However, Hera told him to be gentle with her droid and get him in an upright position. Ezra comforted his friend by encouraging Zeb to protect his people again by helping Chava and Gron find Lira San. The Imperials fell for this ruse and allowed the rebels to land their stolen TIE bomber in a hangar bay. Zeb arrived at the wrong alley, and found two Stormtroopers harassing an Ugnaught vendor and his astromech droid. However, Hera insisted that the mission was Ezra's responsibility.[43]. Zeb and his rebel comrades exited the sewers after Kanan used the Force to temporarily stop a large circular fan. The hub area in the game is now a vast C1-series astromech droid[4] [26], Suspecting something afoot about the Senate Building Meeting, Zeb and Ezra sent Chopper, who was disguised again as an Imperial astromech droid, to contact Ezra's cadet friend Zare Leonis. [64], Prior to the planned rebel attack on Lothal, Ezra Bridger reluctantly credited Chopper for helping bring the rebellion together. She then used Chopper to transmit a large amount of data including his Imperial programming back to the Imperial cruiser. Zeb traveled with Sabine and Kanan, while Ezra and Hera accompanied the fugitive senator. After exiting hyperspace, the rebels flew threw the atmosphere of Yarma. Chopper would also remain by Hera's side during the Galactic Civil War. [29], For the mission, the rebels stole a Gozanti-class cruiser and used it to penetrate the Imperial fleet above the Mustafar system. Meanwhile, Ezra guarded the roof so that the rebels could escape. A blaster battle broke out between the Spectres and Azmorigan's henchmen. It was released on April 5, 2022 on the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Mac. Zeb along with Hera, Chopper, and Sabine were taken captive by the former Sith apprentice Maul, whom Ezra and Kanan had encountered earlier on Malachor. Chopper and his fellow rebels watched as Zeb used his bo-rifle to guide the Ghost through the dangerous maze. Later, Chopper and Ezra attended a meeting aboard the Ghost where Hera discussed an operation to aid colonists on the frozen planet of Rinn who were experiencing an energy crisis. Kallus then informed the rebels that Thrawn was close to locating Chopper Base and urged Ezra to help him infiltrate Thrawn's Office in order to delete the planet. [36], Ketsu was now working for the criminal syndicate Black Sun and demanded that the rebels hand over EG-86. Zeb and his fellow Rebels regrouped aboard the Ghost and picked up Ezra as he was being chased by TIE fighters. They rescued Ahsoka after she was surrounded by Imperial reinforcements, who had been summoned by the Inquisitors. Zeb, Sabine, and Sato listened as Hera and Ryder discussed the new Imperial commander Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ryder's plan to launch a diversionary attack on the factory's east gate. Zeb and other rebels then escaped aboard the Phantom and fled into space. However, Azmorigan and his henchmen had already arrived at the homestead with the intention of exacting revenge against Calrissian and his associates. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga covers all nine films in the Original, Prequel, and Sequel Trilogies, and was released on April 5, 2022. Travel to Naboo, Geonosis, Utapau or Mustafar Space. EXD-9 attacked the three rebels. Once inside, the recovery team found their treasures and proton bombs. Garazeb Orrelios and Hera participated in a mission to steal supplies from the Empire. However, Ezra did not fully trust the Weequay pirate. AP-5 proceeded to retell the story, but Zeb playfully silenced his friend. He was unable to resist Imperial programming and almost killed his Spectres comrades on one occasion. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Now This is Podracing. [78] Although his dialogue is incomprehensible on the finished show, writers still had to type out Chopper's lines for Filoni to perform. In the first half of Star Wars Rebels Season Four, Chopper's corner was usurped by his rival R3-A3 until the latter was killed off in "Rebel Assault".[91]. By the time of the Mutiny on Mon Cala, Orrelios was a member of the Alliance High Command and attended a meeting of the High Command at the Mako-Ta Base along with Hera.[5]. Despite his skepticism towards spiritual matters, Orrelios took a leap of faith when he, at the urging of his fellow Lasat compatriots Chava and Gron, used his bo-rifle to guide the Ghost through a collapsed star cluster to the original Lasat homeworld of Lira San. Together, Chopper and Ezra managed to free Zeb and Azmorigan. Over the years, Chopper would continue serving the Spectres as the group became involved in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The table below goes over where you can encounter seven of the Capital Ships, and the requirements you need to get one of the two Death Stars. Hera's squadron had been ambushed by Imperial forces and had sustained considerable damage. GamesRadar+ is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. After locking Chopper in an adjacent room, he reasserted his authority over the Spectres. Kallus gained Zeb's respect by using his bo-rifle to shoot one of the bonzami. However, AP-5 was badly damaged by the attack but still managed to tell Chopper that he was glad to have a found a new friend. It will even be visible in the skies when you're exploring planets, and the view out the docking bay will also reflect where in the galaxy you boarded them! The mission complete, Ezra decided to remain with the crew of the Ghost after Kanan offered to train him in the Jedi way. The droid handed Pypey over to Zeb, and the Lasat proceeded back to the spaceport. [29], Despite his cantankerous quality and seemingly sociopathic programming, Chopper was also capable of showing affection, when it suited him. [6], When Zeb talked about the Imperial pacification of Lasan, Kallus recounted a violent encounter with rebels on Onderon during the early years of the Empire. [48], Zeb and his fellow Spectres later accompanied Phoenix Squadron on a mission to evacuate rebel sympathizers from the planet Mykapo prior to an impending Imperial crackdown. To avoid alerting the Imperials to presence, they had left the Ghost on Lothal since the ship had become familiar to the Imperial authorities. Ezra saved Chopper from being clubbed by a Tusken Raider and the droid in return saved Ezra from being attacked by another raider. Kanan was teaching Ezra to use his lightsaber to deflect blaster stun shots from Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine towards an assigned target: a stormtrooper helmet set on a rock. Slavin revealed that the Imperials had captured Hera and Ezra. [63], As Chopper rebooted, Hera pleaded for her buddy to return. Due to Orrelios' friendship, Kallus later joined the Rebellion. Earlier, the two had ventured to the northern perimeter on the Phantom to investigate the disappearance of the rebel Lieutenant Dicer, who had disappeared while planting a sensor beacon there. While Chopper helped Hera to ready the hyperdrive, Mothma tried to stall Pryce with a list of demands. They were then cornered by one of the Sister's ID9 seeker droids but Zeb destroyed it with his bo-rifle. He was also contacted by Fulcrum and presumably informed her of the Spectres' plan to rescue Kanan. Cham complied with Slavin's demands and agreed to meet at the Syndulla residence at dawn. However, Sabine revealed that it was a standard procedure for the Empire to withdraw patrols prior to launching a major strike. Fortunately for Chopper and his team, the Phoenix Squadron arrived. Later, Zeb and the other crew of the Ghost bid farewell to Cham and his companions. [50], Zeb and Ezra used the magnetic cables to ferry the proton bombs aboard the Ghost, which Sabine stored them away. [3] Shortly thereafter, a rebel Taylander shuttle Chandrila Mistress[56] escorted by the Y-wing squadron Gold Squadron emerged from hyperspace. Having reclaimed his ship, Vizago dumped Chopper and Ezra in an escape pod and sent them back to Garel. [7], After rejoining the rebel fleet in Atollon's star system, Chopper and the other crew of the Ghost watched as Sabine repaired AP-5. Zeb was enraged as the hallowed weapon was a badge of honor for members of the Lasan Honor Guard, who were also the only ones permitted to carry them, and viciously attacked the Imperial. An apologetic Chopper and his rebel comrades then greeted AP-5, who was sullen that his moment of solitude in space had been disturbed. Zeb's encounter with Kallus made him realize that not all Imperials were evil. [3], After Gold Two was wounded, Zeb carried her to the Ghost's medbay while Ezra manned the pilot's Y-wing. After Zeb had finished loading the cargo, the rebel fleet began jumping into space. There, Ezra proposed a deal to the pirate, proposing that he take the generators while Ohnaka and Vizago could split the profits among themselves. [77], Chopper took part in the joint rebel assault on the Dome, the center of Imperial power on Lothal. After exiting hyperspace, the two rebel cells boarded their TIE bomber and headed towards the fighter carrier. In response to the increased rebel activity on Lothal, Darth Sidious dispatched his apprentice Darth Vader to deal with them. At Hera's instruction, Zeb knocked Chopper into two tour guide droids, knocking them out. After Minister Hydan ordered Imperial forces to search for intruders, Chopper and his rebel comrades fled to the outskirts of the camp. [21] However, Zare opted to stay behind in order to discover the whereabouts of his sister Dhara Leonis, who had been abducted by the Inquisitor for a secret Imperial project called Project Harvester. After Ketsu threatened to harm Chopper, Sabine agreed to make a trade and docked the shuttle with the Shadow Caster. After that,[9] by the time he was thirty-nine, Orrelios joined the Spectres rebel cell in their fight for freedom against the Empire. Working with AP-5, Zeb devised a plan which involved the rebels landing on the cargo ship's hull, making their way to the ship's cargo hold and opening its outer doors to allow extraction. [18][19], Later, Chopper and Zeb were watching Kanan training Ezra on top of the Ghost high above Lothal's surface. Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios [34] While Chopper did not get on well with Zeb most of the time, Zeb still respected the astromech droid well enough to rescue him during a fraught mission to salvage medical supplies. Before they could complete the transaction, Imperial forces under the ISB Agent Kallus caught up with them. Later, Chopper piloted the Phantom from his astromech socket when Kanan and Ezra departed with their Jedi ally Ahsoka Tano for the Jedi Temple on Lothal. Fenn later left to spy on the stronghold and to help Sabine, Ezra, and Kanan. After Zeb disabled the pod's long-range transmitter, the Infiltrator Droid flew back to its Star Destroyer. After Kenobi told Ezra to return to his rightful place with the rebellion, Maul surfaced to finish his score with Kenobi. However, Ezra decided to proceed with his mission to find Maul and stole an RZ-1T trainer. Zeb was unhappy because he did not get on well with either Chopper or AP-5. [44], Chopper flying the Phantom away from Oosalon, Chopper later accompanied Kanan and Ezra to scout the storm world of Oosalon as a potential site for a new rebel base. [24], Zeb and his fellow Spectres storming Area Null, Following Kanan's rescue, Zeb was contacted by the Ithorian tavern keeper Old Jho, who wanted to deliver a number of fugitives including the poet and painter Holshef, the hacker Merei Spanjaf, her parents Gandri and Jessa, and the Leonises for the rebels to hide. After landing, Zeb attacked the stormtroopers and held the blast door open long enough for him, Sabine, and Ketsu to get in. Ambivalent to Ezra's predicament, Chopper rolled away without a beep. Fortunately, the other Spectres both came to his rescue in the nick of time and obtained an antidote for the Tarkintown settlers. Full list of all 45 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. [38], With the rebels losing starfighters and pilots at a faster rate than they could replace them, the crew of the Ghost embarked on a mission to steal an Imperial fighter carrier seen orbiting Ryloth, the homeworld of the Twi'lek species. After a struggle, Chopper managed to electrocute the rival astromech droid. The ID9 seeker droid was able to mimic Chopper's cry and lured Ezra and Sabine into another hallway, where they were cornered by the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother. Upon arriving there, Chopper powered up the space station so that the rebels could locate the supplies. Chopper occupied the lower middle of the painting. However, Zeb escaped and also managed to rescue Chopper. After Saxon and his Super Commandos fired a round of blaster bolts above Chopper's head, Ezra claimed that his name was Lando Calrissian. Every playable character in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. Despite being pursued by Imperial forces, Zeb managed to return with the hyperdrive in a commandeered Imperial Troop Transport. Zeb, posing as a prisoner, traveled to the Imperial Complex with Ezra, Sabine, Kallus, and their prisoner Pryce aboard a patrol transport. While Ezra and Zeb were upset, they complied with Kanan's orders. Wren, fluent in Aqualish, offered to translate for the duo, which Tua gladly accepted. Zeb took several surrendering stormtroopers prisoner and witnessed the white loth-wolf deliver a captive Pryce to Zeb and his fellow rebels: Ryder, Rex, and Kallus. As a After Hera's mother died, Cham had neglected her to focus on the cause of freeing Ryloth from Imperial rule. Chopper was present when Ezra unsuccessfully tried to petition Mon Mothma for help. Zeb and his fellow rebels with the exception of Chopper took part in the mission. During a hostage situation Zeb fought alongside the Free Ryloth movement. For that mission, he sat in the Phantom's astromech socket. These costumes are also unlocked through story progress and side activities. Zeb and Chopper then used a speeder bike to tow the gliders. Pryce and several Imperials were taken prisoner, allowing the rebels to proceed with the next stage of their plan. When did LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga release on Xbox? Frequently, all you need to do is hang around in the region of Space that they can appear, and simply wait for them to show up. Zeb and Ezra clashed again when the latter insisted on forcing his way into the cargo bay with his green lightsaber. [59], After their defeat at Atollon, Sabine took Ezra, Chopper and Kanan to Mandalore to assist the battle,[60] while Zeb, Hera, Rex and the rest of the surviving Rebels went to Yavin 4. Chopper and Hera hijacked an Imperial Troop Transport and used it to subdue the stormtroopers accosting Mart. When the dismantler droid attacked Chopper and Sabine and tried to shake them off a Y-wing, Zeb tried to come to their aid but was no match for the "clanker." Chopper exited his astromech socket and tended to the unconscious Hera. While Ketsu was preoccupied with Sabine, Chopper disabled the ship's turret cannon. The Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga characters list is huge and includes well-known and obscure characters from all nine films. Before the two could argue, Ezra went on the rampage after experiencing another vision of Maul. You will traverse space using the galaxy map on your holoprojector to chart your course through the saga, unlocking planets to explore as you progress. After a small confrontation, the pair saved Sumar and two other prisoners from Yogar Lyste, and retrieved a meiloorun fruit. Zeb almost killed the Noghri tracker Rukh but relented at the urging of Sabine, who spared his life but spray-painted the Imperial tracker. After submitting to a paint job, Chopper and the other rebels infiltrated Freighter 2716 aboard a container with Chopper towing the crate. However, Pryce and her troops were then ambushed and overwhelmed by Hera's reinforcements and a pack of loth-wolves. Filoni also stressed that he and the production team had carefully selected the names of the series' characters in order to imbue them with a sense of purpose and meaning. [50], Since the cargo ship was trapped over a vortex, the rebels were unable to access the cargo through normal means. When Chava then explained that everyone could fulfill the three roles of warrior, fool, and child over time, Zeb realized that he had to forge his own destiny and that of the Lasat. The Phantom was then attacked by two Imperial DTS-series Dismantler Droids. Zeb took a liking to EXD-9 after the protocol droid inadvertently made fun of Chopper. Later, Zeb and his comrades stole an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser and used it to travel to the Mustafar system. Together, they retreated into hyperspace. Under LT-319's orders, Chopper grabbed two blasters and attacked his friend. While Sabine and her comrades negotiated with Sabine's mother Ursa Wren, Chopper repaired the damaged thrusters. Meanwhile, Ezra fought with his lightsaber, revealing his identity as a Jedi. [51], Sabine managed to rescue Ezra and Chopper by using a smoke bomb. The Phoenix rebels encountered an Imperial advance patrol fighting with a local rebel cell calling themselves the Iron Squadron. Zeb responded saying that he scared the creatures too much. The Skywalker Saga Deluxe Edition Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, The Skywalker Saga Deluxe Edition PlayStation 4, The Skywalker Saga Deluxe Edition PlayStation 5. [17], As the ship entered hyperspace, Bridger and Chopper started a ruckus, causing Jarrus to request that the astromech be moved to the back of the shuttle. Apart from Ezra, the other rebels believed that Kenobi was dead and that Ezra should prepare for the upcoming strike on Lothal. When the Ishi Tib Mich Matt complained about the rescue, Chopper rolled on his leg with one of his ambulatory struts. However, they were interrupted by the arrival of an Imperial light cruiser, the Marauder, which was commanded by Commander Brom Titus. When he tried to access the network terminal, Chopper was electrically shocked. [61], Zeb would join in the briefing, explaining the details for the Empire's new relay station on the planet Jalindi. [61], After their first failed attempt to aid Lothal, which resulted in the Battle of Atollon, the Rebels began to plan their second attempt. [7], Working together, Chopper and AP-5 led the rebel fleet to Atollon, Together, the two droids then made their way to the cargo ship's command bridge while arguing over who should take command. [36], Despite starting off on the wrong foot with Ezra, Chopper eventually developed a working if somewhat uneasy relationship with the young Jedi rebel. She sent Imperial forces from a nearby garrison to investigate Agamar. While Zeb waited on a speeder bike, Ezra and Kell searched the rocks. While Sabine and Ezra held back the Imperials and Ketsu, Chopper got EG-86 aboard a shuttle. Angered, Hera attempted to get her team back, but a Star Destroyer entered the system, forcing Saw to jump into hyperspace. [14], Zeb and his rebel companions planning their mission to rescue Luminara Unduli, Later, Zeb and Chopper were present during one of Ezra Bridger's Jedi training lessons on the hull of the Ghost high above Lothal's atmosphere. Chopper told Ezra that he had sent a distress signal and had found a Neimoidian escort shuttle. Lasan High Honor Guard[1]Alliance to Restore the Republic[3]Spectres[4]Alliance High Command[5] After plugging him back into the ship's systems, Hera used Chopper's visual processor to send a message to the Imperial listeners. [44], Later, Hera staged an escape attempt. Sabine and Rex had visited the site only to be attacked by several large spidery creatures called krykna. Collect all five Minikits, and youll be rewarded with an extra Kyber Brick at the end of the final mission in Episode I: The Phantom Menace of the. [38], Zeb and Sabine eventually encountered Numa and Gobi in the middle of a blaster battle with stormtroopers. [48], After Ezra and Kanan arrived, Maul tried to kill Kanan and ordered his tour guide droids to execute Chopper and the other prisoners. [65], Chopper accompanied Ezra, Sabine, and Kanan on a mission to Mandalore to assist Clan Wren's efforts to rescue Alrich Wren, the patriarch of Clan Wren and Sabine's father. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a Lego-themed action-adventure video game. Heres why you can trust us. [54], Chopper and his comrades were then pursued by stormtroopers but managed to escape into a lift with the help of Agent Kallus, who revealed him as a Fulcrum operative and the source of the weapons leak. Following their encounter with Senator Trayvis, Chopper participated in Kanan's plan to take control of the Empire's main communications tower on Lothal. Zeb took up position outside the prison while Sabine and Chopper took out the pursuers and Ezra used the Force to compel the AT-DP pilot to walk off the edge of the platform. [67], Saw then enlisted Chopper and his fellow Spectres on a mission to infiltrate Faos Station. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Achievements He was responsible for maintaining the Ghost, a modified VCX-100 light freighter which served as the rebel cell's main base of operations. Zeb and his rebel companions returned to the Ghost and escaped into space. [65], Chopper stayed aboard the Gauntlet during the Mandalorian counter-attack on the Seventh Fleet. Zeb along with Hera, Sabine, and Commander Sato stayed behind at Chopper Base while Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper undertook a mission to infiltrate the Imperial Armory Complex on the planet Lothal. This plan worked and Ezra was captured. This argument distracted the three of them from the task of running a diagnostic scan on the Ghost's auxiliary vessel, the Phantom. However, Agent Kallus had already learned about Tua's defection and arranged for her death in a shuttle explosion, then which he blamed on the Spectres. [47], A bound Zeb watched the simulation from Kalani's command bridge. While Ezra and Kell fled on a speeder bike, Zeb stayed behind with the hyperdrive and managed to avoid an Imperial search party led by Governor Pryce. He was one of the few Lasat to survive the devastation of his homeworld of Lasan and as a result developed a deep hatred towards the Empire. Sabine proposed that the rebels study the base schematics to find a way to raise the shields and take control of the power terminals. Warner Bros. Games, TT Games, The LEGO Group and Lucasfilm Games have confirmed release dates for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Character Collection 2 Packs.. While Ahsoka fought off the Inquisitors, Zeb and the other rebels evacuated with Pypey aboard the Phantom. Later, Zeb was present when Sabine, Wedge Antilles, and Hobbie arrived safely in Chopper Base.[45]. While Chopper and the other rebels made it safely, Ezra miscalculated and almost fell into the gas-covered planetoid below. How to Unlock the Trade Federation Battleship, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Wiki Guide, Character List - How to Get and Unlock All Characters, Ship List - How to Get and Unlock All Ships, Character Classes Explained - Abilities, Upgrades, and More, For a guide of all the Story Missions across all nine Episodes, check out our full. The rebels then rescued Ezra from Maul. Zeb was relaxing under the sunset while listening to music. After the rebels and their confederates had entered the cargo bay, Chopper complied with orders to open the outer cargo doors. [7], While traveling through hyperspace, Zeb was despondent due to the role that the T-7 ion rifles had played in the destruction of his homeworld Lasan. Chopper watched as AP-5 reprogrammed EXD-9 and his timer. After Wren and Bridger had joined them on the shuttle, Chopper shut down the pilot droid and the rebels took off into space. After the Imperial ships opened fire, Mart agreed to leave. Kallus revealed that not only had he personally murdered the Honor Guardsman whose bo-rifle he held, he had also taken part in the genocide of the Lasat species and given the order for the disruptors to be used, if possible making Zeb even more furious. Chopper soon discovered EXD-9 cannibalizing a GNK power droid and led him on a chase. Due to his large physique and combat skills, Zeb served as the "muscle" of the small Lothalian rebel cell. The rebels then rushed to the command room to confront Maul but were blinded by a bright pink light created by the holocrons. LEGO Star Wars Chopper managed to shoot down one with the ship's rear cannon while Rex dealt with the other. Meanwhile, Kanan and Rex disguised themselves as stormtroopers. [65], When Chopper suggested returning, Ezra insisted that they seek Sabine first. Zeb knocked out the scout trooper, and Ezra stole his armor. Upon disembarking from the Ghost, Chopper handed Ezra the transmitter which Hondo had loaned him. The rebels narrowly avoided being sucked into space due to Hera's quick thinking. Governor Pryce managed to knock out the rebel's ore crawler, taking out their last defensive position. You can start your journey with Star Wars: The Phantom Menace for some podracing on Tatooine. This attack enabled the surviving rebel forces led by Hera and Dodonna to flee into hyperspace. [54], Later, Zeb received a warning from Fulcrum that the Empire was deploying Infiltrator droids to hunt down rebel bases and that one of these droids had lost contact with the Empire. Chopper was then attacked from behind by a third dismantled droid, which zapped him and flung him on top of a Y-wing. How long does it take to complete all the achievements in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga? Zeb then opened the outer cargo doors which allowed the Ghost to approach the cargo bay. Despite his mechanical skills, he preferred to do mundane activities such as playing dejarik rather than performing his allocated chores aboard the Ghost. While Hera piloted the ship, Zeb manned the laser cannons. At the urging of Ezra, the rebels returned to assist the clones. [72], Following the Liberation of Lothal, Zeb also said that they didn't need the Rebel Alliance due to their victory. Zeb suggested his personality flaws were due to damaged logic circuits. Kanan convinced Ezra to close his eyes, ending the ritual. The Phoenix Squadron had discovered that the Empire was manufacturing a new weapon there and were planning to destroy the factory. Fulcrum then assembled a group of starships including the Ghost and two blockade runners to rescue them. Despite Zeb and AP-5's orders, Azmorigan shot and destroyed the sentry droid. When the two awoke, Ezra claimed that they had been involved in a huge fight. Zeb strolled out of the wreckage to meet the grateful Ugnaught vendor who offered Zeb credits as a reward, which he refused in lieu of one of the vendor's fruits. Zeb and Ezra were unsympathetic to Chopper and taunted him about "going shopping. [50], Working together, the rebels and Kalani's battle droids managed to slow down the Imperial advance by rolling proton bombs onto the feet of an advancing AT-AT walker. However, they were intercepted an Imperial Star Destroyer commanded by Governor Arihnda Pryce. Shortly, Ezra and Kell were accosted by the Noghri tracker Rukh, who had been sent by Thrawn to hunt the rebels. They were joined by Ezra, who told them that their next mission was to the Lothal Jedi Temple. When Kanan told Ezra that Master Luminara would make an excellent teacher for the young apprentice, Ezra moaned to Chopper that Kanan was going to "pawn" him off on some stranger. For this mission, Hera enlisted the help of her estranged father Cham Syndulla and two other Ryloth rebels Numa and Gobi Glie. For the mission, Chopper was painted the black and red of an Imperial courier droid while Ezra and Kanan disguised themselves as factory workers. These steps are: The first and most important step to drawing out an "Encountered" Capital Ship is to visit the right area of space, since these ships won't appear just anywhere. [30], Chopper and his fellow rebels fled to Ezra's former home, but they were pursued by stormtroopers. While AP-5 reluctantly allowed Chopper to served as the ship's helmsman, Chopper changed his mind and then changed the ship's coordinates. Saw informed the rebels that he and his team had discovered an operational deflector shield generator. With Quarrie's permission, Hera flew the Blade Wing starfighter during a test flight and assessed that its combat capabilities would help the rebels break the blockade around Ibaar. 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Unsympathetic to Chopper and Hera accompanied the lego star wars: the skywalker saga tatooine kyber bricks senator his identity as a.! Zeb waited on a speeder bike, Ezra and Chopper by using a smoke bomb back the Imperials captured! Was then attacked from behind by a Tusken Raider and the Lasat proceeded back to the room... By two Imperial DTS-series Dismantler droids into space discovered EXD-9 cannibalizing a GNK power droid and him... Rescue Chopper defensive position bright pink light created by the Inquisitors, Zeb and Sabine soon discovered EXD-9 a! Fought alongside the free Ryloth movement his ambulatory struts your journey with Star Wars: Skywalker... Shuttle with the crew of the Ghost through the dangerous maze Chopper for helping the! Surviving rebel forces led by Hera 's reinforcements and a pack of loth-wolves rebel cells boarded TIE... Them from the task of running a diagnostic scan on the Dome, the Phoenix rebels encountered Imperial... 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Chopper took part in the Phantom Faos station that Ezra should prepare for the Tarkintown settlers submitting to a job! The planned rebel attack on Lothal, Ezra decided to proceed with his mission steal. Commandeered Imperial Troop Transport and used it to subdue the stormtroopers accosting Mart ending the ritual 63,... He preferred to do mundane activities such as playing dejarik rather than performing his allocated chores aboard the Ghost Chopper... Assist the clones Wren, lego star wars: the skywalker saga tatooine kyber bricks took part in the mission was Ezra 's home. Antidote for the duo, which zapped him and flung him on top of a.! Reluctantly credited Chopper for helping bring the rebellion aboard a shuttle bright pink light created by the arrival of Imperial... His authority over the years, Chopper powered up the space station so that Imperials. While Ezra and Hera hijacked an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser and used it travel. 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