. What If Snape Died? Severus Snape had just died. What If Snape Died? That much is canonical fact. His double life played an extremely important role in both of the Wizarding . "snape was a death eater" that's true. After graduating from Hogwarts, Snape joined the Death Eaters and helped to facilitate Voldemort's plans. I don't think he was emotionally mature enough for a relationship, and I can't imagine Death Eater Snape having anything other than a short fling. In the most poignant symbol of his eternal, unrequited love for Lily, Snape's Patronus was a doe—just like hers. Answer (1 of 17): 1. Note: Voldemort has set his snake, Nagini, upon Snape, and he bleeds to death, but not before giving Harry an essential memory to explain his past and his true allegiance. You weren't. Who: Harry Potter; Source: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows In the movie, Snape was killed by Voldemort and Nagini at the Boathouse, an underground harbour at Hogwarts, though in the movie it was an . Snape in 1980. Severus knew the moment was upon him, and when Dumbledore quietly asked him to fulfil his vow, Severus killed him with an Avada Kedavra. In fact, some fans (including myself) speculate that Snape's Worst Memory was the day James finally decided to turn over a new leaf, so to speak. File:Screen shot 2011-11-11 at 9.23.18 PM.png. Thus, Snape had nothing to stop him from joining the Death Eaters as he planned . J.K.Rowling revealed in 2007 that Severus Snape was the only Death Eater who could cast a Patronus. . He was often picked on by the Marauders, who he had a deep hate . he was a DE very briefly when he was very young, and was largely pressured into it and joined bc he felt he had nowhere else to go. Death Eaters and a Patronus Charm. As the books reveal by and by, the fact that she made the . Why Did Snape Become A Teacher? He looks into Harry's eyes, which are just like his mother Lily's, whom Snape loved, before dying. Firstly, because he had to keep a promise he had given Dumbledore earlier. Snape and Lily's friendship, as unlikely as it was, endured for years even as they were . I would never describe Snape as a lover of children, so why did he choose to be a teacher instead of hawking his potions on Diagon Alley? James silently wondered if . celebrities who wear wigs in real life. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a student from 1971-1978 and was sorted into Slytherin. were partial to them too. Aside from Voldemort, Snape was the seemingly evil contrast to Harry. You weren't. Who: Harry Potter; Source: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Severus Snape's original Patronus was a silver doe. "I will know if any harm comes to him." "Thank you, my Lord," Lily says. Snape was already a Death Eater. Actually, he didn't want to kill Dumbledore but he had to do it. Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960 - 2 May, 1998) was a half-blood wizard who was the son of the witch Eileen Snape (née Prince) and Muggle Tobias Snape.During his lifetime, Severus Snape was Potions Master (1981-1996), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (), and Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (which he attended as a student from 1971 until 1978). He is also known to be a Death Eater but after Voldemort started hunting James Potter and Lily J. Potter, the woman Snape had loved since he was a child, he asked Albus Dumbledore to find a safe place for the Potters to hide because he knew Voldemort wanted . After Lily died, Snape was smashed. were partial to them too. Chapter 1 - A Different Beginning . 10 Peter Pettigrew Betrayed His Friends In The Name Of Power. after graduation. If Voldemort had murdered the one-year-old along with his parents, Snape would have no reason to live. 2. He promised Snape that he would give Lily a chance to live. A Patronus is a magical form of hope and happiness and it will come to the caster when it senses his or her truest feelings. Cedric Diggory Killed in Harry Potter and The Goblet of fire killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders. It was only when Snape realised Lily was in danger that he sought Dumbledore's protection, and turned himself in. He, Severus Snape, had put her straight in the path of her worst enemy. Igor had named Snape a Death Eater, but Dumbledore defended Snape, claiming that even though Snape was indeed a Death Eater, he changed sides before Voldemort's downfall. If I'm not mistaken Mucliber cursed Mary MacDonald at school and Mucliber was one of Snape's friends. Snape is the Half-Blood Prince who had a habit for writing nasty spells in his potion's book. In the book, the Shrieking Shack was used by Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters as a hideout. "1. 10. There's no doubt that Dumbledore took advantage of Snape's guilt over Lily's death by . He was also member of the Order of the Elementals and played a very important role in both of the Wizarding Wars against Lord Voldemort . When Snape comes to Dumbledore for help, the headmaster is quick . Snape's original patronus was a doe. Severus Snape, once Lily Evan's close friend, is now a death eater, fighting and spying for Voldemort. Even by Death Eater standards, Snape was a prodigy at dark magic and was the only thing he really liked lea. Nowhere it's stated that he ever changed it, and nowhere it's stated that Lily had a doe as a . The day before the wedding, Dumbledore had informed them that Pettigrew had been killed with other Death Eaters, participating in a muggle attack. He only sent flowers to her grave. This led to Snape developing anti-Muggle feelings as seen by his reactions with Petunia and Lily. Lily's last words were an ardent request to the Dark Lord to let her little boy live. "I suppose I should get on this train. . He was well-placed in Voldemort's ranks. Just before the end of this episode, Dumbledore tried to convince people about Voldemort's return. During his lifetime, Severus Snape was Potions Master (1981-1996), Defense Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster (1997-1998) of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (which he attended as a student from . So obviously Lily was not impressed with James in fifth year, and she was not impressed . He is one of the supporting characters from . 5. "You'd better hurt me." . She died at her home in Godric's Hollow trying to protect infant Harry, whom Voldemort was hell-bent on murdering. James and Lily Potter killed by Voldemolt while trying to save harry before the 1st book. But as he attempts to cut off the Death Eater's hand, he accidentally severs George Weasley's ear. . Chapter 1 - A Different Beginning . After thinking about Lily and how she would meet her son soon, he saw a train. J.K. Rowling would later reveal that Snape was the only Death Eater who could conjure a Patronus. Snape's early childhood remembrances appear before him - starting in 1969, the first meeting of the lonely . While acting as a Death Eater, he overheard Trelawney's prophecy. In early 1980, Snape eavesdropped on an interview for Divination Professor between Sybill Trelawney and Albus Dumbledore at the Hog's Head Inn. "Not a Dark Mark. Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960) was a half-blood wizard who was the son of the witch Eileen Snape (née Prince) and Muggle Tobias Snape. The fourth member of the Marauders, Wormtail was a member of the Order of the Phoenix before defecting to the dark side and joining Voldemort's Death Eaters. We think that Snape and Lily may have still been friends in the beginning - even if Snape had not fallen in love with her. . He arrived to find Draco, backed up by several Death Eaters, including Bellatrix, holding a clearly moribund Dumbledore at wandpoint. Snape chose to become a Death Eater and that is a fact that cannot be argued. It was only after death that Harry understood Snape's sacrifices for himself and the Order of the Phoenix, and that Snape was the "flaw in the plan" that would help him destroy Voldemort. In Sirius's bedroom at the Black house, Snape takes the things that Harry couldn't find - the second page of Lily's letter to Sirius, and the half of the picture with her in it . After what seemed like hours, or maybe just seconds, the train . Professor Severus Snape (January 9, 1960 - May 2, 1998) was a half-blood wizard who was the son of the witch Eileen Snape (née Prince) and Muggle Tobias Snape. Snape is the one that relayed the prophecy to Voldemort that would eventually lead to the death of both of Harry's parents. 2. There, Voldemort ordered Nagini to kill Snape, while Harry, Hermione, and Ron watched from their hiding spot (they were covered by the invisibility cloak). After Lily died though, I can't see him wanting any of it. Alice and Frank Longbottom and James and Lily Potter. If you think about it, Snape and Lily have been friends since pre-Hogwarts and Snape was always in love with her. Fred Weasley died In Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Killed by Death eater Augustus Rockwood while fighting in the final battle. Snape became a Death Eater-Despite the way J.K Rowling portrays Slytherins in the books, not all Slytherins are evil and, not all Slytherins are Death Eaters. Yes, he is a reminder of everything that Snape could have had with Lily, but lost the moment he aligned himself with the Death Eaters. He believed that Snape was the rightful owner of the Elder . A Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Snape is hostile to Harry due to his resemblance to his father James Potter.According to the series, James bullied Snape during their time together . And he was the bravest man I've ever known." -- Harry Potter's high opinion of Snape. Okay we ALL know that Snape joined the Death Eaters and that he gave Voldemort the prophecy about Harry and Neville, and that he defected after Voldemort decided on targeting the Potters. Severus Snape was an English half-blood wizard serving as Potions Master, later Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, and Headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater. What was Snape's original Patronus? Then he had begged for Lily's life. Mai 2022. shooting on colfax today. Snape was redeemed by Harry Potter. He had panicked and had asked for a private audience with the Dark Lord. One of them was a Slytherin. par | 6 fold square brochure mockup | His double life played an extremely important role in both of the Wizarding Wars against Voldemort. We think that Snape and Lily may have still been friends in the beginning - even if Snape had not fallen in love with her. During that attack, Snape sees a Death Eater try to kill Lupin. Lily looks at Voldemort sharply. No, because they broke up in fifth year, which is when Lily was NOT interested in James romantically. Throughout his adult life, Snape was working as a double agent as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and one of Voldemort's most trusted Death Eaters. Does this make him a better person than Dumbledore? Answer (1 of 11): No, he stopped being a real death eater about a year before Lily was killed. James silently wondered if . Death Eaters were supposed to be completely devoted to Voldemort and his malicious cause, so it's hard to understand why Snape would willingly join when Voldemort stood for everything that Lily was against. A sign of my protection." The little snake tattoo slithers down Harry's neck and along his shoulder. So, Snape killed Dumbledore but he didn't cause his death. "A Patronus is used against things that the Death Eaters generally generate, or fight alongside," she wrote in 2007. His hunger for power led him to betray his longtime friends, James and Lily Potter, who died while protecting their son from . Severus Snape (9 January, 1960 - 2 May, 1998) was an English half-blood wizard serving as Potions Master (1981-1996), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster (1997-1998) of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater.His double life played an extremely important role in both of . Lily Potter's death practically set in motion the wheels for the entire series. When Yaxley proved instrumental in the coup, Voldemort gave the seat of the Head of. James and Harry would've died that night and on top of that Lily was a muggleborn she might've been killed some other way, maybe by Snape's other Death Eater friends. Severus Snape is a character from J.K. Rowling's fictional book series Harry Potter.Snape is the Potions master at Hogwarts in the series. She wraps the child in the Cloak and puts him in Voldemort's arms. Snape's father was a Muggle who was abusive to him and his mother. Knowing that the flowers were from him, Remus Lupin could have just thrown them away. He looks into Harry's eyes, which are just like his mother Lily's, whom Snape loved, before dying. But some backstory that is only provided in J . Lily Evans, the girl he'd had a crush on since he started at Hogwarts, was the Head Girl. Snape, of course, is the Death Eater in question. . That's why Snape's Patronus easily transformed into the form of a doe. In fact, the majority (if not all) went on to become Death Eaters. . Severus Snape is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. what did snape say to harry when he died what did snape say to harry when he died. He grew . He was handed a reason to live, and live he did. Because Albus only split from Grindelwald AFTER his sister Ariana was killed. He knew it because he awoke in a room that was not the Shrieking Shack. Snape is unable to tell the real reason, namely that he loves her, but ultimately he remains silent, and they break off their friendship because he won't give up his Death Eater beliefs for her, and eventually Lily would die without ever knowing how Snape felt. Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960- 2 May, 1998) was a half-blood wizard serving as Potions Master (1981-1996), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster (1997-1998) of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater. Severus Snape was headmaster of Hogwarts during Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness. He relayed this to Voldemort, who interpreted it to mean Harry, and by extension, Lily. We can believe that if Snape hadn't developed any romantic feelings for Lily, a wedge would have been driven between them . We can believe that if Snape hadn't developed any romantic feelings for Lily, a wedge would have been driven between them . "You'd better hurt me." It should take me wherever I am supposed to go", said Snape. By comparison to being a Death Eater, Snape's nasty attitude toward Harry pales, and can be chalked up to a combination of grief, rejection and justified distaste for Harry's father, and Snape's . . And there has been a LOT of debate on why he joined and what he did, but this is a different question (or at least I hope it is). He taught her about the Wizarding World before they went to Hogwarts. Death Eater Severus Snape sent a message to Albus Dumbledore to meet him on a lonely windswept hilltop in late 1980 so he could warn him that Lily Evans Potter and her child were in danger of being attacked by Voldemort (DH33). While at Hogwarts he was sorted into Slytherin house. Lily….the only person he loved. Snape was a Death Eater. it's quite like how troubled teens in the muggle world end up falling in with gangs bc they feel-" Much to his relief, and surprise, the Dark Lord had granted him the audience. But since he was a Death Eater, he couldn't even attend her funeral and tell her one last goodbye. Lastly, as confirmed by JK Rownling, if Lily would not have died, Snape would not have stopped being a death eater. As well, it was an act of mercy, as Dumbledore was already dying, from the curse he received because of the Ring. Alan Rickman, best known as the scowling Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films, died of cancer Thursday at age 69. Severus Snape, also known as the Half-Blood Prince, is a major character in the Harry Potter franchise. So, by extension, it is requisite that you realise that every 'Heroic' or 'Good' action Snape has ever taken was a resultant of his guilt over CAUSING Lily . He is an exceptionally skilled wizard whose sarcastic, controlled exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish. Yet because Harry Potter was The Boy Who Lived, Severus Snape became The Death-Eater Who Loved. When he killed Dumbledore, he gave Snape the position of Headmaster, which helped Voldemort because Snape knew more than the others about Hogwarts, the staff, and students. 1. "Not a Dark Mark. "Albus Severus, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. When he was young he became friends with Lily Evans. But he is also his mother's son. In fact, the majority (if not all) went on to become Death Eaters. He would have died a traitor and a coward. That Dumbledore says "still in Lord Voldemort's employ" suggests to me that Snape was nearing the end of his days as a Death Eater because it was Voldemort's interpretation of the prophecy -- and Voldemort's ultimate refusal to spare Lily's life -- that caused Snape to turn against Voldemort and become a double agent for Dumbledore. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Severus Snape's memories reveal that he fell in love with Harry's mother Lily at a young age, even before they both attended Hogwarts. While Snape and Lily try to remain close despite their differences, Lily disapproves of Snape's friends — all of whom later become Death Eaters under Voldemort — while Snape can't stand James . the man who everyone always compares to Harry, who died fighting Voldemort, the dead hero, the unknown but beloved father - who is abruptly revealed to have been a very flawed teen, capable of nastiness which utterly shocks his more . he was. Originally making his debut in The Philosopher's Stone, he revealed his ambitious side as the titular main antagonist of The Half-Blood Prince. Lily Evans, the girl he'd had a crush on since he started at Hogwarts, was the Head Girl. the death of Harry and James doesn't matter as long as Lily remains safe. Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960 - 2 May, 1998) was an English half-blood wizard serving as Potions Master (1981-1996), Head of Slytherin House (1981-1997), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster (1997-1998) of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater. after graduation. Snape In The Last Four Episodes Of Harry Potter Series This is why it's so surprising that Snape ended up becoming a Death Eater in the first place. 13) Lily might have eventually fallen in love with Snape if it weren't for that whole Death Eater thing. Note: Voldemort has set his snake, Nagini, upon Snape, and he bleeds to death, but not before giving Harry an essential memory to explain his past and his true allegiance. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" Cause of Death: Voldemort killed Snape during the Battle of Hogwarts. He loved her so much that it was extremely hard for him to move on after her death. She wraps the child in the Cloak and puts him in Voldemort's arms. The Dark Angel. The day before the wedding, Dumbledore had informed them that Pettigrew had been killed with other Death Eaters, participating in a muggle attack. what did snape say to harry when he diedquilling tutorials/videos. His loyalty was debatable, but he was finally revealed to be on the side of good near the end of The Deathly Hallows, being unconditionally loyal to . Lily looks at Voldemort sharply. "I will know if any harm comes to him." "Thank you, my Lord," Lily says. A sign of my protection." The little snake tattoo slithers down Harry's neck and along his shoulder. He was a Death Eater but was secretly working for Dumbledore. Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960[1] - 2 May, 1998[2]) was a half-blood[3] wizard serving as Potions Master(1981-1996), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster (1997-1998) of the . Truthfully, Snape only became a teacher to protect Harry as penance for Lily's death. Severus Snape eventually joined the ranks of Lord Voldemort 's Death Eaters, and was the spy responsible for informing Voldemort about the prophecy foretelling his downfall.. Severus Snape was a consummate spy and he died a perfect spy's death: his cover intact, his final briefing delivered, remembering the woman he loved. He probably lived alone all those years, my guess is because of a lack of interest and also deliberately not to find joy as a way of atoning. . The British actor, also known for his roles in "Galaxy Quest," "Die . 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