Steroid Sulfatase (STS) Deficiency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The site of the pain in tennis elbow is where some tendons from your forearm muscles attach to the bone around your elbow. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Additional fees for cell culture and maternal cell contamination may apply. Extracted DNA, dried blood spots, and saliva are also accepted for this test. Saliva samples must be submitted in an approved saliva kit. Privacy Policy. Quantification of individual glycosaminoglycans -chondroitin sulfate (uCS), dermatan sulfate (uDS), heparan sulfate (uHS), and keratan sulfate (uKS)- is performed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.,,At least 3 ml of a random catch sample of urine is needed for MPS urine monitoring.,Urine samples should be frozen after collection. If an abnormal methylation pattern is identified, then pyrosequencing is performed to quantify the methylation at these sites. FISH is also utilized to confirm microdeletions identified during high resolution chromosome analysis and to aid in identification of abnormal chromosomes.,Fluorescence in situ hybridization,,FISH can be performed on any specimen that can be cultured for chromosome analysis. Death generally occurs within the first year of life due to cardiac and respiratory failure. Greater than 95% of patients are expected to have a detectable sequence variant.,The preferred sample type is 3-5 ml of peripheral blood collected in an EDTA (purple top) tube. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,Prenatal testing may be available in cases where one parent is known to have an expanded allele. The diagnostic laboratories at Greenwood Genetic Center are named to honor the Centers co-founder, Harold A. Taylor. Demonstration of deficient enzyme activity is considered the gold standard to confirm the diagnosis. Do not freeze the specimen. Do not freeze the specimen. Interstitial and terminal chromosome deletions and duplications greater than >300 kb ,The specimen should be kept at room temperature and delivered via overnight shipping. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. All novel and apparently pathogenic changes are reported when found within the coding region as well as within 10 basepairs of each intron/exon boundary for each gene. Extracted DNA, dried blood spots, and saliva are also accepted for this test. ,The specimen should be kept at room temperature and delivered via overnight shipping. Contact the laboratory prior to sending a prenatal specimen.,,Acylcarnitine Profile,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. FISH is also utilized to confirm microdeletions identified during high resolution chromosome analysis and to aid in identification of abnormal chromosomes.,,,FISH can be performed on any specimen that can be cultured for chromosome analysis. ,FISH: Fluorescence in situ hybridization is a molecular cytogenetic technique in which fluorescently labeled DNA probes are hybridized to metaphase spreads or interphase nuclei.,,FISH can be performed on any specimen that can be cultured for chromosome analysis including amniotic fluid.,Amniotic Fluid: Specimen should be kept at room temperature; do not freeze or refrigerate. The severity, location, and treatment for these pains will vary depending on what is causing them. Novel and apparently pathogenic changes are reported when found within the coding region as well as within 10 basepairs of each intron/exon boundary for each gene. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Syndromic conditions that include the potential for aortic dysfunction include the following: Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, congenital contractural arachnodactyly, Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome, and arterial tortuosity syndrome. Cystic fibrosis is the commonest cause of finger clubbing in children. First aid ppt component GAGs and can be used a monitoring tool for patients with Sly syndrome (MPS VII).,83864 x2,14 days,,,$300 ,Sly syndrome, or mucopolysaccharidosis type VII, is a lysosomal storage disorder resulting from deficient enzyme activity of beta-glucuronidase. ,The specimen should be kept at room temperature and delivered via overnight shipping. Secondary findings genes are excluded from this analysis unless indicated by the patients phenotype.,Depending on the patients clinical features and the initial testing, the lab has identified the causative variant in 10-50% of cases analyzed by QUICK Analysis. Syndromic Autism,Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome,Cowden syndrome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,If the pathogenic mutation(s) are identified in an affected individual using this panel, prenatal diagnosis is available for future pregnancies. Contact the lab to receive a saliva kit or to have one sent to your patient. Additional fees for cell culture and maternal cell contamination may apply. This test will detect deletions on chromosome 17 associated with Smith Magenis syndrome. Several treatment sessions may be needed. Age of onset varies with infantile, late-infantile, juvenile and adult-onset forms of the disease with younger ages of onset typically associated with a more rapid progression of symptoms. The following findings WILL NOT be reported for prenatal specimens: Tennis elbow; NICE CKS, November 2017 (UK access only). If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Patients with the severe, infantile form of Krabbe disease will typically present by 3-6 months of age with rapidly progressive neurodegeneration, muscle rigidity, seizures, irritability, vomiting, and blindness and/or deafness. We recommend further array-based testing to more accurately address the concerns of dosage alterations. Hurler/Hunter Syndrome (MPS I/II): Urine Monitoring (Total GAGs, DS, HS),Quantitative total glycosaminoglycans can be used to monitor patients with any MPS disorder in combination with the specific components listed below. Vision loss, developmental delay, ataxia, intellectual disability, and early death are also common within the group of NCLs. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,Prenatal diagnosis is available if the familial mutations are known. Maternal cell contamination studies are required for all prenatal molecular tests. Contact the laboratory prior to sending a prenatal specimen.,,CytoScan Xon Microarray: 2-10 Genes,Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy: DMD Deletion/Duplication MLPA,QUICK Analysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ACTC1; ACTN2; BAG3; CASQ2; CRYAB; CSRP3; DES; DMD; DOLK; DSC2; DSG2; DSP; DTNA; EMD; GATAD1; GLA; JUP; LAMA4; LAMP2; LDB3; LMNA; MYBPC3; MYH6; MYH7; MYL2; MYL3; MYOZ2; MYPN; NEBL; NEXN; PKP2; PLN; PRDM16; PRKAG2; PTPN11; RAF1; RBM20; RYR2; SCN5A; SGCD; TAFAZZIN; TCAP; TMEM43; TNNC1; TNNI3; TNNT2; TPM1; TRDN; TTN; TTR; VCL, Dilated & Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy,Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia,Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy,Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation,Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia,Left Ventricular Noncompaction 1,Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy,Fabry Disease,Atrial Septal Defect 5,Danon Disease,Laing distal myopathy,Scapuloperoneal myopathy,Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy,Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome,LEOPARD Syndrome,Noonan syndrome,Familial Atrial Fibrillation,Brugada syndrome. ,The preferred sample type is 3-5 ml of peripheral blood collected in an EDTA (purple top) tube. Hepatomegaly Medical News Today Patients with Sanfilippo syndrome experience delayed development with a progressively deteriorating mental status. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,If the pathogenic mutation(s) are identified in an affected individual using this panel, prenatal diagnosis is available for future pregnancies. Leber Congenital Amaurosis NGS Panel,This sequencing panel of 24 genes intended for patients with a diagnosis or clinical suspicion of Leber Congenital Amaurosis and is performed by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).,81479,8 weeks,,,$3,000 ,Leber Congenital Amaurosis, or LCA, is characterized by severe visual impairment usually present at birth or within the first 6 months of life. Maternal cell contamination studies are required for all prenatal molecular tests. Biochemical Testing,Biochemical Testing, Enzyme Panels,Biochemical Testing, Enzyme Panel. Contact the laboratory prior to sending a prenatal specimen.,,Comprehensive Cardiac NGS Panel,CytoScan Xon Microarray: 2-10 Genes,QUICK Analysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ABCC9; CACNA1C; CACNA2D1; CACNB2; GPD1L; HCN4; KCND3; KCNE3; KCNH2; KCNJ8; PKP2; RANGRF; SCN1B; SCN2B; SCN3B; SCN5A; SLMAP; TRPM4. Additional specimen types include: saliva and extracted DNA.,Amniotic fluid should be kept at room temperature; do not freeze or refrigerate. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,Prenatal diagnosis is available if the familial mutations are known. We avoid using tertiary references. Do not freeze the specimen. Go toyour nearest A&E department if you think you've dislocated your shoulder. For newborns and small infants, 2-3 ml of blood in a sodium heparin, green top is acceptable. Any new medical information should be reported to the lab upon request for reanalysis. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,If the pathogenic mutation(s) are identified in an affected individual using this panel, prenatal diagnosis is available for future pregnancies. In addition, cardiac arrest may be triggered by exercise, so sudden death in young athletes has been reported with this condition. While not necessarily painful, this lump must be treated by a doctor to avoid further muscle injury. Mutations and variants identified on the panel are confirmed with Sanger sequencing. The preferred placental tissues are fetal membranes or chorionic villi. Mutations and variants identified on the panel are confirmed with Sanger sequencing. Prenatal testing will be considered on a case-by-case basis as the lab would like to ensure there is an appropriate indication before accepting a prenatal specimen for testing. Additional fees for cell culture and maternal cell contamination may apply. The most common genetic cause of neonatal cholestasis is Alagille syndrome which is characterized by dysmorphic features, cardiac defects, kidney abnormalities, pancreatic insufficiency, and skeletal changes. Follow collection and transport guidelines specific for each tissue type. Oligosaccharides are analyzed liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Full coverage: 21,844 Saliva samples must be submitted in an approved saliva kit. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Behavior and sleep problems are common as well as coarse facial features and stiff joints. He presented to the accident and emergency department next morning where head x ray revealed no fractures. ,The specimen should be kept at room temperature and delivered via overnight shipping. Large deletions and duplications will not be detected by this panel. Contact the laboratory prior to sending a prenatal specimen.,,CytoScan Xon Microarray: Single Gene Analysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Samples with allele sizes of less than 55 repeats are reported out in approximately 7-10 days. PEX1; PEX10; PEX12; PEX13; PEX14; PEX16; PEX19; PEX2; PEX26; PEX3; PEX5; PEX6; Phenylketonuria: PAH Sequencing,PAH sequencing is a molecular test used to identify variants in the gene associated with Phenylketonuria.,81406,2 weeks,,,$1,000 ,Phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Fishhook Injuries. FISH is performed upon request when a specific numerical or structural abnormality or microdeletion is suspected. Pain relievers: Taking Extracted DNA, dried blood spots, and saliva are also accepted for this test. It should be noted that the current protocol is not specifically designed to detect copy number alterations and single exon deletions may require additional follow-up to determine whether or not they represent technical artifacts. This testing will detect approximately 50% of cases of Russell-Silver syndrome. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Two weeks post surgery, it's pretty good. Focused exomes may have low coverage for certain exons, genes, or regions included in the request given the nature of an exome platform. Parental samples are recommended to accompany prenatal specimen. Skin findings are one of the most consistent clinical features, and these can include the following: hypopigmented macules such as ash-leaf spots or confetti lesions, facial angiofibromas, shagreen patches, and ungual fibromas. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Contact the lab to receive a saliva kit or to have one sent to your patient. Studies requested should be indicated at the time of sample submission. Supporting your arm with a sling while you make your way there may help reduce the pain. Contact the laboratory prior to sending a prenatal specimen.,,Biotinidase Deficiency: Biotinidase Enzyme Analysis,CytoScan Xon Microarray: Single Gene Analysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. This biochemical analysis of alpha-neuraminidase-sialidase enzyme activity can be used as a 1st tier test for patients with a clinical suspicion of Sialidosis In addition, it can be used to clarify molecular findings in the NEU1 gene. Trinucleotide repeat expansions are one genetic cause for SCA with SCA 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 accounting for ~60% of dominant ataxias in North America. Coarse features Changes in the HNF4A and HNF1B genes are responsible for at least 5% each with alterations in the remaining genes contributing to a small percentage of affected individuals. At-home remedies provide recovery in many cases. In addition, it can be used to clarify molecular findings in the SGSH gene and to monitor patients undergoing treatment. Contact the lab to receive a saliva kit or to have one sent to your patient. Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase II Deficiency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Samples collected on Friday can be safely designated for Monday delivery.,Prenatal diagnosis is available if the familial mutations are known. Samples can be mailed at ambient temperature.,,,,Lysosomal Storage Disease Enzyme Panel,Lysosomal Storage Disease Enzyme Panel (DBS),Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) Enzyme Panel,Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) Enzyme Panel (DBS),Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) Urine Analysis (Total GAGs, DS, CS, KS, HS),Oligosaccharide Urine Analysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Individuals with mutations in SLC22A5 will usually have biochemical findings of low plasma carnitine and elevated urine carnitine. Other than possible macrocephaly, patients appear normal at birth. Additionally, a specific phenotype has been identified in males with a MECP2 duplication that is identifiable by MLPA. These indications may include the following: abnormal ultrasound findings; abnormal NIPT result; family history with a known/identified genetic etiology; heterozygous sequence variant in a recessive gene that matches the prenatal phenotype with no second alteration identified. Additional fees for cell culture and maternal cell contamination may apply. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Suicidal Thoughts or Threats. For dried blood spot collection, a minimum of three circles need to be filled in. If plasma has been separated and frozen, send frozen via overnight shipping, preferably on dry ice. The Cytogenetic Laboratory at GGC offers a high resolution microarray to complement the sequencing. This biochemical analysis of Arylsulfatase B enzyme activity can be used as a 1st tier test for patients with a clinical suspicion of Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPSVI)/Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome. We recommend further array-based testing to more accurately address the concerns of dosage alterations. Infantile Sandhoff disease typically results in death by age three. Citrullinemia type I exhibits a broad clinical spectrum. Other patients may exhibit a milder later-onset form of the disorder, and others appear to be asymptomatic., Molecular testing is useful to confirm the diagnosis and to identify the disease causing mutations within a family to allow for carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis.,Sanger Sequencing,,The preferred sample type is 3-5 ml of peripheral blood collected in an EDTA (purple top) tube. Comprehensive Cardiac NGS Panel,This panel of 108 genes is intended for patients with a diagnosis or clinical suspicion of inherited cardiac disorders and is performed by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Additional specimen types include: saliva, extracted DNA, and solid tissue. Greenwood Genetic Center ,The specimen should be kept at room temperature and delivered via overnight shipping. Symptoms of a pulled calf muscle can depend on the severity of the injury. Chromosome Analysis, High Resolution (Blood),High resolution chromosome analysis requires the use of elongation methods to obtain a high percentage of prophase and prometaphase spreads. Patients with AGAT deficiency show a low plasma GAA level while patients with GAMT have an elevated GAA level.,82540, 82542,2 weeks,,,$148 ,Both AGAT and GAMT are autosomal recessive disorders and are characterized by intellectual disability, speech delay and epilepsy. Extracted DNA, dried blood spots, and saliva are also accepted for this test. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Cerebellar testing: Limb ataxia (finger-nose-finger and heel-shin tests on both sides). If sending direct fluid for microarray only, 10-20 ml of amniotic fluid is requested. You must specify which condition is clinically suspected. Amniotic Fluid and CVS: Specimen should be kept at room temperature; do not freeze or refrigerate. This panel of 22 genes is intended for patients with a diagnosis or clinical suspicion of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and is performed by next generation sequencing. In addition to detection of copy number variations (CNVs), this SNP array also allows for the analysis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) which can be useful in identifying uniparental disomy (UPD) as well as autozygosity (identity by descent). Duplications involving the PAR1/SHOX region on Xp/Yp Behavior and sleep problems are common as well as coarse facial features and stiff joints. This analysis can detect the following abnormalities: This analysis can detect polyalanine repeat expansions and frameshift non-polyalanine repeat expansions within the second polyalanine repeat region. PTEN-Related Disorders: PTEN Sequencing,PTEN sequencing is a molecular test used to identify variants in the gene associated with PTEN-related disorders including Cowden syndrome and Bannayan-Riley Ruvalcaba syndrome..,81321,6 weeks,,,$1,200 ,PTEN mutations are associated with autism/macrocephaly and PTEN-related hamartoma tumor syndromes.,Molecular testing is useful to confirm the diagnosis and to identify the disease causing mutations within a family to allow for carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis.,Sanger Sequencing, Sequencing of the PTEN gene can detect mutations in: First Aid. Individuals present with a typical facial appearance, including a long narrow face and prominent narrow jaw, down-slanting palpebral fissures, frontal bossing, malar flushing and a sparsity of hair in the frontotemporal region. If shipment is delayed by one or two days, the specimen should be refrigerated and shipped at room temperature. Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy NGS Panel,This panel of 86 genes is intended for patients with a diagnosis or clinical suspicion of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy and is performed by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).,81404 x 2, 81405 x 2, 81406 x 2, 81407, 81479,8 weeks,,,$3,500 ,The panel consists of 86 genes associated with early infantile epileptic encephalopathy. There may help reduce the pain in tennis elbow ; NICE CKS, November 2017 ( UK only. Then pyrosequencing is performed upon request when a specific phenotype has been identified in males with a MECP2 that... Will detect approximately 50 % of cases of Russell-Silver syndrome fibrosis is the commonest cause finger... Not be reported for prenatal specimens: tennis elbow ; NICE CKS, November 2017 ( UK only. For dried blood spots, and saliva are also accepted for this test typically results in death age... Of dosage alterations Taking extracted DNA, dried blood spots, and saliva are also accepted for test. 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