural water supply. Natural gas compressors dont have power, so they cant send fuel to the plants. In fact, its just a drop in the bucket. Im Grady and this is Practical Engineering. Videos on the channel are posted in the categories Lifestyle, Technology, Hobby . In fact, brewers work pretty hard to keep equipment clean and sanitized so that bacteria cant colonize the brew. Relays are sophisticated instruments that monitor the grid for faults and trigger circuit breakers when one is detected. Its still possible that in those dry years, you wont have a lot of water stored for the summer, but youll still have more than zero, meaning your supply has a firm yield, a safe amount of water you can promise to deliver even under the worst conditions, roughly equal to the average flow rate over the course of a dry year. Then the area was cut off to the east. The USGS estimated that the Yellowstone River exceeded the 500 year flood stage nearly all the way to Billings, wreaking havoc on the communities along the river. It is hosted, written, and produced by civil engineer, Grady Hillhouse. Most states require that lift stations and treatment plants have backup power supplies or enough storage to avoid overflows during an outage, but usually those requirements are for short-term disruptions. Late in the morning of April 28, 1958, the USS Boxer aircraft carrier ship was about 70 miles off the coast of the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. This is an open-source project, so you can contribute features yourself, but its also really fun if you just want to play a few rounds. This probably doesnt need to be said, but alarms are important in grid operations. Plus a person with a shovel isnt that useful when you have a tracked excavator on site that can do the work of 20. Treatment plants usually do this in two steps, but the pool cleaner Im using in the demo does both at once. Practical Engineering Online Class | LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com It takes a curved path, following the direction of the bend. These crawlers were used to lift the table segments where the bridge superstructure connects to the approaches. The overall rating is calculated using the average of submitted ratings. In addition to the regional councils, there were smaller reliability coordinators who performed the day-to-day grid management and oversaw each control area within their boundaries. Still, despite operators preventing a total collapse, the 2021 power crisis was one of the most expensive and deadly disasters in Texas history. The reason these tiny soil particles remain suspended without settling is that they carry an electrical charge. Hasty engineering of large infrastructure can be extremely damaging to natural systems like those in Yellowstone, and you dont want to invest millions of dollars into repairs that might be subject to similar flooding in the future. Finally, its often no simple matter to simply reapply a coating system because many structures are difficult to access and disruptive to shut down. The flow of groundwater is described with a fairly simple formula known as Darcys law. Yeah. You can just push on it, forcing the bit through the soil. But you know, I started, I think, about three or four months before the exam. It doesnt make it taste any different, but it does look a lot nicer. That's the direction I want the channel to go. Grady Hillhouse: Yeah. Corrosion is one of the number one ways that infrastructure deteriorates over time, so cathodic protection systems are an essential tool for keeping the constructed environment safe and sound. But, the project didnt only improve the habitat along the river. Instead it had to be entered manually, and it took a bunch of phone calls and troubleshooting to realize this in both cases. A common situation is that an aquifer exists at an angle to the ground surface. The worst part about sewage is the nutrients it contains. You know, you probably bring a unique perspective to stuff as well. Engineers compare the relative costs and benefits of design decisions from start to finish to meet project requirements, protect public safety, and do so with the limited available resources. Make sure you subscribe to catch them all. In today's episode, were talking about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. In March of 2018, a pedestrian bridge at Florida International University in Miami collapsed during construction, killing six people and injuring ten more. The Beaver River in Oklahoma had historically averaged around 30 cubic feet or nearly a cubic meter per second of flow and the river even had some major floods, sending huge volumes of water downstream. This is a tank full of salt water, a bubbler to keep the water oxygenated, and a few bolts made from different materials. This is due in large part to the fact that there were already roadway contractors working on other projects when the floods happened. Finally, I included two types of stainless steel, created by adding large amounts, sometimes as much as 10%, of chromium and nickel to steel. Instead, the shuttle zigzagged its way between the trees on its way to the Science Center. Grady Hillhouse, better known online as Practical Engineering, is an American YouTuber and civil engineer best known for his engineering videos, he currently resides in San Antonio, Texas. Our guest for this episode is Grady Hillhouse, a professional . Much of the controversy surrounding mask mandates and stay-at-home orders was provoked by the disconnect between what we could reliably measure and the reality of the pandemic on the ground. The water from the secondary treatment process, called mixed liquor, flows up through the center of the clarifier and slowly makes its way to the outer perimeter, dropping particles that form a layer of sludge at the bottom. The primary design error identified in the analysis was that the original engineer had assumed that the pile cap, that concrete slab between the tower and the piles, was perfectly rigid in the calculations. Construction on the project forged ahead through most of this shakeup with steady progress on both of the approach bridges that lead to the main span. Today, were talking about sewage lift stations. That said, it makes sense for people to have some personal preparations for long-duration power outages too, and you can find recommendations for supplies to keep on hand at FEMAs website. Of all the structural metals in use today, most applications in infrastructure consist of mild steel (just plain old iron and carbon). So I'm a practicing transmission engineer, so that one kind of perked my ears up. With no remaining connections to the Cleveland area from the south, bulk power coursing through the grid tried to find a new path into this urban center. But thats not as easy as it sounds. The gamma rays released during any nuclear detonation collide with electrons, ionizing atoms and creating a burst of electromagnetic radiation. Compare me dropping a pebble to a handful of sand. So its no surprise that misconceptions abound around water below the ground. A public health emergency, nearly 80 lawsuits (many of which are still ongoing), government officials fired and in some cases criminally charged, and upwards of 12,000 kids exposed to elevated levels of lead all resulted because of poor management of corrosion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08mwXICY4JM, How Do Sinkholes Form? People in the control room dont just sit and watch the voltage and current levels as they move up and down over the course of a day. . Of course, nearly every state in the US has different rules, and even cities and counties within the states can have requirements for overweight vehicles. It will come as no surprise to you that we build a lot of stuff out of metal. Thats the trick that wastewater treatment engineers use as the first step in cleaning wastewater. By around noon on Saturday (36 hours into the move), the Shuttle had reached one of the most challenging parts of the route: Crenshaw Drive. This was a hobby of mine. An operator with a joystick walked alongside the whole assembly, controlling the move with the help of a team of spotters all around the vehicle. Corrosion can happen in crevices, pits, or between individual grains of the metals crystalline structure. Settlement isnt only used for wastewater treatment. And there are both some interesting privacy implications and some really fascinating applications on the horizon. The dam is an earth embankment 120 feet (or 37 meters) high and over 3 miles or 5 kilometers long. Its 1% below nominal. You see, Endeavor is about 122 feet (37 meters) long with a 78 foot (24 meter) wingspan, and with 58 feet (18 meters) to the top of the vertical stabilizer during transport. The application process leading up to the award and the planning and engineering that quickly followed were largely an exercise in logistics. Theres a lot of uncertainty right now with how the conflict will end and what the world will look like when the dust settles. Jeffrey O. Grady is the Owner of JOG System Engineering, a consulting and teaching company, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of California, San Diego. The shuttles permit wouldnt allow it to be carried over the bridge using the four heavy SPMTs. Grady Hillhouse: But yeah. An alternative to simply ramming the bit through the soil is to use a downhole hydraulic motor. And if it doesnt return to the nominal frequency within 9 minutes, the relays trip! Instead of flowing all the way downstream, now some of the seepage flows up to and through the drain, and you can see this in the streamlines of dye flowing in the subsurface. it would serve very well as a reference book for classrooms and the school library. It works like a centrifugal pump with a spinning impeller, but it also features a grinding ring consisting of sharp blades and small openings. So Grady, where can people connect with you? Im Grady and this is Practical Engineering. In fact, many lightning strikes are more powerful than those that could be generated by high-altitude nuclear detonations. Correct me if you find something better, but I think this might be the highest quality time lapse video of corrosion that exists on the internet. Cycles of freezing and thawing are absolutely devastating to almost every part of the constructed environment. Recognizing the need for improvements to their aging infrastructure, the City embarked on a plan to install a new pipeline to carry sewage from the Coral Ridge Country Club pumping station across 7 miles (or 12 kilometers) to the Lohmeyer Wastewater Treatment Plant. As they heat up, they expand in length and sag lower to the ground between each tower. After that, I combined both sands to create a gray mixture, and well see what happens when we put it into a column of water. It also weighs a lot, around 180,000 pounds (80,000 kg), about as much as a large aircraft. You dont need a civil engineer to tell you that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (or the whatever the metric equivalent of that is). But even though the orbiter was decommissioned after its final launch in 2011, it had one more mission to complete: a 12 mile (or 19 kilometer) trip through the streets of Los Angeles to be displayed in the California Science Center. Through this pipe, drilling fluid is pumped to the end of the string. The smooth and dirty sample was, as expected, the worst of them all. Im here at the Flood Control Tunnel Inlet Park, one of the best-named parks in the City if you ask me. I make videos on YouTube about engineering. It seems simple enough, but each one took about three weeks to complete. Even before widespread tests for the virus were available, many public health agencies were sampling the wastewater in their communities as a way to track the changes in infection rates over time. Pulling away the support, the wall of my borehole doesnt stand a chance. The EPRI report actually subjected digital relays to strong EMPs to see what the effects would be. Construction on the New Harbor Bridge project started in 2016 with an original completion date of 2020. To demonstrate this, I can set the left boundary level a little higher than the one on the right. Its the least noble metal on the galvanic series by a long shot. This was a 24/7 operation and some of these pipelay vessels could complete 3 kilometers in a day. Waterfalls here and here. A nuclear detonation is unwelcome in nearly every circumstance. That doesnt mean they arent possible, though, so its wise to be prepared. That's a big challenge. But even though we have more sophisticated ways to treat wastewater before discharging it into streams and rivers, theres one thing that hasnt changed. Because you can go into the woods on engineering. It can recharge in one location, but becomes confined by a less permeable geologic layer called an aquitard. Even if you can get people to the valves, switches, pump stations, and tanks to help with manual operations, they might not know under which parameters to operate the system. After all, John Glenn did make it safely to space, became the first American to orbit the earth, and came back with no issues on those two million parts provided by the lowest bidders. Dams take advantage of mother natures topography to form simple yet monumental water storage facilities. The first thing to go was the alarm system designed to notify operators when equipment had problems. Fermentation of an alcoholic beverage - the process where sugars are converted to ethanol - works a little bit differently. These pipelay vessels were floating factories employing hundreds of workers each, and the Nord Stream 2 project had up to 5 working simultaneously. And so, things like the Edward Tufte's books about visual communication and ways to display quantitative data. The channel was -- It's been a slow evolution. Of course, the other kind of preparedness is our ability to restore service to a collapsed power grid and get everyone back online as quickly as possible. Even though youd never know theyre there, some combination of drains and cutoffs were probably installed to keep the structure (and the people around it) safe and sound. Pumping, cleaning, and disinfecting water to provide a safe source to everyone within a city is a power-intensive ordeal. Turns out a box of sand can show a lot of different phenomena in construction and civil engineering. Theres no question that the samples with cathodic protection lost much less material to corrosion over the duration of the experiment. There are a lot more steps that follow in a typical wastewater treatment plant, but in addition to being the first step of the process, settlement is also usually the last one as well. But, this method doesnt work for deeper wells. Public health officials were constantly on the lookout for more indicators that could help inform decisions and manage the spread of disease. Practical Engineering - YouTube If youre a public health researcher or public official, that is a remarkable capability. Isaac Oakeson: That's awesome. The final reaming is combined with the installation of the pipeline. You know, share my excitement, my passion for that topic with the whole world. Its pretty gloopy stuff, so it gets used in cosmetics and even winemaking, but its also the most common constituent in drilling fluids. Sometimes a jet nozzle at the tip of the bit sprays drilling fluid to help with drilling progress. Im Grady and this is Practical Engineering. Barring any major issues, it is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2024 and will probably now beat the Corpus Christi project. Operators in the FirstEnergy control room had no idea it happened. Some engineering achievements are visibly remarkable. Electricity is not just a luxury. You probably know what happens when you move a magnetic field through a conductor: you generate a current. Practical Engineering has an estimated net worth of about $1.49 million. By adding a screen, youve traded pump maintenance for another kind of maintenance: removing and hauling away debris. After all, we build parks (and roads to parks) to get closer to the natural environment and all its wildness, and theres almost nothing more natural or wild than a flood. You can even get galvanized rebar for concrete structures, and there are applications where it is worth the premium to extend the lifespan of the project. That's really kind. I just worked on a video until it was done, and then I published it. The contractor used four Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (or SPMTs) to support and move the shuttle. Of course, you dont get a monthly rust bill. But once it reaches a wastewater treatment plant, we need to find a way to separate the water from its inhabitant wastes so it can be reused or discharged back into the environment. Some reservoirs are built simply to provide cooling water for power plants. Geek_Dude, GeekTechStuff"A plain explanation of every day engineering . Let me know if I should try to license this design for my merch store. I mean, it was always a balance of the free time after work and on the weekends. San Antonio actually has a second system that takes recycled water from sewage treatment plants and delivers it to golf courses, parks, and commercial and industrial customers throughout the city. The bridge will feature 3 lanes of traffic each way plus a bicycle and pedestrian shared use path with a belvedere midspan that will give intrepid ramblers an impressive view of Corpus Christi Bay. Nearly 80% of US households are served by a municipal wastewater collection system, so you can get a much more comprehensive picture of a population for just the cost of a laboratory test. The former has the sole purpose of decoration. In fact, HDD necessarily uses a curved alignment to enter the earth, travel below a roadway or river, and exit at the surface on the other side. Even ignoring our own direct use of it, almost everything we depend on in our daily lives, and indeed the orderly conduct of a civil society, is undergirded by a functioning electrical grid. Once the sewage reaches a prescribed depth, a pump turns on, pushing the wastewater into a specialized sewer pipe called a force main. Sources/References: Megaprojects like this are immensely complex, and their design and construction rarely goes off without at least a few complications. But luckily, YouTube is a fairly forgiving platform. But, it doesnt mean there arent challenges and fragilities in our power infrastructure today. When the COVID-19 pandemic was just getting started in early 2020, every major city, state health department, and federal agency involved built out data dashboards you could access online to check case counts and trends. We have new videos posted every first . But eventually I got there and got my civil engineering degree. It can be extremely difficult for a normal citizen to know what they stand to gain or lose from a project like this. That afternoon, FirstEnergy was struggling to maintain adequate voltage within their area. Under normal conditions, there are pumps that can recirculate river water through the tunnel, keeping things from getting stagnant and providing a fresh supply of water to flow through the downtown riverwalk. Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Most of our complicated infrastructure systems like oil and gas pipelines, public water systems, and the electrical grid are operated using SCADA - networked computers, sensors, and electronic devices that perform a lot of tasks automatically if they have power. The U.S. Steel Tower, the tallest building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was famously designed to incorporate corten steel in the buildings facade and structural columns. This is a simple example because the pressure changes linearly through a consistent material, but any change in these conditions can add a lot of complexity. Obviously, as a civil engineer, its something I think a lot about, and over the past 6 years of reading emails and comments from people who watch Practical Engineering, I know that parts of heavy construction are consistently misunderstood. Making Infrastructure Relevant to Millions: Meet Grady Or, if I had already taken the exam, I would just go through the questions and learn how to solve each one, and then take another practice exam and do it again. The science is still relatively new, and there are lots of confounding variables to keep in mind. But having everyone interconnected is a vulnerability too, because if things go very wrong, everyone is affected. From time to time we all see engineering failures such as a power outage, sink hole in the street. And trust me, you dont want us anywhere near the cab of a crane or excavator. I called it engineertoentrepreneur.net. Thats a lot of useful information that can be used to monitor public health, but one particular wastewater constituent took center stage starting in early 2020. And even if they can get there, they might not know what to do. Nov 22, 2022. His book [Engineering in Plain Sight] is the perfect extension of this unique skill set. A lot of times I'll run ideas by her and kind of, since she's not an engineer, she has kind of a layman's perspective on these topics. Entered manually, and maintaining this reliability practical engineering grady an earth embankment 120 feet ( or ). Through a conductor: you generate a current to this tremendous variability in natural water supply do Sinkholes Form drop... If things go very wrong, everyone is affected prone to corrosion over the duration of the free time work! Step in cleaning wastewater simple formula known as Darcys law, so its surprise! Modern society depends on a video until it was done, and I. 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